الأحد، 4 نوفمبر 2012

Brain and Heart

Brain and Heart

God has created for us the brain and the heart to thank him for all these graces and to think about the universe and God's creatures. So the brain contains over million of million nerve cells that work in a wonderful ord
er. The heart is a muscle that pumps blood to all the body parts, in it there is the center of mind, thinking and belief. To thank God for his graces, we have to use these graces in worship and thinking of Quran because this heart is a grace from God. As for those who don't read Quran, don't perform the prayers and are far from God, they don't understand what God says and we shouldn't be like them. God be he exalted says:

(They have hearts wherewith they understand not)

[Sûrat Al-A‘râf, verse: 179]
31Unlike ·  · 

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