الجمعة، 21 ديسمبر 2012


Daily Hadith in English and Arabic'sstatus.
23 minutes ago
Salim ibn Al-Ja’d reported: Jesus son of Mary, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Work for Allah and do not work for your bellies. Look at the birds coming and going; they neither reap nor plough, and Allah provides for them. If you say our bellies are larger than the bellies of birds, then look at these cattle, wild or tame, as they come and go, neither reaping nor plowing, and Allah provides for them as well. Beware of the excesses of the world, for the excesses of the world are an abomination in the eyes of Allah.”

[Ibn Mubarak, Az-Zuhd, Number 834]

عَنْ سَالِمِ بْنِ أَبِي الْجَعْدِ قَالَ قَالَ عِيسَى ابْنُ مَرْيَمَ اعْمَلُوا لِلَّهِ وَلا تَعْمَلُوا لِبُطُونِكُمْ انْظُرُوا إِلَى هَذَا الطَّيْرِ تَغْدُو وَتَرُوحُ لا تَحْصُدُ وَلا تَحْرُثُ وَاللَّهُ يَرْزُقُهَا فَإِنْ قُلْتُمْ نَحْنُ أَعْظَمُ بُطُونًا مِنْ هَذَا الطَّيْرِ فَانْظُرُوا إِلَى هَذِهِ الأبَاقِرِ مِنَ الْوَحْشِ وَالْحُمُرِ فَإِنَّهَا تَغْدُو وَتَرُوحُ لا تَحْرُثُ وَلا تَحْصُدُ وَاللَّهُ يَرْزُقُهَا اتَّقُوا فُضُولَ الدُّنْيَا فَإِنَّ فُضُولَ الدُّنْيَا عِنْدَ اللَّهِ رِجْزٌ

834 الزهد والرقائق لابن المبارك بَابُ التَّوَاضُعِ

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