الجمعة، 18 يناير 2013

Today's terrorists are yesterday's Khawarij!

 Sheikh Khalid Yasin's status.
24 minutes ago
Today's terrorists are yesterday's Khawarij!

They are a group of misguided youth who has wrong understanding of Islam. The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam warned us from them. He told us that they kill Muslims and they are the worst people on earth. You look down at your prayers and other forms of worship when you compare it with theirs. He also told us that they recite the Quran a lot yet they leave the fold of Islam. The Prophet ordered us to kill them wherever we find them. Such people are a menace to humanity. They are the worst publicity to Islam. Due to their rebellious ideology, some immature Muslims may become impressed with them and subsequently follow them. Such ignorance is fatal. That is why it is important for scholars of Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’ah to be visible and available so that the youth can find a point of reference when in doubt. European and American Islamic centers must condense the number of Islamic lectures and family gatherings so that they can prevent the youth from falling into the wrong hands of the promoters of hate, violence and ignorance.

-Assim Alhakeem
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