الاثنين، 4 مارس 2013


Quran Message's status.
8 hours ago
O Allah, I seek Your forgiveness for those
wrongdoings for which I had turned
repentant unto you but have done again. I
seek your forgiveness for those deeds which
I planned to do for your sake only but
afterwards other interests not connected
with You crept in, and I seek Your forgiveness
for my taking advantage of the bounties, You
gave me, in order to disobey You. I seek
forgiveness of Allah (who is) “There is no god
save He, the self-subsisting, the knower of the
unknown and known, the beneficent, the
merciful.” For all those sins which I have
committed and for all those transgressions I
perpetrated. O Allah grant me perfect ability to
use, follow and apply reason, astute and keen
determination, preponderant genius, pure
heart, all-embracing wisdom and beautiful
elegent manners. Let all these favours work
for my good; let them not harm me, through
your mercy, O the most merciful.

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