الجمعة، 22 مارس 2013

seak knowledge

Those who seak knowledge in order to be the police over others are showing off. Those who seak knowledge in order to win silly arguments and to abuse people are also showing off. The sincere seakers of knowledge do so in order to establish a close relationship with their Lord. They love Him, so they wish to know about Him and about those who He sent to humanity. They apply their knowledge to themselves first and instruct the people with kindness and mercy. Goodness follow them whereever they go and they are patient during adversity. Their knowledge only serves as a witness on their behalf, while the knowledge of those who show off only serves as a witness against them. May ALLAH purify our intentions and place us among those who truly seak knowledge in order to please Him and only Him, Aameen...

via----- AbuHafsah AbdulMalik Clare

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