الجمعة، 5 أبريل 2013


Islam Religion's status.
13 hours ago

So many "MUSLIM" getting in arguments on websites with Non-Muslims! We need to stop that! We need to pay attention how
we represent ourselves as "MUSLIMS" in the World around us…

We should not only portray us as “Muslim” inside the Masjid during Prayers…No, we should be a MUSLIM in character and behavior, all times...

So, many swear, that they are "Muslim" but then when they are with Non-Muslims, they forget who they are... They act up
and start argue, who's God is the REAL GOD!!!!! WHY????? REALLY! What is Sad, it is that we all serve the same "GOD"!
He(SWT) is the Only One God, we all have!

We MUSLIM should NOT get in arguments with anyone... WHY?
Because, in everything how we behave or how we act, it comes always down to the teachings of our Beloved Prophet Mohammad(saw) or it reflects always ~ Islam...

We all learned that our beloved Prophet Mohammad(saw)served Islam two ways...or have we forgotten?????

1. As Allah’s Last Messenger (pbuh) and the First, Universal Prophet. Prophet Mohammad(saw) delivered the message, explained it and applied it on himself and build the nation ISlAM.

2. Mohammad(pbuh), was an human being with excellent morals and character...He(pbuh) is the example of a perfect MUSLIM to the whole human race, and was appointed by God, Himself.

It is the fact and the TRUTH that we, Muslim must pattern our behavior and character after our beloved Mohammads(pbuh) Example...And we should NEVER let Allah(SWT) down!
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