السبت، 6 أبريل 2013


 Peacetv: A Call Towards Islam's photo.
38 minutes ago

The USA:
- In the USA a woman is raped every 90(actual 21) seconds ~ Amnesty International
- United States of America: Every nine seconds, a woman is beaten in the US. ~American Institute on Domestic Violence (2001) quoted on 'Violence Against Women: Information for Health Care Providers'

- According to the National Crime Victimization Survey, which includes crimes that were not reported to the police, 232,960 women in the U.S. were raped or sexually assaulted in 2006. That's more than 600 women every day. ~ Bureau of Justice Statistics (table 2, page 15), Criminal Victimization in the United States, 2006 Statistical Tables
- 17.6 % of women in the United States have survived a completed or attempted rape. ~ Full Report of the Prevalence, Incidence, and Consequences of Violence Against Women, Findings from the National Violence Against Women Survey, November, 2000
- The FBI estimates that only 37% of all rapes are reported to the police. U.S. Justice Department statistics are even lower, with only 26% of all rapes or attempted rapes being reported to law enforcement officials
- Every two minutes, somewhere in America, someone is sexually assaulted. ~ Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) calculation based on 2000 National Crime Victimization Survey. Bureau of Justice Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice
- One out of every six American women have been the victims of an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime. ~ Prevalence, Incidence and Consequences of Violence Against Women Survey, National Institute of Justice and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1998
- Somewhere in America a woman is battered, usually by her intimate partner, every 15 seconds. ~ UN Study On The Status of Women, Year 2000

The UK:
- In the UK there were 14,000 recorded rapes in 2003; only one in five rape attacks are reported to the police; 167 women are raped every day ~ Amnesty International
- In the UK one in four women will experience violence at the hands of a partner during their lives, the emergency services receive one call a minute about violence in the family and two women a week are killed ~ Amnesty International
- About two women per week are killed by their partners in the United Kingdom ~ Joni Seager, 2003

- France: 1 in 10 women in France are victims of domestic violence. ~ Institute of Demography at the University of Paris (2005)
- Ukraine: 11% of women trafficked from the Ukraine were trafficked with the active cooperation of their husbands. ~ United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (2010)
- In Spain one woman every five days was killed by her male partner in 2000 ~ Joni Seager, The Atlas of Women
- In France 25,000 women are raped per year ~ European Women's Lobby, 2001

- Canada: Every minute of every day, a Canadian woman or child is being sexually assaulted. ~ Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (1998)
- Australia: A national survey of community attitudes around violence towards women found that in 2009, one in 20 people believe women who are raped "ask for it". Australian Government, Social Research Centre and Vic Health (2009)

In ISLAM Rape Carries Capital Punishment For The Perpetrator Not the Victim.


O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
( سورة الأحزاب , Al-Ahzab, Chapter #33, Verse #59
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