الأحد، 9 نوفمبر 2014


Islam came to set you free from all forms of Paganism and anything that is connected to it in any way,
so don't get tricked by Shaytan by trick or treating this Halloween. Excuse yourself from the Halloween party and save yourself for the best party in Jannah


Please subscribe to my youtube channel
 — مع ‏‎Hassan Abdoulahi Jihaad‎‏ و ‏‏38‏ آخرين‏.
صورة: ‏‎Islam came to set you free from all forms of Paganism and anything that is connected to it in any way,
so don't get tricked by Shaytan by trick or treating this Halloween. Excuse yourself from the Halloween party and save yourself for the best party in Jannah


Please subscribe to my youtube channel 
87 أشخاص تم الوصول إليهم

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