الثلاثاء، 7 أبريل 2015

The Journey of Life

May Bank Holiday Weekend | 30th April - 4th May
The Journey of Life is a four day, all inclusive residential retreat that will empower you to grow in knowledge and build a deeper connection with Allah.
Over the weekend you’ll be covering the following six areas in addition to daily prayer workshops and thought provoking breakout sessions:
  1. Life is a test
  2. Foundations of worship
  3. Inner and outer dimensions of worship
  4. The challenges of life
  5. The reality of this life
  6. The final exam - preparing to meet Allah.
This educational retreat will be taught by international speaker, writer and presenter of Islam, Abdurraheem Green. Famous for his Hyde Park Speakers Corner speeches, countless TV shows, presentations, books and videos about Islam, his life experience from attending a Roman Catholic monastic boarding school to becoming a household name across the world will help guide you on your journey in Islam.

This retreat is a rare opportunity to eat, pray and live Islam in an uplifting environment, with a guarantee that when you return home, you’ll be able to implement what you’ve experienced for life.
"When Abdurraheem Green started speaking that first morning, it blew my head away! He opened the door to Islam for me and switched on the light. It didn't matter how tired I was each day, I would have cut my head off before I would have missed one word of his lessons.

Several times I started crying when he was speaking because it made me realise what my life was before and how Islam has changed it.

My head was in a complete hazy muddle when I booked this course. Shaytan was whispering in my ear and I worried every day how to go forward with my life. I was lost. Now I have complete faith in Allah ﷻ, I know that whatever happens He will still love me and He will always be with me and with Him I will be on the road to paradise." 
-Christine LB
Alternate payment options

We have a policy that money should never be a reason to stop someone from attending. If you find yourself in this situation, click here and select:
'Application for for alternate payment options'
Fill out the required information, along with the £50 deposit and we will do all we can to make it possible for you to attend inshaa'Allah (God Willing)
"Amazing course. The most beneficial course i have ever attended!"
Previous Retreat Attendee
May Bank Holiday Weekend
Thursday 30th April 2015 - Monday 4th May 2015

Harben House,
Milton Keynes,
MK16 9EY
Price includes four-nights, all inclusive en-suite accommodation, detailed course binder to take away, interactive workshops and engaging lectures.

Alternate payment options available
Abdurraheem Green
Share a unique experience
• Exclusive Retreat for New Muslims
• Specially designed educational program
• Build a solid foundation of Islam

• Experience a true sense of family and community
• Take part in engaging and exciting activities
and workshops

• All in conducive, spiritual uplifting atmosphere
and much much more...

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