السبت، 21 مايو 2016

Do you have problems and calamities that are unbearable?

Do you have problems and calamities that are unbearable?
Are you sick and in pain?
Have you reached a point where you believe that there is no way out?
What is there that can help you forget and what is it that can make you stay strong?
The Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam said: the most miserable man in this life (with calamites and tribulations) would be brought on the Day of Judgment. He would be dipped in Paradise once and then asked: have you seen any hardship? He would say: by Allah, I had never seen a bad thing in my life!
One dip, and it is all gone and he can’t remember a thing. How would those who are fortunate and there forever feel? If you are patient and obeying Allah, you will be one of them. But if you complain or disobey Allah as your way out, you would have lost this world and the hereafter as well.

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