الخميس، 28 يوليو 2016

Fame is a killer!

Assim Luqman Al Hakeem
Fame is a killer! Some would do anything, simply to be famous even if this leads them to be cursed, humiliated and made fun of! One Da’ee once said: I would do anything just to be on the CNN. This caused him to compromise a lot of the deen for his wish. I know of a man who tweets in Arabic silly and stupid things and of no value. He has a lot of followers who seem to share his level of intellect. They say all bad things about him yet this seems to make him happy as this is what he cares most of; the number of folowers! It was reported that on the season of Hajj, a nomad came to the Haram in Makkhah with dung and feces, wanting to put it on the Ka’abah. The people caught up with him and gave him a good beating. When asked for the reason behind his heinous attempt he said: I wanted to be remembered by the people, even if by being cursed! Therefore, beware of seeking fame as the best of people is the one who is unknown to others but is well known to Allah.

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