الأحد، 17 يوليو 2016

Reciting the ‪#‎Takbeer‬ on the day of ‪#‎Eid‬.

Reciting the ‪#‎Takbeer‬ on the day of ‪#‎Eid‬.
الله أكبر، الله أكبر، الله أكبر
لا إله إلا الله. والله أكبر ، الله أكبر
ولله الحمد
Allaahu akbar, Allaahu akbar, Allahu akbar. Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah, wa Allaahu akbar, Allaah akbar, wa Lillaah il-hamd
Allah is Most Great, Allah is Most Great, Allah is most Great. There is no god but Allah, Allah is Most great, Allaah is most great, and to Allah belongs all praise.
The time for takbeer on Eid al-Fitr starts from the night before Eid until the imam enters to lead the Eid prayer.
‪#‎EidMubarak‬ - Please remember the ‪#‎iERA‬ family in your duas. www.iera.org

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