الاثنين، 17 أكتوبر 2016

We need more good hearted people to speak out

The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎Rafia Khan‎‏ و‏‏8‏ آخرين‏‏.
We need more good hearted people to speak out and take a stand against people who promote hatred. This is a good example of someone speaking up in a peaceful and positive way.
It's sad to say below is another example of someone unlike the first example of Adam in the video. It's the kind of person who all people need to peacefully protest against.
*We as Muslims(any peaceful person who submits to God) still need to always conduct ourselves with kindness and good character even when dealing with such a hateful person who obviously is very ignorant about the beauty of ISLAM(Peaceful submission to God alone).*
He BTW calls himself a Christian but his attitude towards other Human-Beings is far away from the true teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him) as Jesus is quoted to have said in the Bible
"But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" Matt 5:44
(BTW: MUSLIMS LOVE JESUS, and you can't be a Muslim unless you believe and love Jesus as one of the greatest Messengers that God Almighty ever sent, who called people to worship the Creator and not his creations.)
Is this the love, tolerance, and understanding that
Real Christians who follow Jesus's teaching promote? No way!. So our dear Christian brothers/Sisters in Humanity please take a stand against such hateful people, and don't let them represent you or be a voice for you.
The person's name is John Bennett who we invite to be our guest on TheDeenShow if he accepts please have him get in touch with us.
State Rep. John Bennett Stands By Anti-Islam Comments: (Please peacefully protest against him and be a voice against this person who's calling to nothing good but hate which eventually leads to hate crimes.

Help make the world a better place we don't need more hatred we need more kindness and love.

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