الأحد، 19 مارس 2017

Is Organ Donation permitted or prohibited in Islam ?

Is Organ Donation permitted or prohibited in Islam ?
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The sister has posed the question that- is organ transplanta­tion or donation allowed in Islam or not.

There is no verse in the Holy Qur’an directly saying that whether you should give or should not give – It is silent on that issue.

There were various conferences taken place by various Ulemas throughout the world, including Malaysia, in Jeddah, in Riyadh, even here

– on this issue, whether organ transplantation in allowed or not. By the conference of Ulemas of the world… today they say that organ transplantation is allowed, if you satisfied 3 conditions.

First is , the organ that you are going to give to the person… the person if he receives the organ, his life will be saved. Only if his life is in danger, and then if he wants the organ, then its allowed.

Point number 2, the person donating the organ, he should not do it for economical reasons… not for money , not for getting one lakh rupees, or 2 lakh rupees.

Third is, after the person donates the organ, it should not cause loss of his life.

Today, science tells that there are certain organs in the body, for example the Kidney. One Kidney is sufficient for a human being to survive and lead a normal life – the second is an addi­tional.

So if suppose my mother… if she has both the Kidneys fai­lure and if I donate one Kidney… surely Allah will not hold me responsible – But natural if it does not cause a loss to my life.

I cannot say… ‘I want to donate my heart’. If my heart is taken out, I will die, so I cannot donate my heart.

I can only donate those organs which will not cause loss… loss to my life, and I should not do it for economical reasons, point number 2 and 3rd it should save the life.

This is the consensus of Ulemas of the conference which took place in Malaysia, in Riyadh, in Jeddah, in India.

In India, the Ulemas were reluctant but now if you ask the Fiqh Academy of India, even they say it should not be done – but if it is used to saving the life as a last resort, you can give your organ as a dona­tion

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