السبت، 26 أبريل 2014

accept things BLINDLY! Seek for the proof

Peace be unto you (Assalamu Alaykum), Don't take our word or accept things BLINDLY! Seek for the proof and check it by your own! Due to the stubbornness, blindness and ignorance of languages some people turn the blind eye even if they come to know the meaning and hide the Truth! 
What The Son of Mary (pbuh) Called The Creator? / Comment le Fils de Marie (pbsl) Appelait le Créateur?
Check By Yourself / Vérifiez par vous-même! http://www.peshitta.org/
>> The Secret...Aramaic...Eshoa [Jesus]...Peace _Eng/Fr
Le Secret...Araméen...Echoua [Jésus]...Paix _ Fr/Eng

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