الخميس، 30 أغسطس 2018

Women Scholars in Islam (part 1 of 2) - The Religion of Islam

El peligro de la hipocresía - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia

Islam Is the Way to Paradise - The Religion of Islam

هل مات الإله على الصليب؟ Did God die on the cross - YouTube

A Assembleia Diária do Profeta (parte 1 de 2) - A religião do Islã

O que é Eid ul Adha? - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 17, Al-Isra (A Viagem Noturna) (parte 1 de 2) - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 17, Al-Isra (A Viagem Noturna) (parte 1 de 2) - A religião do Islã: Uma jornada à noite, transgressões, mandamentos e
algumas explicações. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

17. Kur'anom upućen III - Brazilska porodica koja rješava probleme Kur'anom - YouTube

GuideUS TV Channel

He does not pray Shafaa And Witr prayer #HUDATV - YouTube


AVOID THESE FIVE DEADLY SINS - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.


ALLAH IS MERCIFUL - WHY DID HE REFUSE PHARAOH’S REPENTANCE? - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.


iERA: The Prophet said "...the most beloved deed to Allah is the most regular and constant even though it were little.”

Quranic verses about Hajj | IslamicFinder

Quranic verses about Hajj | IslamicFinder: Find out what Quran says about Hajj and its Rituals

ئىسلام سوئال جاۋاپ تورى - Uygur - islamqa.info

ئىسلام سوئال جاۋاپ تورى - Uygur - islamqa.info: Islam Question & Answer is a site that aims to provide intelligent, authoritative responses to question about Islam and help solving general and personal social problems Uygur

الرد على من قال إن صوم يوم عرفة ليس من السنة - islamqa.info

الرد على من قال إن صوم يوم عرفة ليس من السنة - islamqa.info: عندنا شيخ يقول إن صيام يوم عرفة ليس بسنة ولا يجوز صيامه أرجو الرد من سماحتكم على هذا السؤال لأن هذا الشيخ يوزع منشورات تنهي عن صيام يوم عرفة أرجو الرد من سماحتك

The Problem of the Thief and the Crucifixion | Calling Christians

The Problem of the Thief and the Crucifixion | Calling Christians: Introduction In perhaps what is one of the most perplexing passages of the New Testament, we find a story during the alleged crucifixion of Jesus the Christ that challenges the very core of commonl…

Prohibited Abortion & Killing Life in Qur'an

Mony Deen
Prohibited Abortion & Killing Life in Qur'an

****** Prohibited Abortion & Killing life in Qur'an *******
"And do not kill your children.... surely to kill them is a great wrong." (Holy Quran 17:31)

"...And do not slay your children..." (Holy Quran 6:151)

"(The day) When the female (infant) buried alive is asked - for what crime was she killed?.... Then every person will know what he has brought (of good and evil). ” (Holy Quran 81:8-14)

“When any of them is given the good tidings of a girl, his face is darkened and he chokes inwardly. With shame does he hide himself from his people, because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain it on (sufferance and) contempt, or bury it in the dust? Ah! what an evil (choice) they decide on?" (Holy Quran 16:58-59)

Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.(Holy Quran 5:32)

A Great Blessing has NO Equal

Mony Deen
A Great Blessing has NO Equal
Allah has bestowed on us many blessings and countless graces. The most important of these graces and blessings is the blessing of Islam.
This great blessing has no equal. Whoever understands it and thanks Allah for it will be a winner in this world and the hereafter, if he strictly follows it in words and action.


Mony Deen إلى Quran & Bible
JESUS OR ALMIGHTY GOD ? (Please check the evidence from the Bible)

Christians and Muslims agree that God is all-powerful and all-knowing. The Gospels show that Jesus was not all-powerful, and not all-knowing, since he had some limitations.

Mark tells us in his gospel that Jesus was unable to do any powerful work in his hometown except few things:

“He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them.” (Mark 6:5).

Mark also tells us that when Jesus tried to heal a certain blind man, the man was not healed after the first attempt, and Jesus had to try a second time (see Mark 8:22-26).

Therefore, although we hold a great love and respect for Jesus, we need to understand that he is not the all-powerful God.

Mark’s Gospel also reveals that Jesus had limitations in his knowledge.

In Mark 13:32, Jesus declared that he himself does not know when the last day will occur, but the Father alone knows that.

But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.( Matthew 24:36).

Therefore, Jesus could not have been the all-knowing God. Almighty God alone ALL POWERFUL.
Think ..................
Your Powerful Thinking May Bring Powerful Results to save you Soul from Hellfire.


تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ من قبل ‏‎Koky Noor‎‏.
Invite to God
▄▀▄.•• ....... H A D E E S ....... ••.▄▀▄
حضرت سمرہ بن جندبؓ سے روایت ہے کہ رسالت مآب (صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وآلہ وَسَلَّم) نے فرمایا، میں نے خواب میں دیکھا کہ ایک شخص لوہے کا آنکس لیئے کھڑا ہے اور دوسرے شخص کے جبڑے میں ڈال کر اس کے سرکے پیچھے تک چیر دیتا پھر دوسرے جبڑے کے ساتھ بھی اسی طرح کرتا تھا ۔ اس دوران میں اس کا پہلا جبڑا صحیح اور اپنی اصلی حالت پر آ جاتا اور پھر پہلے کی طرح وہ اسے دوبارہ چیرتا ۔ میں نے پوچھا کہ یہ کیا ہو رہا ہے ؟ تو بتایا یہ جھوٹا آدمی تھا جو جھوٹی باتیں بیان کیا کرتا تھا اور اس کا جھوٹ دور تک پھیل جایا کرتا تھا اور اب اسے قیامت تک یہی عذاب ہوتا رہے گا
[ صحیح بخاری، کتاب الجنائز:23 ، جلد:2 ، حدیث:468 ]
Narrated Samra Bin Jundabؓ that Prophet ﷺ said, i saw a dream in which I saw a person sitting and another standing with an iron hook in his hand pushing it inside the mouth of the former till it reached the jawbone, and then tore off one side of his cheek, and then did the same with the other side; in the meantime the first side of his cheek became normal again and then he repeated the same operation again. I said, 'What is this?. It was told that the person was a liar and he used to tell lies, and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So, he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection
[ Sahi Bukhari, Book of Funerals:32, Vol:2, Hadees:468 ]

Islam are the real Terrorist

‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ مع ‏‎Rahma Ally‎‏.
Elizabeth shared this pic with cmnt :
Elizabeth Gallegos Islam are the real Terrorist. They are propably fed up with the violence of muslims on them. They have the right to defend themselves.
Exodus 23:27
“I will send my terror ahead of you and throw into confusion every nation you encounter. I will make all your enemies turn their backs and run.
Isaiah 13:8
Terror will seize them, pain and anguish will grip them; they will writhe like a woman in labor. They will look aghast at each other, their faces aflame.
Deuteronomy 2:25
This very day I will begin to put the terror and fear of you on all the nations under heaven. They will hear reports of you and will tremble and be in anguish because of you.”
2 Samuel 17:2
I would attack him while he is weary and weak. I would strike him with terror, and then all the people with him will flee. I would strike down only the king

Psalm 9:20
Strike them with terror, LORD; let the nations know they are only mortal.
Infact Terror of death and killing was the first act,when church was not ready for reformation...


[Al Qur'an, 39: 53]

‏‎The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎Bilal Shaikh‎‏.
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah . Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful."
[Al Qur'an, 39: 53]

the best

A Brother with extreme tattoos & body piercings reverted to Islam - YouTube

(Al Qur'an, 9: 40)

‏‎The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎Salina Suardi‎‏ و‏‏٢‏ آخرين‏.
"Do not grieve; indeed Allah is with us."
(Al Qur'an, 9: 40)

Must Share Every Muslims

not talk privately

تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ من قبل ‏‎Koky Noor‎‏.
قناة الهدى
Ibn Mas’ud (RAA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“When three of you get together in company, two of you must not talk privately while isolating the third, so as not to make him feel sad (that he is left out) till you mingle with other people (i.e. you are joined by others).” Agreed upon and the wording is from Muslim.
عَنْ اِبْنِ مَسْعُودٍ - رضى الله عنه - قَالَ: قَالَ رَسُولُ اَللَّهِ - صلى الله عليه وسلم -{ إِذَا كُنْتُمْ ثَلَاثَةً, فَلَا يَتَنَاجَى اِثْنَانِ دُونَ اَلْآخَرِ, حَتَّى تَخْتَلِطُوا بِالنَّاسِ; مِنْ أَجْلِ أَنَّ ذَلِكَ يُحْزِنُهُ } مُتَّفَقٌ عَلَيْهِ, وَاللَّفْظُ لِمُسْلِمٍ.