السبت، 24 يوليو 2021

The Next Generation of Muslimah Leaders | Sister's Q&A Panel with Sh. Mu...

[VoB2021] Allah Membiarkan Mereka dalam Kegelapan – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

[VoB2021] Allah Membiarkan Mereka dalam Kegelapan – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Orang munafik tidak hanya dibiarkan dalam kegelapan namun lebih dari itu. Mereka buta, tuli dan bisu sekaligus dari kebenaran yang diingkarinya sendiri…

[VoB2021] Kebanggaan Pada Bahasa – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

[VoB2021] Kebanggaan Pada Bahasa – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Bahasa Al-Quran sangat tinggi sehingga musuh-musuh Islam pun kecanduan mendengarkannya, namun kesombongan menghalangi mereka untuk terus mendengarkan…

[VoB2021] Urutan Ini Penting: Mendengar, Bicara, Melihat – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

[VoB2021] Urutan Ini Penting: Mendengar, Bicara, Melihat – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Allah memberi kita kapabilitas untuk menerima kebenaran, selama bertahun-tahun. Jika kita melihat kebenaran itu tapi kita tidak menerimanya, apa yang akan terjadi? Akankah cahaya tersebut dcabut da…

Beautiful Malaysian Mosque Surrounded by Water (Video) | About Islam

Beautiful Malaysian Mosque Surrounded by Water (Video) | About Islam: The mosque is unique with traditional Malay influenced architecture carved in every structure of the masjid.



მუშრიქების დღესასწაულებზე დასწრება და მათი მილოცვა - ქართული

მუშრიქების დღესასწაულებზე დასწრება და მათი მილოცვა - ქართული

ქრისტიანებზე თავიანთი დღესასწაულების მილოცვის ჰუქმი - ქართული

ქრისტიანებზე თავიანთი დღესასწაულების მილოცვის ჰუქმი - ქართული

لُقْرَانْ الْعَظِيمْ ذُتَرْجَمْ اَلَّمْعَايْنِيسْ غَاللُّغه اَتْمَازِيغْثْ (اَسْثُقْبَايْلِيثْ) - أمازيغي

لُقْرَانْ الْعَظِيمْ ذُتَرْجَمْ اَلَّمْعَايْنِيسْ غَاللُّغه اَتْمَازِيغْثْ (اَسْثُقْبَايْلِيثْ) - أمازيغي

Celui qui est vraiment en faillite - أمازيغي - أبو سعيد بلعيد بن أحمد الجزائري

Celui qui est vraiment en faillite - أمازيغي - أبو سعيد بلعيد بن أحمد الجزائري

A guere ti hadj - Yanga ti Sango - Mahamat Abdoulbassit Ibrahim

A guere ti hadj - Yanga ti Sango - Mahamat Abdoulbassit Ibrahim

Kozo guere ti hadj: Ihram - Yanga ti Sango - Mahamat Abdoulbassit Ibrahim

Kozo guere ti hadj: Ihram - Yanga ti Sango - Mahamat Abdoulbassit Ibrahim



“Мына бул Ислам” “Кабырда бериле турган үч суроо”, “Төрт эреже” жана “Исламдан чыгаруучу амалдар” аттуу китептердин баяндамасы - Кыргызча

“Мына бул Ислам” “Кабырда бериле турган үч суроо”, “Төрт эреже” жана “Исламдан чыгаруучу амалдар” аттуу китептердин баяндамасы - Кыргызча

ארבעה הודעות בירושלים - עברית

ארבעה הודעות בירושלים - עברית

ריבוי מעשים טובים - עברית

ריבוי מעשים טובים - עברית

Ala kira ka Mawludu kiti(kisi ni nema ba kan) - Bamanan - Mouhamad Traore

Ala kira ka Mawludu kiti(kisi ni nema ba kan) - Bamanan - Mouhamad Traore

Lahoroma kalow Bonyali - Bamanan - Ousmane Solih Traore

Lahoroma kalow Bonyali - Bamanan - Ousmane Solih Traore

Die liebe Allahs - Deutsch

Die liebe Allahs - Deutsch

„Flow“, Fasten und Falaah - Deutsch - Abdurahim Green

„Flow“, Fasten und Falaah - Deutsch - Abdurahim Green

Qur’aan en de moderne (positieve) wetenschappen - Nederlands - D. Zakir Naik

Qur’aan en de moderne (positieve) wetenschappen - Nederlands - D. Zakir Naik

Falalar shidda na watan shawal - Hausa

Falalar shidda na watan shawal - Hausa

Qur’aan en de moderne (positieve) wetenschappen - Nederlands - D. Zakir Naik

Qur’aan en de moderne (positieve) wetenschappen - Nederlands - D. Zakir Naik

Een uitleg van de Fundamenten van het Geloof. - Nederlands - Mohammed bin Salih Al-Oethaimine

Een uitleg van de Fundamenten van het Geloof. - Nederlands - Mohammed bin Salih Al-Oethaimine: Dit boek, is een samenvatting van de islamitische leer door shaykh Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen.



My Friend Engaged in Partial Sex: How Should He Repent? | About Islam

My Friend Engaged in Partial Sex: How Should He Repent? | About Islam

Why Is Learning Aqeedah Important? - Aqeedah 101

1964 - امتناع الزوجة عن زوجها لانشغالها بالنوافل - عثمان الخميس

1965 - طلب زوجته وهي صائمة صيام نافلة - عثمان الخميس

7 Tips of successful Parenting – Ilm Videos

7 Tips of successful Parenting – Ilm Videos

كيف يدعو عيسى عليه السلام الكفار إلى الإسلام إذا كانوا سيموتون بريح نفسه؟ - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

كيف يدعو عيسى عليه السلام الكفار إلى الإسلام إذا كانوا سيموتون بريح نفسه؟ - الإسلام سؤال وجواب

Doing wudoo’ when wearing lipstick - Islam Question & Answer

Doing wudoo’ when wearing lipstick - Islam Question & Answer

Bagaimanakah Hukumnya Jual-beli Digital/Online Pada Saat Shalat Jum’at ? - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam

Bagaimanakah Hukumnya Jual-beli Digital/Online Pada Saat Shalat Jum’at ? - Soal Jawab Tentang Islam: Telah ada larangan jual beli setelah adzan shalat jum’at, larangan ini mencakup semua bentuk mu’amalah yang akan mengganggu shalat jum’at, dan tidak hanya larangan pada jual beli biasanya. Dan atas dasar itulah maka sibuk dengan bisnis digital pada waktu jum’at adalah haram. Melihat karena waktu shalat berbeda dari satu negara dengan lainnya, maka sebaiknya anda tulis pengingat di akunnya bahwa bagi semua pembeli –jika mereka termasuk yang diwajibkan shalat jum’at kepada mereka- agar memperhatikan kehormatan waku shalat jum’at, mohon jangan membeli pada jam tersebut.

Devlet cuma günleri izin vermediği için okul mescidinde namaz kılmanın hükmü? - İslam Soru-Cevap

Devlet cuma günleri izin vermediği için okul mescidinde namaz kılmanın hükmü? - İslam Soru-Cevap

Comment doit se comporter une femme maltraitée par sa soeur? - Islam en questions et réponses

Comment doit se comporter une femme maltraitée par sa soeur? - Islam en questions et réponses

ایک نوجوان موٹر سائیکل خریدنا چاہتا ہے لیکن ٹریفک حادثات کا خوف آڑے ہے۔ - اسلام سوال و جواب

ایک نوجوان موٹر سائیکل خریدنا چاہتا ہے لیکن ٹریفک حادثات کا خوف آڑے ہے۔ - اسلام سوال و جواب

ছোট বায়েন তালাক্ব ও বড় বায়েন তালাক্বের মধ্যে পার্থক্য এবং রেজয়ী তালাকপ্রাপ্তা নারী ইদ্দত পালনকালীন সময়ে ঘর থেকে বের হওয়ার বিধান - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

ছোট বায়েন তালাক্ব ও বড় বায়েন তালাক্বের মধ্যে পার্থক্য এবং রেজয়ী তালাকপ্রাপ্তা নারী ইদ্দত পালনকালীন সময়ে ঘর থেকে বের হওয়ার বিধান - ইসলাম জিজ্ঞাসা ও জবাব

Что такое непрерывная милостыня /садака джарийа/? - Сайт «Ислам: вопрос и ответ»

Что такое непрерывная милостыня /садака джарийа/? - Сайт «Ислам: вопрос и ответ»

¿Es permisible ofrecer el sacrificio fuera del Recinto sagrado para quien realiza la peregrinación menor y la mayor juntas, pero saliendo de la consagración ritual en medio de ellas? - Islam Preguntas y Respuestas

¿Es permisible ofrecer el sacrificio fuera del Recinto sagrado para quien realiza la peregrinación menor y la mayor juntas, pero saliendo de la consagración ritual en medio de ellas? - Islam Preguntas y Respuestas

उस महिला को कहाँ इद्दत बिताना चाहिए जिसके पति की मृत्यु हो गई, जबकि उसने उसके साथ विवाह का अनुबंध किया था लेकिन अभी तक उसके साथ एकांत में नहीं हुआ थाॽ - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

उस महिला को कहाँ इद्दत बिताना चाहिए जिसके पति की मृत्यु हो गई, जबकि उसने उसके साथ विवाह का अनुबंध किया था लेकिन अभी तक उसके साथ एकांत में नहीं हुआ थाॽ - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

نمی‌تواند حیوانات را در حین قربانی شد ببیند - اسلام سوال و جواب

نمی‌تواند حیوانات را در حین قربانی شد ببیند - اسلام سوال و جواب

What is the Purpose of Life?

Importance of parents in Islam - Assim al hakeem

15 wicked puppies who don’t have a drop of regret – Gif Club

15 wicked puppies who don’t have a drop of regret – Gif Club

How to Achieve Happiness - Dr. Bilal Philips - 15-8-2014

Dog House Found Nails Shut On The Street, As Owner Wants It To Get Hit By Car – Gif Club

Dog House Found Nails Shut On The Street, As Owner Wants It To Get Hit By Car – Gif Club

Stream islamqa music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud

Stream islamqa music | Listen to songs, albums, playlists for free on SoundCloud: Play islamqa and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

Streams – International Open University

Streams – International Open University

Russian woman's bear companion loves going fishing with her in Russian forest's lakes | Daily Mail Online

Russian woman's bear companion loves going fishing with her in Russian forest's lakes | Daily Mail Online

उस महिला को कहाँ इद्दत बिताना चाहिए जिसके पति की मृत्यु हो गई, जबकि उसने उसके साथ विवाह का अनुबंध किया था लेकिन अभी तक उसके साथ एकांत में नहीं हुआ थाॽ - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

उस महिला को कहाँ इद्दत बिताना चाहिए जिसके पति की मृत्यु हो गई, जबकि उसने उसके साथ विवाह का अनुबंध किया था लेकिन अभी तक उसके साथ एकांत में नहीं हुआ थाॽ - इस्लाम प्रश्न और उत्तर

فوائد الكمون للحامل | مجلة سيدتي

فوائد الكمون للحامل | مجلة سيدتي: تعرفي عزيزتي الحامل على فوائد الكمون ومحاذير تناوله من خلال هذا الموضوع فكوني معنا.



‏٦‏ س 
تمت المشاركة مع العامة
Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land where you are going, or they will be a snare among you.
Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones and cut down their Asherah poles.
Do not worship any other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.
Leviticus 19:4 Do not put your trust in idols or make metal images of gods for yourselves. I am the LORD your God.
“the glory of Christ, who is
the image of God” (Cor.2 4:4) “who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a
servant, being born in the likeness of men.” (Phi. 2:6-7)
“He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.” (Col. 1:15)
Jesus’ (PBUH) being of the same image as Allah (S.W) does not
prove his divinity, for Adam – according to the Bible – shared Allah’s image, as mentioned in the Book of Genesis about his
creation. “Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over
the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and
Moreover, the image is different from the self. God’s image here means His representative to declare His Law, as Paul said in another
passage, “For a man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man
.” (Cor. (1) 11/7).
Which means that Allah delegated
man in his power over woman.
Exodus 20:4-6 “You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.
Deuteronomy 4:23-24 Be careful not to forget the covenant of the LORD your God that he made with you; do not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything the LORD your God has forbidden.
Deuteronomy 4:16-18 so that you do not act corruptly and make a graven image for yourselves in the form of any figure
💎WHAT do Muslims Believe about Jesus and Other Prophets ( Peace be upon them all ) ?
Thousands of Prophets were sent by Allah, at least one to every nation, with the same message:
to worship Allah alone and not associate any partner with Him. Some of these Prophets include Adam, Noah, Joseph, Abraham, Jacob, Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them all). Jesus (peace be upon him) was one of the greatest Prophets sent by Almighty God.
He was born miraculously without a father and performed many miracles– all by the will of God.
➡Jesus is not God or the son of God or part of a trinity as this clearly contradicts the pure teachings of God in Islam.
Consider the following:
There are many examples in Christian teachings of Jesus speaking and behaving as if God is a separate being to himself, e.g.
Jesus prays to God – If Jesus was God, who would he be praying to?
-The term “Son of God” is symbolically used in the earliest biblical languages for a “righteous person” for many people – not exclusively for Jesus.
-The problem arises when using the term literally or in other ways.
- Although Muslims love and respect Jesus (and all other Prophets), they do not worship him nor attribute to him divine attributes, as this is reserved solely for God ARE all religions the same?
-While most religions generally have the same teachings regarding good manners and kindness to others and so on,
- Islam additionally focuses on the Greatness of God with no compromises with his Oneness and Perfection.
- Unlike other religions, Islam primarily teaches that God is completely different and unique compared to His creation and that all praise and worship is due directly and exclusively to Him.
Islam is also comprehensive; simple yet profound; has revelation that is preserved; does not reject any of God’s Prophets but states that they all came with the one and same message.
🍃DOES the Concept of Original Sin Exist in Islam?
The concept of “original sin” does not exist in Islam. God is just; so no person is held accountable for any sin they themselves were not responsible for
🌸 Muslims Love Jesus
Jesus is a figure who is loved and revered by billions of people the world over, yet there is much confusion surrounding the status of this colossal personality.
- Muslims and Christians both hold Jesus in high regard but view him in very different ways.
The issues surrounding Jesus will be clarified :
Was Jesus God, or was he sent by God? Who was the real historical Jesus?
🌟“Jesus as God” :-
Some Christians claim that “Jesus is God” or part of a trinity – that he is the incarnation of God on earth, and that God took on a human form.
However, according to the Bible, Jesus was born, ate, slept, prayed and had limited knowledge – all attributes not befitting God.
God has attributes of perfection whereas Man is the opposite.
How can anything be two complete opposites simultaneously?
-Islam teaches that God is always perfect.
To believe that God became a man is to claim that God is or was (at some point in time), imperfect.
A Christian must ask him/herself, does the idea of a god who was once a weak helpless child, one who could not survive without food, drink or sleep, be the same Almighty God described in the Old Testament? Surely not.
One may ask, “If God can do anything, why can’t he become a man?”
-By definition, God does not do ungodly acts.
God does not do anything that would make Him, something other than God.
If God became man and took on human attributes, he would, necessarily, no longer be God. Some ambiguous verses of the Bible can be applied erroneously to show that Jesus is in some way divine. But if we look at the clear direct verses of the Bible, we see again and again that Jesus is being referred to as an extraordinary human being and nothing more.
-The Bible contains many verses in which Jesus speaks and behaves as if God is a separate being to himself.
For example: Jesus “fell on his face and prayed.”(Matthew 26:39)
- If Jesus was God, then would a God fall on his face and pray?
And who would he be praying to?
- The Bible calls Jesus a Prophet (Matthew 21:10-11), so how could Jesus be God and be God’s Prophet at the same time?
- Jesus said, “I am going to the Father, because the Father is greater than me.” (John 14:28)
- Jesus said “I ascend unto my Father, and your Father, and to my God, and your God.” (John 20:17)
- If Jesus was God, then why would he say, “to my God, and your God,” and who was he ascending to?
-If Jesus was God, he would have clearly told people to worship him, and there would be clear verses in the Bible stating this; yet he did the opposite and disapproved anyone worshipping him: “And in vain they worship me.” (Matthew 15:9)

Show any Christians who meomorize the Bibles?AMONG THESE


Show any Christians who meomorize the Bibles?AMONG THESE😂😂👇👇👇😂😂😂🤣WHICH OF THESE MANY VERSIONS?? ALL I HEAR IS 👇😂
1. We have 61 Books in the Syrianic Version.
2. We have 66 Books in the Protestant Version.
3. We have 73 Books in the Roman Catholic
4. We have 75 Books in the Coptic Version.
5. We have 76 Books in the Christmatic Version.
6. We have 78 Books in the Greek Orthodox
7. We have 81 Books in the Ethiopic Version.
8. We have 86 Books in the Orthodox Version.
9. We have the Satanic Bible or Ve8rsion.
10. We have King James Version of 1611.
11. We have New King James Version.
12. We have Revised Standard Version of 1952.
13. We have Revised Standard Version of 1971.
14. We have International Standard Version.
15. We have New International Standard Version.
16. We have the Living Bible.
17. We have the Good News Bible.
18. We have the New Amercan Bible.
19. We have Lost Book of the Bible and Forgotten
Book of Eden.
20. We have the Anglican Bible.
21. We have the Gospel of Barnabas rejected by
the Christians.
22. We have the New word Traslation of the
Scripture used by the Jehovah Witness.
23. We have Every Day Bible.
24. We have English Bible.
25. We have New English Bible.
26. We have Capocriptial Bible.
27. We have Amplified Bible.
28. We have Jarusalem Bible.
29. We have American Bible.
30. We have Malay Bible.
31. We have Authorised the Standard Version of
32. We have the Authorised Standard Version of
33. We have Mormon Bible.
34. We have Today Bible.
35. We have the Holy Bible.
36. We have English Standard Version.
37. We have Gideo Bible.
38. We have Cherry Picked Bible.
39. We have Today and Tommorrow Bible.
40. We have the Roman Catholic Duay Version of
the Bibles.
41.The Gay Bible.
42.Queen James version.
43.Women Bible
44.Nigerian Bible
45.Scofield Bible
All these are Bibles.
Which among these Bibles is the devine
revelation from God Almighty to Jesus Christ?