الأحد، 22 يوليو 2018

My Journey Series 2 - 'I was a sikh and I grew up hating Muslims' - YouTube

The Scientific Miracles of Quran

Why there are so much of stars and galaxies?

Why there are so much of stars and galaxies?
There is this question which always dazzled me. Why Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala want to make the heavens with billions of stars and galaxies.
Instead Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala could have made a sun and the earth?
Why didn't he do so?
For years I repeatedly kept asking this question to myself and my colleagues none of them gave me a satisfactory answer.
One day, Allahu subahanahu wa ta'ala remind me of this hadith that made me to realise a sparkle of infinite wisdom of Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala.
This Hadith is reported in Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Hadith 532, Narrated by ‘Ata’ bin Yazid Al-Laithi on the authority of Abu Huraira.
The context of the hadith indicates the last man to enter the paradise will receive a place/whatever he desires in Jannah equivalent to ten times of all that he can desire of.
None of these material creation are difficult to Allah.
Yet he created them as a sign so the mankind will think and submit to him alone.
This can be put this into a simple explanation. If I am to say that I will give you 1 billion dollars if you do what I ask for, your very first question behind your head is going to be, will this person is capable of giving that amount?
Assume the Bill Gates say this, you know for certain about his capabilities and you will believe, act in a way that pleases him so that you can obtain the reward he promised.
As for the Hadith that mentions the last person who will enter the paradise will receive 10 times of all what he can desire of. Allah should provide signs to show his capabilities to his slaves to eradicate the doubt in their hearts.
Our milky way is has a diameter of 100,000 light years.
In the astronomical context distance between stars are so immense which is measured in terms of time rather than kilometres.
Light travels at an incredible speed of 300,000 kilometre per second. which means light can travel 7.4 Times around the earth within a second.
Our nearest satellite moon is 384,000 kilometre away from the Earth. Light only takes 1.3 seconds to reach Moon.
Distance from sun to earth is 149.6 million kilometres. Light from the Sun takes around 8 minutes to reach Earth.
A light year is the distance travelled by a light in an year is computed by 300,000 x 60 x60 x24 x 365 =
9,460,800,000,000 km.
Our sun is so huge that our earth can fit 1.3 million times inside it.
According to the astronomers our milky way is one of hundred 100 billion Galaxies each consisting at least 100 Billion stars in the observable universe. A star can range from a small white dwaf to medium star like our sun and gigantic stars which are several times the size of our Sun.
Who else has the power to create everything except Allah subhana wata 'ala?
If Allah subhana watala can create all of these, certainly without doubt he can provide whatever all the human beings can desire of.
Allah subhana wa ta 'ala is capable, wise, all knowing, keeper of his promise.
Only a person with the closed heart will ignore these signs.
Creation of mankind is more Complex than the creation of the earth in the sky.
May Allah guide all of us and the unbelievers those who think all these came to existence by accident.
Allah guides whom he Wills.

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Kaya si Propeta Mohammad ay iniwasan na kuhanan siya ng larawan,at baka sambahin siya ng mga tao, na katulad na ginawa ng mga Kristyano
Makakita lang sila ng larawan, iisipin nila kaagad na si Hesus, ginawang Diyos at tuluyan ng sinamba
Si Propeta Mohammad ( saws ) ay nagsabi:
'Huwag kayong magmalabis sa pagpuri sa akin gaya ng pagmamalabis ng mga Kristyano sa pagpupuri sa anak ni Maria. Sapagkat ako ay isang lingkod lamang. Kaya sabihin lamang ninyo:
Ang lingkod ng ALLAH at Kanyang Sugo
( Al-Bukhari )

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Subhana Al-láh

تمت إضافة ‏صورة جديدة‏ بواسطة ‏IslamHouse.com español - Spanish - إسباني‏ إلى الألبوم: ‏‎Imágenes‎‏.
Las palabras del tasbih, “Subhana Al-láh”, incorpora uno de los grandes significados fundamentales del Tawhíd (la unidad absoluta de Dios), y uno de los principios básicos de la fe en Dios, glorificado y exaltado sea, el cual es declarar que Él está por encima de cualquier falta, carencia, corrupción, o falsedad.
El Shéij al-Islam Ibn Taimíyah (que Al-láh tenga misericordia de él):
“La orden de glorificar a Dios (diciendo Subhana Al-láh) también implica declararlo por encima de toda falta e insuficiencia, y afirmar los atributos de perfección que Le pertenecen. El tasbih implica declararlo por encima de toda falta y venerarlo, y la veneración implica elogiar sus atributos por los cuales Él es adorado, e implica declararlo por encima de toda falta, alabarlo, engrandecerlo y afirmar Su unidad”.
El Imam at-Tabaráni narró en su libro ad-Du’á', varios reportes explicando el significado de esta palabra, que compiló en un capítulo titulado Tafsir at-Tasbih (Exégesis de la Glorificación), p. 498-500.
Entre los reportes que él citó en este capítulo están los siguientes:
Se narró de Ibn ‘Abbás (que Al-láh esté complacido con él):
“Subhana Al-láh significa declarar que Dios está por encima de todo mal o defecto”.
Se narró que Yazíd ibn al-Asámm dijo:
“Un hombre vino y le dijo a Ibn ‘Abbás (que Al-láh esté complacido con él):
“La iláha ílla Al-láh”, nosotros sabemos, ‘no hay más divinidad que Él’. “Al hámdu lil-láh”, sabemos, ‘todas las bendiciones provienen de Él y Él es el Único que es adorado por ellas”. “Al-láhu ákbar”, sabemos, ‘no hay nadie más grande que Él”. Pero, ¿qué significa “Subhana Al-láh”?
Él dijo: “Esta es una palabra que Dios ha aprobado para sí mismo, le ha encomendado a Sus ángeles decir y ha inspirado a la élite de Su creación pronunciar”.
Se narró que ‘Abd Allah ibn Buraidah narró que un hombre le preguntó a ‘Ali (que Al-láh esté complacido con él) acerca de la frase “Subhana Al-láh”, y dijo: “Es una veneración de la majestad de Dios”.
Se narró que Muyáhid dijo:
“El tasbih significa declarar que Dios está libre de todo mal”.
Se narró que Maimún ibn Mahrám dijo:
“Subhana Al-láh es una veneración de Dios y es una frase con la que se venera a Dios”.
Se narró que al-Hásan dijo:
“Subhana Al-láh es una frase restringida que no puede ser usada para referirse a nadie de la creación”.
Se narró que Abu ‘Ubaid Mu’ámmar ibn al-Mazánna dijo:
“Subhana Al-láh significa declarar que Dios está por encima (de cualquier defecto)”.

The Daily Reminder Network is creating Videos, Posters, Organizing Events & Supporting Relief Projects | Patreon

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Dictatorship of History & Science!

‏‎Science & Faith‎‏ مع ‏‎Sufi Naqvi Syed‎‏ و‏‎Syed Anwar Ali‎‏.
Dictatorship of History & Science!
The Western education is responsible for creating an inferiority complex among our educated classes who link the entire development of sciences and arts to the West. They are much familiar with Western Scientists like Newton and Stephenson, Harvey and Maiconi but not with greater Muslim scientists like Khwarizmi and Ibn Sina, Baruni and Ibn Nafis. But, modern research, including some outspoken admissions by Western orientalists have brought out the truth about the achievements of Muslim scholars and scientists during the mediaeval times. These orientalists are Robert Briffault, John Draper, Phillip K. Hitti, George Sarton, Max Meyerhof, H. G, Farmer and Carta De Vaux.
The ignorance of our educated class towards the achievements of their ancestors in different spheres of human activity, especially in the realm of sciences and arts impelled me to raise the curtain which hung over the glorious achievements of the sons of Islam.