الأحد، 3 نوفمبر 2019

Allah Love?

Allah Love?: Who does Allah love? Allah loves Ihsan in all matters, and He loves the doers of good (Al-Muhsineen). They are mentioned three times in the Qur’an...

What's the distance and how many days are considered as 'Traveling'?

Is Eating Shrimps and Lobster Halal?

Is Eating Shrimps and Lobster Halal?: As-salamu `alaykum. Please, let me know if eating shrimps and lobster is halal (lawful) or not.

Surah Ad-Duha (Cure for depression) | Islamic Reminder

Surah Ad-Duha (Cure for depression) | Islamic Reminder: Surah Duha – Cure for depression Whenever I’m feeling down, I recite Surah Duha and its powerful message revives my optimism. So without wasting any time, here is the translation: …

"Husband Cheated with a Prostitute: Shall I Seek Divorce? | About Islam ://t.co/"

سورة الدخان من طريق الطيببة | مشاري راشد العفاسي 1440هـ

Celebrating Prophet Muhammad's Birth: Two Extremes | About Islam

Celebrating Prophet Muhammad's Birth: Two Extremes | About Islam: Is Celebrating Prophet Muhammad's Birth OK? Dr. Jasser Audah approaches the question by tackling two innovations that people fall in regarding the occasion.

Seattle Muslims Team Up with Church to Serve Homeless | About Islam

Seattle Muslims Team Up with Church to Serve Homeless | About Islam: For Aziz Junejo, the 14th annual “Day of Dignity” event on Saturday was a unique one, being the first to be held at the Plymouth Church in downtown Seattle

Hadith on Taharah: Water is pure unless change in smell, taste, color | Daily Hadith Online الحديث اليومي

Hadith on Taharah: Water is pure unless change in smell, taste, color | Daily Hadith Online الحديث اليومي: Abu Sa'id al-Khudri reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, "Water is pure for ablution and nothing makes it impure." Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 66 Grad

इस्लाम में औरतों के अधिकार - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक

इस्लाम में औरतों के अधिकार - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक: इस्लाम में औरतों के अधिकारः इस पुस्तक में इस्लाम में औरतों के अधिकारों का वर्णन और उसके प्रति व्यक्त किए जाने वाले संदेहों का निराकरण किया गया है, इसके प्रथम भाग में इस्लाम में औरतों के धार्मक, आर्थिक, सामाजिक, शैक्षिक, क़ानूनी और राजनीतिक अधिकारों पर बात की गई है, जबकि दूसरे भाग में इस्लाम में औरतों के अधिकार संबंधित 25 प्रश्नों के उत्तर प्रस्तुत किए गए हैं। यह इ-बुक हिन्दी बलागर उमर केरानवी साहब का सुप्रयास है।

Islamic Civil Divorce Shariah Talaq One Triple Three Talaq Khula America UK Canada Ammaar Saeed - YouTube

Islamic Civil Divorce Shariah Talaq One Triple Three Talaq Khula America UK Canada Ammaar Saeed - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

Ang Tatlong Panuntunan - Tagalog - Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab

Ang Tatlong Panuntunan - Tagalog - Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab: Ang Tatlong Panuntunan; Pagtalakay sa mga Katanungan na Siyang Itatanong sa Libingan: Sino ang Diyos Mo, Sino ang Propeta Mo at Ano Ang Relihiyon MO?

आख़िरी पैग़म्बर - हिन्दी - सैयद मुहम्मद इक़बाल

आख़िरी पैग़म्बर - हिन्दी - सैयद मुहम्मद इक़बाल: ईश्दूत मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम अल्लाह के अंतिम संदेष्टा हैं जिन्हें अल्लाह सर्व मानव जाति की ओर अपना संदेश्वाहक बनाकर भेजा है। अतः आप केवल मुसलमानों के लिए आदर्श नहीं हैं बल्कि परलोक के दिन तक आने वाली सर्वमानव जाति के लिए मार्गदर्शक और सर्वश्रेष्ठ आदर्श हैं। इस पुस्तिका में पैगंबर सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम के जीवन और धर्म संदेश के कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बिंदुओ पर संछिप्त के साथ प्रकाश डाला गया है।

Nadiyos’ Kubre? - Tagalog - Laurence Brown

Nadiyos’ Kubre? - Tagalog - Laurence Brown: Ang mga linya ay naghahatid mula sa kauna-unahang Kristiyanismong Judio hanggang sa ikapitong dantaon, katiyakang patungo sa Islam. . . . Ang mga paghahambing sa pagitan ng larawan sa Qur’an ni Jesus at ng isang Kristolohiyang may isang timbreng Judio-Kristiyano ay nakalilito. Ang mga pagkakatulad na ito ay dimatatanggihan at humihingi ng mas malawak na makasaysayan at mapamaraang pagninilay.

🌹 #حكم ستر القدمين في #الصلاة للمرأة

#تنبيــــــــــه ..
غطي قدميك في الصلاة أختاه حتى لا تكون صلاتك باطلة ..
🌹 #حكم ستر القدمين في #الصلاة للمرأة
هل الصلاة بدون جوارب غير جائزة، وهل ستر القدمين للمرأة واجبة في الصلاة، أو لا؟
📝جواب الشيخ ابن باز رحمه الله:
المشروع سترهما بالجوربين،
أو بإرخاء الثياب إذا أرخت الثياب حصل المقصود ولو ما كان هناك جوربان؛
لأنه جاء في الحديث رواه أبو داوود عن أم سلمة أنها سُئلت -رضي الله عنها-:
(أتصلي المرأة في ردع وخمار بغير إزار ؟؟
فقالت: إذا كان الدرع ساتراً يغطي ظهور قدميها)،
والجمهور على أن القدمين عورة، وأن الواجب عليها سترهما في الصلاة، فينبغي للمؤمنة ستر القدمين بالجورب، أو بإرخاء الثياب.
جزاكم الله خيراً
⤵️موقع الشيخ ابن باز رحمه الله (نور على الدرب )
🌹حكم صلاة المرأة مكشوفة القدمين ؟؟
🖍السائل : المرأة مكشوفة القدمين ماحكم صلاتها ؟
الشيخ : أنا أرى أنه لا بد أن تستر أن تلبس قميصاً سابغاً لظهور قدميها لثبوت ذلك عن بعض أمهات المؤمنين. لكن إذا ظهر باطن قدمها وهي ساجدة مثلا فلا بأس من ذلك.
🖍السائل : أما ظاهر القدم؟
الشيخ : فلا بد من الستر .
🖍السائل : وإن تعمدت الكشف هل تبطل الصلاة .
الشيخ : إذا تعمدت فالصلاة غير مقبولة. (( لا يقبل الله الصلاة حائضٍ إلا بخمار )) .
🖍السائل : الجراب هل يكفي لستر القدمين ؟
الشيخ : لا يكفي لأنه داخل في نفس الشرط السابق لا يشف ولا يصف فهو إن لم يشف فهو يصفُ.
🔺العلامة الألباني - رحمه الله - (سلسلة الهدى والنور ) الشريط رقم : 023.
📍حكم صلاة المرأة مكشوفة القدمين ؟؟
📜السؤال :
ما الذي يجب ستره في الصلاة بالنسبة للمرأة ، هل يجب ستر الكفين أثناء الصلاة ؟؟
وهل إذا طلع جزء من القدم تبطل الصلاة بالنسبة للمرأة ؟؟
المرأة كلها عورة ، والواجب عليها التستر في الصلاة في الفرض والنفل إلا الوجه فإنها تكشفه، فالسنة كشف الوجه إذا لم يكن عندها أجنبي تكشف وجهها في الصلاة ،
أما بقية بدنها فإنها تستره ما عدا الكفين فسترهما مستحب ،
وإن كشفتهما فلا حرج على الصحيح،
🌹أما الوجه فكشفه سنة في الصلاة إذا لم يكن عندها أجنبي، وهذا يعم الفرض والنفل إذا كانت بالغة قد بلغت الحلم، وإذا خرج منها شيء، خرج قدمها أو شيء من قدمها، إذا كان كثيرا فإنها تعيد الصلاة عند جمهور أهل العلم، أما إذا كان شيئا يسيرا ثم غطته فيعفى عنه إن شاء الله.
⤵️فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة (الجزء رقم : 7، الصفحة رقم: 248)
غطي قدمك #أختاه

అత్తిబ్యాన్ - ఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనంలో తోడ్పడే సులభమైన పద్దతి - ఇంగ్లీష్

అత్తిబ్యాన్ - ఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనంలో తోడ్పడే సులభమైన పద్దతి - ఇంగ్లీష్: ఈ పుస్తకం పాఠకులకు ఖుర్ఆన్ పఠనంలో పనికి వచ్చే విధంగా కొన్ని ఆధునిక బోధనా పద్ధతులను అవలంబిస్తూ అరబీ అక్షరాలు నేర్పుతున్నది. దీని వలన తక్కువ సమయంలో నేర్చుకోవచ్చు.

Capítulo 47, Muhammad (Muhammad) - A religião do Islã

Capítulo 47, Muhammad (Muhammad) - A religião do Islã: Contrastando dois grupos: um aceita a
verdade e o outro se recusa.  Um receberá recompensas e os outro verá as suas
obras serem tornadas sem valor. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

Kapitel 94, Asch-Scharh (Das Weiten) - Die Religion des Islam

Kapitel 94, Asch-Scharh (Das Weiten) - Die Religion des Islam: Ein Kapitel, das sich an den Propheten
Muhammad richtet. Es demonstriert die Liebe Gottes zu ihm und bringt ihm die
frohe Botschaft von einer bevorstehenden Erleichterung. Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam.  Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu.

Chapitre 70, Al-Ma’arij (Les voies d’ascension) - La religion de l'Islam

Chapitre 70, Al-Ma’arij (Les voies d’ascension) - La religion de l'Islam: Dieu décrit le Jour du Jugement,
incluant les différentes qualités et comportements des croyants et des
mécréants. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.


Шамсиддин Абдулбосит ўғли
Росулуллоҳ саллоллоҳу алайҳи ва саллам жума куни ҳақида: "У кунда шундай бир соат борки, банда намозда туриб Оллоҳ таолодан бирор ҳожатини сўраб дуо қилса Оллоҳ таоло унга албатта сўраганини беради" деб қўллари билан озгина вақт деб ишора қилдилар.
Имом Бухорий ривояти.


Islam Religion
1) What is the meaning of the word "Qur'an"?
That which is Read.
2) Where was the Qur'an revealed first?
In the cave of Hira (Makkah)
3) On which night was the Qur'an first revealed?
Lailatul-Qadr (Night of the Power) in the month of Ramadhan
4) Who revealed the Qur'an? Allah revealed the Qur'an
5) Through whom was the Qur'an revealed?
Through Angel Jibraeel (Aliyhis-Salaam)
6) To whom was the Qur'an revealed?
To the last Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam)
7) Who took the responsibility of keeping the Qur'an safe?
Allah himself
8 ) What are the conditions for holding or touching the Qur'an?
One has to be clean and to be with wudhu (ablution)
9) Which is the book which is read most?
The Qur'an
10) What is the topic of the Qur'an? Man
11) What are the other names of the Qur'an according to the Qur'an itself?
Al-Furqaan, Al-Kitaab, Al-Zikr, Al-Noor, Al-Huda
12) How many Makki Surahs (chapters) are there in the Qur'an? 86
13) How many Madani Surahs(chapters) are there in the Qur'an? 28
14) How many Manzils (stages) are there in the Qur'an? 7
15) How many Paara or Juz (parts) are there in the Qur'an? 30
16) How many Surahs (chapters) are there in the Qur'an? 114
17) How many Ruku (paragraphs) are there in the Qur'an? 540
18) How many Aayaath (verses) are there in the Qur'an? 6235
(Yes I went through and counted lol so as many think it's not 6666)
19) How many times is the word 'Allah' repeated in the Qur'an? 2698
20) How many different types of Aayaath (verses) are there in the Qur'an? 10
21) Who is the first 'Haafiz' of the Qur'an?
Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam)
22) At the time of the death of Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) how many Huffaz were there? 22
23) How many Aayaath (verses) on Sajda (prostation) are there in the Qur'an? 14
24) In which Paara (part) and Surah (chapter) do you find the first verse about Sajda (prostation)?
9th Paara,7th Chapter-Surah-al-Araaf, Verse 206
25) How many times has the Qur'an stressed about Salah (prayer)?
700 times
26) How many times has the Qur'an emphasized on alms or charity? 150
27) How many times in the Qur'an is the Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) addressed as Yaa-Aiyu-Han-Nabi? 11 times
28) Where in the Qur'an has Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) been named 'Ahmed'?
Paara 28th, Surah Saff, Ayath 6
29) How many times has the name of Rasul-ullah (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) been mentioned in the Qur'an?
Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) 4 times
Ahmed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) 1 time
30) Name the Prophet whose name is mentioned and discussed most in the Qur'an?
Musa (Aliyhis-Salaam)
31) Who were the Kaathibe-Wahi (copyists of the revelations) of the Qur'an?
Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu),Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu),
Ali (Radhiallahu Anhu),Zaid Bin Harith (Radhiallahu Anhu) And Abdullah bin Masood(Radhiallahu Anhu)
32) Who was the first person who counted the Aayaath (verses) of the Qur'an?
Ayesha (Radhiallahu Anha)
33) On whose advice did Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu) decide to compile the Qur'an?
Omar Farooq (Radhiallahu Anhu)
34) On whose order was the Qur'an compiled completely in written form?
Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu)
35) Who confined the recitation of the Qur'an on the style of the Quraysh tribe?
Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu)
36) Out of the copies of the Qur'an compiled by Usman (Radhiallahu Anhu), how many and where are they at present?
Only 2 copies. One in Tashkent and the other in Istanbul.
37) Which Surah of the Qur'an was Prophet Muhammed (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) reciting while praying, that Hazrat Jabeer Bin Muth'im listened to and embraced Islam?
Surah At Tur (52nd Surah)
38) Which was the Surah of the Qur'an which the Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) had recited when one of his enemies Utba after listening to it fell in Sajda (prostation)?
The first five Ayaaths of Ham-Meem-Sajda
39) Which is the first and the most ancient Masjid according to the Qur'an? Ka'ba.
40) In Qur'an mankind is divided into two groups. What are those two groups? - Believers and disbelievers.
41) Who is the man about whom, Allah has said in the Qur'an that his body is kept as an admonishing example for future generations to come?
Fir'aun. (Pharaoh)
42) Besides the body of Pharaoh, what is that thing which is kept as an admonishing example for future generations to come? - Noah's Ark.
43) After the wreckage of Prophet Noah's Ark, which is its place of rest mentioned in the Qur'an? - Cave of Judi.
44) In the Qur'an the name of which companion of Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) is mentioned?
Zaid Bin Harith.
45) Who is the relative of the Prophet Muahmmed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) whose name is mentioned in the Qur'an?
Abu Lahab
46) In the Qur'an there is a mention of a Prophet who has been called by his mother's name. Who was he?
Jesus [Prophet Isa (Aliyhis salaam)] is mentioned as ibn Maryam.
47) Which was the agreement that was titled Fath-hum-Mubeen' without fighting a battle?
Treaty of Hudaibiya.
48) What are the different names used for Satan or Devil in the Qur'an?
Iblees and Ash-Shaitaan.
49) Which category of creature does the Qur'an put 'Iblees' into?
50) What were those worships and prayers that were ordered by Allah to the community of Bani Israeel and which were continued by the Muslim Ummah also?
Salah and Zakaat. (Al-Baqarah:43)
51) The Qur'an repeatedly warns of a certain day. Can you say which day it is? Yawmal Qiyamah. (Day of Judgement)
52) Who were those people with whom Allah was pleased and they were pleased with Him, as mentioned in the Qur'an?
Companions of Prophet Muhammed. (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam)
53) In which Holy Book of Non-Muslims the Qur'an mentioned repeatedly?
In the Holy Book of Sikh Community-Granth Saheb.
54) In which year were the vowels inserted in the Qur'an?
43 Hijri.
55) Who were the first serious students of the Qur'an?
As-haabus Suffah.
56) Which is the first Residential University where the faculty of the Qur'an was established for the first time?
Masjid-e-Nabuwi.[Masjid of the Prophet (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam)]
57) By what name did the Qur'an address those noble and pious people who were selected by Allah to convey His message to mankind?
Nabi (Prophet) and Rasul (Messenger).
58) What type of a person does the Qur'an want to make?
59) What is the scale or measure of one's dignity according to the Qur'an?
Thaqwa. (Piety)
60) What according to the Qur'an is the root cause of the evil?
61) What are the two most important types of kinds of Aayaath (Verses)found in the Qur'an?
Muhakamaat and muthashabihaath.
62) Which is the longest Surah (Chapter) in the Qur'an?
63) Which is the smallest Surah in the Qur'an?
64) What was the age of Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) when Qur'an was first revealed to him through Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam)?
40 Years.
65) How long did Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Makkah? 13 Years.
66) How long did Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) receive the revelation of the Qur'an in Madinah?
10 Years.
67) Where was the first Surah revealed? In Makkah.
68) Where was the last Surah revealed? In Madinah.
69) How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Qur'an?
23 years
70) Which Surah(Chapter) of the Qur'an is to be read compulsorily in each raka'at of the Salah (Prayer)? Surah-al-Fatihah.
71) Which is the Surah, which Allah taught as a Du'a (Prayer)?
72) What is the reason of keeping Surah-al-Fatihah in the beginning of the Qur'an? It is the door to the Qur'an
73) What is the Surah (Chapter) revealed completely and found first place in the Qur'an? Surah-al-Fatihah.
74) Who was the only lady whose personal name is found in the Qur'an? Maryam (Alaihis-salaam).
75) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an do you find maximum instructions?
76) When and Where did the Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam) and Jibraeel (Alaihis-salaam) meet for the second time?
On Friday, 18th Ramadhan, in the Cave of Hira.
77) What was the interval between the first and the second revelation?
2 years and six months.
78) Which is the Surah (Chapter) that does not start with Bismillah?
Surah-al-Taubah (or Bara'ath)
Surah 9 entitled 'At-Tauba' or 'repentance', exposes the true qualities of the hypocrites and threatens them with a woeful doom. It can be likened to a stern warning made in the strongest terms. Hence, an opening, which stresses divine mercy and compassion, does not seem particularly fitting to the subject matter of the Surah. Therefore, Allah has not started with the phrase you have mentioned which begins every other Surah in the Qur'an. To recite this phrase at its beginning is forbidden because it constitutes an addition to the Qur'an which is not part of it.
79) In which Surah (Chapter) of the Qur'an Bismillah is repeated twice?
Surah-al Naml.
80) How many Surah (Chapter) in the Qur'an have the titles named after different Prophets?
6 Surahs (Chapters): a) Surah-al-Yunus. b) Surah-al-Hood. c) Surah-al-Yusuf. d) Surah-al-Ibraheem. e) Surah-al-Nuh. f) Surah-al-Muhammed.
81) In which part of the Qur'an do you find 'Ayat-ul-Kursi' (Verse of the Throne)?
In the beginning of the third Part. (Chapter 2-55)
82) How many different names of Allah are mentioned in the Qur'an? 99.
83) Who were the three non-prophets whose names are mentioned with due respect in the Qur'an?
Luqman, Aziz of Egypt and Zulqarnain.
84) At the time Abu Bakr (Radhiallahu Anhu) how many companions had compiled the Qur'an in the form of a book? 75 companions.
85) Which is the only book which is completely memorized by millions of people in the world? Al-Qur'an.
86) What did the Jinns who heard a few Aayaath (Verses) of the Qur'an say to each other?
We have heard a unique discourse which shows the right path, verily we believe in it.
87) Which are the most popular transalations of the Qur'an in English?
Transalation by Muhammed Marmaduke Pickthall and by Allama Yusuf Ali.
88) Into how many languages of the world has the Holy Qur'an been transalated?
Over 100 languages.
89) Who was the first transalator of the Holy Qur'an into Urdu?
Moulana Shah Rafiuddin Muhaddis Dehlavi.
90) What will be our condition on 'The day of the Judgement' according to the Qur'an?
Everybody will be in a state of anxiety.
91) Who was the Prophet mentioned in the Qur'an whose three generations were prophets?
Ibrahim (Aliyhis-salaam).
92) What is that book which abolished all old rules and regulations?
93) What does the Qur'an say about property and wealth?
They are tests of ones faith.
94) According to the Qur'an who is "khaatamun Nabiyyeen" (the last of the Prophets)?
Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu 'Aliyhi Wasallam)
95) What is the name of the book that tells us clearly about the reality of the beginning and the end of the world?
96) In the Qur'an what other name is given to the city of Makkah?
Bakkah and Baladul Ameen.
97) According to the Qur'an what other name is given to the city of Madinah? - Yathrib.
98) Whose Generation is known as "Bani Israeel" according to the Qur'an?
The generation of Prophet Yaqoob (Aliyhis salaam) who is also known as Israeel.
99) Which are the masjids that are mentioned in the Qur'an 5 mosques: a) Masjid-ul-Haram. b) Masjid-ul-Zirar. c) Masjid-ul-Nabawi. d) Masjid-ul-Aqsa. e) Masjid Quba.
100) The name of which angels are mentioned in the Qur'an? 4 angels:
a) Jibraeel Alaihis salaam)
b) Meekaeel.(Alaihis salaam)
c) Haroot.(Alaihis salaam)
d) Maroot.(Alaihis salaam)
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アブー・フライラ(彼にアッラーのご満悦あれ)によれば、預言者(彼にアッラーからの祝福と平安あれ)は言いました:「舌には軽いが、(審判の日の善行の)秤には重く、最も慈悲深いお方(アッラーのこと)が愛でられる2つの言葉(とはこれである):“偉大なるアッラーの崇高さよ。讃美と共に、アッラーの崇高さを称えます。”」(アル=ブハーリーとムスリムの伝承 )
スブハーナッラーヒ ワ ビハムディヒ、スブハーナッラーヒㇽアズィ―ム
سُبْحَانَ الله وَبِحَمْدِهِ، سُبْحَانَ الله الْعَظِيمِ