الخميس، 29 نوفمبر 2018

35+ Everyday Things You Had No Idea Had An Actual Purpose – Life Just Got Way Easier htt"

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Russian beauty queen converts to Islam, marries Malaysia's king


Friday is the sixth day in Islamic week. The literal meaning of Friday is congregation. In islam, this day is given the most importance than any other days of the week. Every Friday, Prayer of Jummah is offered and for this prayer special time is taken. Imams of all masjids deliver khutbah on a special topic every Friday.
From various ahadith, it is proven that Prophet Muhammadﷺused to celebrate this day and he declared jummah as weekly eid for muslims. He ﷺ used to wear clean and new (washed) clothes, used to take bath, wear fragrance, wear surmah for this day specially.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺdescribed the virtues of Jummah prayer in the following hadith with these words;
”When the Friday comes, at every door of the Masjid there stands Angels who write down (the names of) those who come First, then who comes next. When the Imam sits down, the records are closed and they come to listen to the reminder , i.e. the Khutba….” Muslim 1984.
From authentic ahadith, it is taken that Prophet Muhammad ﷺadvised Muslims to recite surah al-Kahf on every Friday to keep safe from the fitnah of dajjal.
While the fast on Jummah is forbidden i.e. the single fast in a week cannot be observed on jummah but it can be observed in pair i.e. with Thursday or with Saturday.


Just Ask Islam - Where Did God Come From?

Just Ask Islam - Where Did God Come From?: I have a friend that doesn't even believe in a god, and I said whatever I could, but her side of the argument was, that if everything came from something, and their was a Creator of everything, then where did God come from. And I don't know what to say, I'm kind of stuck.

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Recommended actions on the day of Jumuah

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Yusuf Estes
Read this one . . .

[al-Isra’ 17:14]

‏‎ILoveAllaah.com‎‏ مع ‏‎Noorjahan Islam Chowdhury Ani‎‏ و‏‎Katy‎‏.
When the people have been given their books, it will be said to them:
“This Our Record speaks about you with truth. Verily, We were recording what you used to do (i.e. Our angels used to record your deeds)” - [al-Jaathiyah 45:29]
“Read your book. You yourself are sufficient as a reckoner against you this Day” - [al-Isra’ 17:14]

A palavra “muçulmano”

تمت مشاركة ‏صورة‏ من قبل ‏‎Ikram Mohmmad‎‏.
Chat Islam Online Português
***A palavra “muçulmano” significa aquele que se submete a vontade de Deus, independente de sua raça, nacionalidade ou origem étnica. Ser um muçulmano implica em submissão voluntária e obediência ativa a Deus e em viver de acordo com Sua mensagem. Algumas pessoas acreditam equivocadamente que o Islã é apenas uma religião para árabes, mas nada poderia estar mais distante da verdade. Além de existirem convertidos ao Islã em todos os cantos do mundo, especialmente Inglaterra e América, ao dar uma olhada no mundo muçulmano da Bósnia a Nigéria e da Indonésia ao Marrocos, pode-se ver claramente que os muçulmanos vêm de várias raças, grupos étnicos e nacionalidades. Também é interessante notar que na verdade, mais de 80% de todos os muçulmanos não são árabes - existem mais muçulmanos na Indonésia do que em todo o mundo árabe! Então, embora seja verdade que quase todos os árabes são muçulmanos, a grande maioria dos muçulmanos não é árabe. Entretanto, quem quer que se submeta completamente a Deus e adore somente a Ele é um muçulmano.****
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Before Abraham was, I am

تمت مشاركة ‏صورة‏ من قبل ‏‎Ikram Mohmmad‎‏.
‏‎Answering Christanity‎‏ مع ‏‎Ina Sukinah‎‏ و‏‏٦‏ آخرين‏.
Before Abraham was, I am
John 8:58 is one of the most misused verses of the Bible. Because Jesus in that verse says “Before Abraham was, I am,” two implications, one unnecessary, and the other false, are drawn from that verse. The unnecessary implication is that since Jesus existed before Abraham that means he existed always. This is a preconceived notion that people force into the text. “Before Abraham” does not mean “always”. Melchezidek in the Bible is shown to have existed before #Abraham (Hebrews 7:3). Does that mean that Melchezidek is God? Obviously, we cannot take a created being as God.
The false implication is that Jesus by saying “I am” was uttering God’s name which God declared to Moses in #Exodus 3:14-15.
The Bible is confusing on this point because it gives three versions of God’s calling Moses, and the three versions do not agree with each other. The best that can be said is that the name of God announced there is Yahweh.
Compare the three versions below:
1. The Yahwist version (Exod 6:28 - 7:7) says nothing about the name of God being revealed because for the Yahwist editors the name Yahweh was already known among the Israelites. They say that this name was being used since the time of Enosh, the grandson of Adam (Genesis 4:26).
2. The priestly version (Exod 6:2-13) contradicts this by saying that this name was not known before (Exod 6:2). God’s command to Moses here is
So say to the Israelites, “I am Yahweh . . .” (Exod 6:6),
and #Moses repeated this to them (6:9).
3. But in the Elohist version (Exod 3:13-22) God’s instruction to Moses is different:
This is what you are to say to the Israelites. “I am has sent me to you” (Exod 3:15).
It would appear from this that God’s name is “I am,” but it is clear upon careful study that in this passage the Elohist scribes substituted “I am” for “Yahweh” in the same instruction given in (Exod 6:6).
Even if God really did announce his name to be “I am” as in Exodus, chapter 3, verse 15, this still does not prove that Jesus applied the name “I am” to himself. Jesus never said his name is “I am”. He is quoted as saying “Before Abraham was I am” (John 8:58). If “I am” is Jesus’ name, then we should be able to replace the “I am” in this passage with “Jesus,” since these are both names of Jesus. The passage would then read as follows: “Before Abraham was, Jesus.” This, of course, makes no sense because the idea that Jesus called himself “I am” is not there in the text, but it is someone’s own interpretation forced into the text. Notice that we would have no difficulty replacing the “I am” in Exodus 3:15 with either “God” or “Yahweh”, as follows:
This is what you are to say to the Israelites. “God has sent me to you” (Exod 3:15).
This is what you are to say to the Israelites. “#Yahweh has sent me to you” (Exod 3:15).
Another point worth paying attention to is this: the writer of the fourth gospel never believed Jesus to be God. This proves that Jesus never said he is God. Otherwise, how could it be possible that the author of the fourth #gospel never knew it? He believed that the Father is the only true God, and that Jesus is the Christ and messenger of God (see John 17:3).
Furthermore, a distinction which is present in the Greek version of the Bible is lost from the English versions. In the Septuagint Greek version of the Old Testament, the phrase translated “I am” is “ho on” in the Greek. If the author of the fourth Gospel wanted to show his readers that Jesus repeated the phrase, he would no doubt have quoted Jesus as saying, “Before Abraham was, ho on.” But he did not. Instead, he quoted Jesus as saying, “Before Abraham was, ego eimi.” Readers of his Greek manuscript, then, would have seen that Jesus’ statement in John 8:58 is different from God’s statement in Exodus 3:15. And this, of course, is what the author of the fourth Gospel intended.
Furthermore, the Syriac Peshitta version of the Bible, one of the old versions of the Bible, reads in John 8:58, “Before Abraham was, I was.” Was this changed from what the author wrote? How can we know? Suppose this was the original phrase, then those who rest their case on the common rendering will be disappointed on the Day of Judgement. Why not rest our case on a much more plain verse of the Bible — one in which Jesus clearly differentiates between himself and God? Take this one for example, where Jesus says to his enemies:
You are determined to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God” (John 8:31).
Who is Jesus then? A man who told the truth which he heard from God. In other words, he was a messenger of God. When a clear statement like this is issued from the lips of Jesus, why wrangle with the passages that are not so clear, and try to twist them to mean the opposite of what Jesus has been saying in other clear verses all along?
Anyone who wishes to convince himself/herself that Jesus is God should look for clear evidence in the Bible to show that Jesus is #God. But the clear evidence is to the contrary. The Bible teaches again and again that Jesus is not God, but a #Servant of God (e.g. #Matthew 12:18).
In the very next chapter of #John, chapter 9, v.35, #Jesus declares that he is the son of man (RSV). And anyone who knows the Bible as the Israelites to whom Jesus spoke will know that a son of man cannot be God. The #Bibledeclares that God is neither a man nor a son of #man (Numbers 23:19).
How can he be called clean that is born of a #woman? Behold even the moon, and it shineth not; yea, the stars are not pure in his sight. How much less man, that is a worm? and the son of man, which is a worm? (Job 25:4-6)