الخميس، 30 أبريل 2015

Семья в Исламе (часть 3 из 3): Родители - Религия Ислам

Семья в Исламе: брак (часть 2 из 3) - Религия Ислам

Семья в Исламе (часть 1 из 3) - Религия Ислам

French Muslim student banned from school for wearing long black skirt

Kalamullah.Com | Quran

Justice Delayed is Justice Denied

Il terzo pilastro dell’Islam: La carità obbligatoria - La religione dell'Islam

La preservazione del Corano (parte 2 di 2): il Corano scritto - La religione dell'Islam

Duá (Súplica) - Español - Aisha Stacy

Ibrahim, a One Man Nation

How to acquire happiness - The Religion of Islam

Les musulmans et le jeûne (partie 2 de 2) - La religion de l'Islam

Les musulmans et le jeûne (partie 1 de 2) - La religion de l'Islam

Hağğ – Die Reise des Lebens (teil 1 von 2): Der Tag von Arafah und seine Vorbereitung - Die Religion des Islam

Hağğ – Die Reise des Lebens (teil 2 von 2): Die Riten von Abraham - Die Religion des Islam

If Allah Removed His Veil

Al-Mujaahadah (Striving in the Way of Allah) - Riyadh ul Saaliheen - Ibn Uthaymeen | Abu Muhammad al Maghribee [Audio|En]

Imam Karim Abuzaid

Jesus: Jew, Christian or Muslim - Yusha Evans

الإعجاز في "والله يعصمك من الناس" - ليه أنا مسلم؟

My Islamic Montessori School Dream | Virtual Mosque

90-Year-Old Tortoise Whose Legs Were Eaten By Rats Gets Prosthetic Wheels And Goes Twice As Fast

Truth of Islam • Usamah bin Zaid (May Allah be pleased with them)...

Women Expose Islam

٦٣- سورة المنافقون ١٤٢١هـ

Ask Huda Apr 28th 2015 #HUDATV

, as ‘King’s English’ was a much later phenomenon

, as ‘King’s English’ was a much later phenomenon
Apparently he and his people did not speak English; they spoke their native tongue Aramaic, which was a dialect of Hebrew. Hebrew and Arabic are closely related Semitic languages; and there are numerous common words and phrases used in both Hebrew and Arabic.
Naturally these words are pronounced somewhat differently in different places separated by distance, both geographic and chronological. So the Hebrew word, shalom smile emoticon peace) becomes the Arabic salam and the Hebrew akh smile emoticon brother) is the same as Arabic akh etc.
Muslims say that Isa ibn Maryam, the Prophet who came in answer to the expectation of a Messiah by the Children of Israel, who worked within the framework of their Torah and preached to them in their own synagogue, is in the Quran.
They also say that this man (no matter he is called Isa, Yeshua or Jesus) never claimed to be God; never asked his followers to worship him or pray to him. This is the correct and truthful Muslim position regarding Jesus and his mission.
The Muslims accept the belief that Jesus was born miraculously without a father; that he did perform by the grace of God Almighty several miracles, the most important of which was the restoring of a dead man to life. But Muslims reject the idea that Jesus was God or the “only-begotten son of God”.
The Muslim contention is that the “Christian Jesus” was originally the same person mentioned in the Quran. It is noteworthy that the Muslims believe in all the prophets held holy by the Christians, including Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus himself.
It is an integral part of the Islamic faith to believe in Isa ibn Maryam (or Jesus the Son of Mary) and honor him as much as we honor all other prophets of God, including the Last Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

All good manners from four Prophetic Hadith | Faith in Allah الإيمان بالله

Malcolm X: Lessons to Learn