السبت، 2 فبراير 2013

"Why we worship God we have never seen "

Every day, 16000 children die of hunger and preventable diseases. Every freaking day... Is God really great? Does He really care? Should we worship a God that does not care for His creation? American sanctions killed 2 million Iraqis in 10 years of sanctions. Killed 1 million more in the second Gulf war... Innocent Muslim families completely destroyed, fathers killed, brothers maimed for life, sisters raped... What did God do to help? Absolutely nothing.

Why should we worship a God we have never seen, and who does nothing to prove He cares one bit?

Praise be to Allah:

Brother We told you that this life test for the hereafter . I am asking you that America killed innocent life in Iraq and Afghanistan ..etc. , do you think they should punish for this crime ? ! then who will punish them ? they are in power , no one will touch them at all , that why i told you brother this life is just !! life the real life is hereafter .

Allah says in the Qur'an ch 4 Verse 56 " As those who reject our sign , we cast them into the hell fire until their skin destroy , we change it with the new skin so that fell the pain " . If Hitler kill the 6 million Jews what punishment we will give ? we too give him death by throwing in fire , but its compensate to one person what about the 59 lakhs 99 thousand 999 person ?.

If Allan want can burn him more than 6 million and 10 millions more... in the hell . you said "people die and children die because of hunger" Allah says in the Qur'an ch 2 Verse 155 " Surely we will test you some think which fear, hunger, loss of property and loss of life and lose of hard work of your fruit "

Allah says , Allah will test by Hunger ! That why Test that whether you believe in Allah or not if Allah put in the difficulties like hunger ! if we believe in Allah till death , we pass the exam and we will enter in Jannah and those don't believe in Allah they will enter into hell .

"Why we worship God we have never seen "
First you need to understand the concept of God in Islam:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;
Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;
begetteth not, nor is He begotten;
And there is none like unto Him.
[Al-Qur'an ch 112 Verse 1-4]

This concept of God in Islam , Brother , We will seen Allah on the days of Judgement , only for those who entering in Jannah and Brother now we can't imagine God form .

this life is test of hereafter: For Example :
if you want to became a Graduate you have to first need to complete school and then junior collage and then completion of Degree then you get Graduate certificate , if you want to become a Doctor then you need to do medical course then you will get "Doctor label" become a graduate is easy then doctor , but more difficulty more "Honor" same in this life more difficult Test , in hereafter you get more :honor" :

Will you says : why all this studies and all very difficulty for to become doctor are they really care about us? no brother we know all this for our better same way this life is test for the here after.

hope that answer the Question

Allah knows the best



Today, researchers confirm that there is a brain inside heart which can think, understand and feel. The question: Are there any signs in Qur'an about heart and its role in understanding and realizing? Let us read…


In this research a new vision for human heart , for many years scientists studied heart from the physiological side and they considered it only a blood pumping machine no more no less, but starting from the twenty one century and because of the high development in heart transplantation and artificial heart surgeries ,researchers started to notice a strange and vague phenomenon which is a change in the patient's psychological status after heart transplantation , these psychological changes are very deep to the extent that after changing the old heart with a new one or with an artificial heart, patient became affected by many changes in his beliefs, what he or she likes and hate and also these changes may affect his believes!!!

From here we found that all recent science and researches talks about many verses in Qur'an which is considered to be koranic precedence in Cardiology.


As we mentioned before, some researchers believe that heart is only a blood pumping machine, also some people believe that the mentioned heart in Qur'an is the moral heart like soul not the physical one, but what is the truth?

God creates heart before brain in the embryo and it start to pulsing from the first day of creation till death. Scientists believed that brain is controlling these pulses, but they noticed that during heart implantation surgeries, the new heart start to pulsing immediately before it gets any orders from brain.

That considered being a sign that brain and heart are working independently .also they believe that heart direct brain, and each cell in heart has got a memory.

Dr Schwartz says that our history is stored inside each cell in our body.


Heart is the engine that feeds more than 300 million of million cells in human's body. Its weight is about (250 – 300) gram (you can put it in your fist). Ill heart may weight about (1000) gram because of the Enlargement.

The heart starts its mission since you are an embryo (21 days after start of pregnancy) to pumping blood to the entire body, when you are adult your heart can pump more than seventy thousand liter of blood every day. When you reach the age of seventy, the total pumped amount of blood would be more than million barrel during these years.

Heart provides all cells of our body with oxygen, as cells picks up oxygen to burn it to feed itself, and then it throw carbon gas and poisoned materials in blood as heart pumps it again toward the lungs which purify blood and throw carbon gas during the breathing process (inhalation and exhalation). The length of the vascular network in our body is about one hundred thousand kilometer.


Does brain control heart as said by scientists? or vice versa? Scientists admit that medicine is still undeveloped, as they have no idea about the precise operations in human brain, also how can we remember things? And why do we sleep? They published only what they see and observes in their researches without understanding any kind of an absolute rule concerning these operations.

But we are the Muslims have an absolute rules which are the known rules in Qur'an fourteen century ago. There are many verses which tell us that heart is the center of feeling, thinking and memory.

Only from thirty years, researchers started to notice the relation between brain and heart when they noticed that heart has a vital role in understanding the surrounded world and they had found that heart can affect the electrical activity of brain.

Scientists didn't prove that there is no relation between heart and emotions. It is so hard to prove such thing.

But scientifically, heart is connected with brain through a very complicated network of neurons and there are flows of messages between both of them in form of electrical signals. Scientists confirm that heart and brain are working simultaneously in harmony and without that harmony, troubles might occur.

Dr. Armour say that heart has a special system in processing incoming information from entire body and success of heart transplantation depends on the neural system of the transplanted heart and how much it is able to adapt with the patient.


Linda Marks who used to be a therapist in the heart center for more than twenty years says: people used to ask me a question, what are you doing in a heart center and you know that heart is only a blood pumping machine so that there is no relation between heart and human psychology ? My answer was: I always feel with a big difference in people's psychology before and after heart transplantation as I feel with many changes in his or her emotions but in fact I had no scientific evidence for that. Till I met Dr Linda Russek who recorded the transmitted electromagnetic frequencies from heart and brain and how much these frequencies affect brain of the other people!!

Prof Gary Schwartz specialist in Psychiatry in Arizona University and Prof Linda Russek believe that heart has a special power which enables it to store and process information. Therefore memory is not only in brain but also in heart. Prof Gary made a research which included more than three hundred patient who performed transplantation surgery and he found that all patients were exposed to many psychological changes after the surgery.

Prof Gary Schwartz says: we made a heart transplantation surgery for an ill child as we implanted the heart of a dead child in the body of that child. Mother of the dead child says: every time I huge the child I feel as if my child still alive and that child is my own one.

That child started to suffer from a defect in his left side and that was the same case of the dead child. How can we explain that?

Simply, because the heart started to supervise brain activities and that defect occurred because heart started to make some development in child's brain.

Prof Linda says: another story for a girl who performed a heart transplantation surgery but after the operation she used to feel with pain in her chest and when she asked her doctor he told her that feeling with pain is because of the medicines. But later they knew that the heart inside her was transmitted from another girl who was hit by a car in a car accident and last word the dead girl said was "I feel with pain in my chest.

Also, another story for a girl who sank in the pool and her family donated with her heart to another boy who used to be afraid from water after the heart transplantation surgery and he always feels afraid as he used to ask his family not to drop him in water.


An interesting discovery that is all people who changed their hearts with an artificial one had lost their feelings and ability to love. In 11/8/2007, the American newspaper "Washington post" published reportage about Peter Houghton who made an artificial heart transplant. He says: my feelings had changed, I am not able to know what I hate and what I love even I don't have feelings toward any of my grandchild.

That man became not interested at any thing even in money or life itself and he became had no idea about reason of life and he started to think to commit suicide. He became not able to understand the world or to think about future and also he lost his believe in God and became careless about the hereafter like before.

Till this moment, scientists don't understand this phenomenon and the secret behind that psychological change. Prof Arthur Caplan Head of Medical Ethics at University of Pennsylvania says: scientists used to deal with human body as if it is a machine and we never gave any attention to the relation between feelings and organics in our body.

The artificial heart is a mechanical device which implanted into the body to replace the biological heart. It uses a battery as a power supply. If you put your ear on the patient's chest you can hear sound of an electrical machine not pulses of a heart.

On December 2, 1982, Dr. William DeVries implanted the artificial heart into retired dentist Dr. Barney Bailey Clark (b. 21 January 1921), who survived 112 days with the device, dying on 23 March 1983. In 2001 scientists manufactured an artificial heart which called AbioCor .The first AbioCor to be surgically implanted in a patient was on July 2, 2001. The AbioCor is made of titanium and plastic with a weight of 2 pounds and its internal battery can be recharged with a transduction device that sends power through the skin.

The first complete artificial heart was implanted in 2001 in a patient's body who still alive for four months till he died.

The second photo above is for an artificial heart implantation surgery, scientists confirm that heart implanting causes a huge defect in realizing and understanding which prove that heart has a vital role in these operations and heart is not only a pumping machine. It is more complicated than we imagine

The American Administration for Food and Drug confirm that the artificial heart failed in its mission as all patients who implanted it died after couple of months due to sudden Angina pectoris.


The most reasonable explanation for this phenomenon is that there are some special programs for memory inside cells of our heart which stores all events; these programs send these memories to brain in order to process it. Heart pulses rate is changing according to the psychological and emotional status of us. DR J. Andrew Armour confirms that there is a very complicated brain inside the heart. In our heart there are more than forty thousand neuron which works in an extraordinary precision to control heart pulses, hormone production and information storing, after that these information are sent to brain. This information plays a vital role in realizing and understanding.

So information flows from the heart to the brain through special paths ,then it leads brain cells to be able to understand and realize , nowadays scientists are working to establish many centers concerned about studying the relationship between heart and brain and the relation between the heart and the cognitive and psychological operations.


DR Paul Pearsall say that heart can feel and remember and it transmit vibrations to communicate with other hearts, also it helps in organizing immunity of the body. also it transmit information in each pulse to the entire body , therefore some researches have got a question , is it possible for the memory to stay deep inside our hearts?

The heart with its organized harmony controls the entire body as it considered to be a method to linking all cells, when blood goes into each cell then it feed these cells not only with oxygen but also with information.

In heart math institute they found that heart has a very strong electromagnetic field which affects all surrounding people. Therefore human can communicate with others only with his heart without talking.

The heart math institute had performed many experiments to prove that heart transmit electromagnetic frequencies which affects brain. So heart may affect the realizing and the understanding of human, also they found that heart transmit a very strong electrical field which controls the entire body. In the fourth photo above, Curve in below represent heart pulses and the upper three curves represent brain reactions. Therefore brain is affected by heart and its frequencies changes according to the heart condition.

Also they found a relation between number of heart pulses and the transmitted waves from brain (Alfa waves). The more heart pulses the more transmitted waves from brain.


Rollin McCraty and Mike Atkinson had made a research which was published in the annual meeting of The Pavlovian Society. They found that there is a relation between heart and the realization. They proved this relation by measuring the electromagnetic activity of heart and brain when people are trying to understand something. They found that when heart performance is in a low level, realizing also will be low.

The results of the Institute of Heart Math was marvelous .they found that when you speak or touch another person, the changes in your heart will affect the brain activities of the other person!! This means that your heart affects his brain.

In the third photo above, a man lives with an artificial heart, he is connected all the time with wires to get a continuous charging for the heart battery, any one perform an artificial heart implantation surgery might lose his feeling and reactions toward community. It is evidence that heart has got a vital role in thinking, reactions and brain direction


Qur'an told us about results of these researches .we can summarize that in the following points:

1. Today , scientists tell us about a brain in the heart which consists of 40000 neuron and it lead the brain to do its missions , so our God made the heart as a method of understanding , God says:( Have they not traveled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand and ears wherewith to hear? Verily, it is not the eyes that grow blind, but it is the hearts which are in the breasts that grow blind.)( Sûrat Al-Hajj – verse46)

2. Also scientists tell us about the vital role of the heart in understanding and realizing, God says :( They have hearts wherewith they understand not)( Sûrat Al-A‘râf - verse 179), so Qur'an told us about the realization center in human which is the heart.

3. Most people who implant an artificial heart feel that their heart became solid with no feeling or love inside, God says to Jews :( Then, after that, your hearts were hardened and became as stones or even worse in hardness)( Sûrat Al-Baqarah- verse 74) so Qur'an told us about one of heart features which is the hardness and softness, so God says about disbelievers :( So woe to those whose hearts are hardened against remembrance of Allah! They are in plain error) (Sûrat Az-Zumar - verse 22) but on the other side God says about the believers :( Then their skin and their heart soften to the remembrance of Allah)( Sûrat Az-Zumar - verse 23) .

4. Scientists confirm that each cell in our heart is considered to be a warehouse for events and information .so scientists tell us about memory of the heart, God be he blessed and exalted told us that everything is in the heart. God says :( but that Allah might test what is in your breasts; and to examine closely which was in your hearts (sins), and Allah is All-Knower of what is in (your) breasts.)( Sûrat Âl-‘Imrân – verse 154)

5. Some researchers confirm that heart is very important to the hearing process and any defect in heart may affect the hearing process. in reality I saw a similar case for a Muslim who used to eat at the day of Ramadan and he doesn't pray , that man was infected in his heart but this problem was developed to affect his hearing system as he lost the ability to hear anything . Later, that man died and he said before dying :( I can't hear anything), God says :( And we seal up their hearts so that they hear not?)(Sûrat Al-A‘râf - verse 100).

6. According to the most recent researches, heart has an important role in learning because it leads and control brain's neurons. Qur'an made a link between heart and science. God says :( and Allah has sealed up their hearts (from all kinds of goodness and right guidance) so that they know not (what they are losing).)( Sûrat At-Taubah - verse 93)

7. Now , it is confirmed that laying center is in the forelock which is in the upper front of the brain, scientists observed a great activity in this area when human tell lies , but the stored information in heart is real and sincere, so when a man tell lies he speaks with his tongue with the opposite of what is in his heart . God says :( They say with their tongues what is not in their hearts) (Sûrat Al-Fath - verse 11) as tongue obeys the forelock, God says about this forelock :( A lying, sinful forelock) (Sûrat Al-‘Alaq – verse 16).

8. We read about the man who implanted an artificial heart and how he lost his believe in God to be an atheist, so the belief is in heart not in brain, God says : . (O Messenger let not those who hurry to fall into disbelief grieve you, of such who say: "We believe" with their mouths but their hearts have no faith.)(Sûrat Al-Mâ’idah-verse 41).

9. After many researches about the artificial heart, scientists found that heart has a vital role in fear and scare , as when they asked the man who implanted an artificial heart , he told them that he became not able to feel with fear , the Qur'an told us about hearts that feel with fear, God says :( The believers are only those who, when Allah is mentioned, feel a fear in their hearts and when His Verses (this Qur'an) are recited unto them, they increase their Faith; and they put their trust in their Lord (Alone);)( Sûrat Al-Anfâl - verse 2) also God says :( and He cast terror into their hearts)( Sûrat Al-Hashr- verse 2).


Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) preceded all western scientists when he told us fourteen century ago about the heart and its importance for all the body and for the soul , as if the heart is in a good condition and good relation with God all the body would be in a good condition and we can notice that in the case of the man who implanted an artificial heart and how much his body and feeling were destroyed , the prophet said :( in the body there is a little lump of flesh if it is in a good condition all the body will be good and if it is in a bad condition the entire body will be bad , this little lump of flesh is the heart)


Scientists confirm that the first reason of death is the disturbance in heart mechanism and the best treatment is to keep heart stable, also it was proved that some sound frequencies may affect the heart performance, indeed sound of Qur'an is the best sound to hear. God says :( Those who believed (in the Oneness of Allah), and whose hearts find rest in the remembrance of Allah: verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest)( Sûrat Ar-Ra‘d – verse 28). by experience I found that reading this verse seven times in the morning and seven times at night will leads to a big rest and stability in heart.

We ask our God to fix our hearts on the belief. We must always remember our prophet supplication which is (O God who can deviate our hearts, please fix it on your religion) also we have to say as God says :( (They say): "Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate (from the truth) after you have guided us, and grant us mercy from you. Truly, you are the Best granter.")(Sûrat Âl-‘Imrân- verse 8)


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Website: www.kaheel7.com/eng

1- Pearsall P, Schwartz GE, Russek LG, Changes in heart transplant recipients that parallel the personalities of their donors, School of Nursing, University of Hawaii, www.springerlink.com, 2000.
2- Paul Pearsall, The Heart's Code: Tapping the Wisdom and Power of Our Heart Energy, New York, Broadway Books, 1998.
3- Linda Marks, THE POWER OF THE HEART,www.healingheartpower.com, 2003.
4- Dorothy Mandel, Spirit and Matter of the Heart, Grace Millenium, Winter 2001.
5- Linda Marks, The Power of the Soul-Centered Relationship, HeartPower Press, 2004.
6- Paul Pearsall, Gary E. Schwartz, Linda G. Russek, Organ Transplants and Cellular Memories, Nexus Magazine, April - May 2005.
7- Schwartz GER, Russek, LGS. The Living Energy Universe. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing, 1999.
8- His Heart Whirs Anew, Washington Post, August 11, 2007.
9- Heart, Wikipedia.
10- Science of the heart, Institute of HeartMath.
11- Rollin McCraty, The Scientific Role of the Heart in Learning and Performance, Institute of HeartMath, 2003.
12- Does your heart sense your emotional state? www.msnbc.msn.com, Jan. 26, 2006.
13- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2001
14- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_2
15- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_DeVries
16- Annual Meeting of the Pavlovian Society, Tarrytown, NY, 1999



In a new scientific research, scientists discovered that the living ant can recognizes the dead one to carry it to the graveyard out of the colony….Glory to Allah…

When an ant dies in an ant nest or near one, its body is quickly picked up by living ants and removed from the colony, thus limiting the risk of colony infection by pathogens from the corpse.

Scientists who studied those insects said that the dead ants release chemicals created by decomposition (such as fatty acids) that signal their death to the colony's living ants.

Ants are small, six-legged insects that can grow up to two inches long. A logical question, is the vague blind nature able to create a creature with that preciseness?

But a new paper is published online in the early edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the researchers report that all ants, both living and dead, have the "death chemicals" continually, but live ants have them along with other chemicals associated with life – the "life chemicals." When an ant dies, its life chemicals dissipate or are degraded, and only the death chemicals remain.

"It's because the dead ant no longer smells like a living ant that it gets carried to the graveyard, not because its body releases new, unique chemicals after death," said Dong-Hwan Choe, the lead author of the research paper and a graduate student working towards his doctoral degree with Michael Rust, a professor of entomology at UCR.

Ants like human in carrying the dead to the graveyard, God says: (There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 38).In this verse a clear reply on any secular scientist who denies the existence of Allah almighty.

Also he says: "There is no mistaking that it is the dissipation of chemical signals associated with life rather than the increase of a decomposition product 'death cue' that triggers necrophoric behavior by Argentine ants". Along with Rust and UCR's Jocelyn Millar, a professor of entomology, Choe used analytical chemistry techniques to identify the "signals of life" in the Argentine ant: the chemicals dolichodial and iridomyrmecin.

"Understanding the exact mechanism of ant necrophoresis will help researchers develop a more environmentally friendly pest management strategy by which we can achieve results with smaller amounts of insecticide," Choe said. "A recent study on Argentine ants that we did in the lab indicated that nestmates can efficiently distribute slow-acting and non-repellent insecticides among themselves via necrophoresis. When an ant exposed to an insecticide dies in the nest, other ants carry its body around, with the insecticide transferring easily from the corpse to healthy ants."

Ants are known by their love to the group work, so it is not a surprise when scientists tell us that live ant carries the dead out of the colony. Glory to Allah!!


I found that the holy verse in (Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 38) which was mentioned before, is among two verse about the denial of disbelievers. Atheists and disbelievers used to be suspicious about the Qur'an and they used to claim that verses of Qur'an are not connected with each others, indeed they are wrong.

The verse which precedes verse 38 in Sûrat Al-An’âm is the verse 37 as God says in that verse: (And they said: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah is certainly able to send down a sign, but most of them know not.")(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 37), after that Allah says in the following verse: (There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 38).

Allah almighty says about disbelievers and atheists that: (but most of them know not), as they are asking for signs not miracles but because they are deaf and blind of the truth they don't see the many signs of God in universe, so that Allah almighty had mentioned in the next verse (verse-38) a scientific fact that no one ever know about it before is that all creatures are like human. Are they going to believe?!

Let us read the whole three verses: (And they said: "Why is not a sign sent down to him from his Lord?" Say: "Allah is certainly able to send down a sign, but most of them know not.* There is not a moving (living) creature on earth, nor a bird that flies with its two wings, but are communities like you. We have neglected nothing in the Book, then unto their Lord they (all) shall be gathered.* those who reject Our Ayât (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) are deaf and dumb in the darkness. Allah sends astray whom He wills and He guides on the Straight Path whom He wills.).

Meanings are connected in the holy Qur'an so that Allah almighty says about those disbelievers in verse 36 of Sûrat Al-An’âm: (It is only those who listen (to the Message of Prophet Muhammad (will respond (benefit from it), but as for the dead (i.e. disbelievers), Allah will raise them up, then to Him they will be returned (for their recompense).)(Sûrat Al-An’âm- verse 36).


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Website: www.kaheel7.com/eng


1. How social insects recognize dead nestmates, www.esciencenews.com
2. www.sciencenews.org


Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak goodness or be silent; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honor his neighbor; and whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him honor his guest.”

[Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 78]

عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ عَنْ رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُتْ وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ جَارَهُ وَمَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ فَلْيُكْرِمْ ضَيْفَهُ

47 صحيح مسلم كِتَاب الْإِيمَانِ باب الْحَثِّ عَلَى إِكْرَامِ الْجَارِ وَالضَّيْفِ وَلُزُومِ الصَّمْتِ إِلَّا عَنْ الْخَيْر

yusuf estes

Sheik Yusuf was raised in a strong Christian home, he was educated in Texas, became successful in music business, owning stores, TV shows and used his talents to promote faith in God, while doing some preaching from the Bible.
In 1991 he tried to convert a Muslim from Egypt, but he found the true facts about real Islam and he became a Muslim. Al Hamdulillah.

(Dawah Work)
Since coming to Islam he has helped thousands of new people entering Islam, even while answering many harsh attacks against Muslims, just using straight talk, simple humor and a lot of love. He makes it fun and easy for all of us to understand.
Sheik Yusuf served as Delegate to United Nations Peace Summit for Religious Leaders, U.S. Federal chaplain from 1994 until 2000.

(His Real Story)
His story "Priests & Preachers Enter Islam" is truly amazing and has been all over the Internet in many languages. You laugh and cry at the same time. www.YusufEstes.com
One of over 2,000 websites he has for Islam.

(Learn More & Contact)
His book "Bible: A Closer Look" is online at www.911Bible.com and his email is: yusuf@guideus.tv

(Funny Sheik)
They call him the "Funny Sheik". Yusuf Estes is loved by children and adults of all faiths. They delight to hear him entertain as he brings the pure message of Islam in simple English terms, and he makes it fun and easy to understand, while referring to Quran and teachings of Islam.

You can hear and see him broadcast his live shows on the Internet, in chatrooms, Facebook and TV channels around the world every day - He has over 2,000 websites for Islam.

His current project is one of this centuries biggest milestones for Muslims everywhere. Sheik Yusuf Estes is the founder and operator of the very first America television channel for Islam - all in English - on the Internet and now - - on SATELLITE TV - 24 hours a day - called GUIDE US TV!

Now he tells people - "Get Guided - With Guide US TV"!

Dr Bart D. Ehrman :

"Most people wouldn’t put it that way, since the Bible is, after all, sacred Scripture for millions on our planet. But good Christian scholars of the Bible, including the top Protestant and Catholic scholars of America, will tell you that the Bible is full of lies, even if they refuse to use the term. And here is the truth: Many of the books of the New Testament were written by people who lied about their identity, claiming to be a famous apostle — Peter, Paul or James — knowing full well they were someone else. In modern parlance, that is a lie, and a book written by someone who lies about his identity is a forgery."

says Dr Bart D. Ehrman an american New Testament scholar, currently the James A. Gray Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Bart also was an evangelical christian for 15 years.

Dr Bart D. Ehrman adds :

“There were a lot of people in the ancient world who thought that lying could serve a greater good,” "At least 11 of the 27 New Testament books are forgeries."

"The New Testament books attributed to Jesus’ disciples could not have been written by them because they were illiterate."

"Many of the New Testament’s forgeries were manufactured by early Christian leaders trying to settle theological feuds."

"I and the Father are one." (John 10:30).

"I and the Father are one." (John 10:30).

One in what? In their Omniscience? In their Nature? In their Omnipotence? No! One in purpose! That once a believer has accepted faith, the Messenger sees to it that he remains in faith, and God Almighty also sees to it that he remains in faith. This is the purpose of the "Father" and the "son" and the "Holy Ghost" and of every man and every woman of faith. Let the same John explain his Gnostic mystic verbiage.

"That they all may be one as thou. Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us..."

"I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one..."(John 17:20-22)

If Jesus is "one" with God, and if that "oneness" makes him God, then the traitor Judas, and the doubting Thomas, and the satanic Peter, plus the other nine who deserted him when he was most in need are God(s), because the same "oneness" which he claimed with God in John 10:30, now he claims for all "who forsook him and fled" (Mark 14:50). All "ye of little faith" (Matthew 8:26). All "O faithless and perverse generation" (Luke 9:41). Where and when will the Christian blasphemy end? The expression "I and my Father are one," was very innocent, meaning nothing more than a common purpose with God.

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat - الشيخ أحمد ديدات