الأحد، 24 مايو 2020

My Prayer - The 2nd Pillar of Islam - English

My Prayer - The 2nd Pillar of Islam - English: This is a great and interesting book shows many aspects of the prayer. It shows the virtues of prayer, its names and times, the call to pray, purifying before performing it and the solution when we do not have water to purify along with other points.

My Son Introduced Islam to Me! | About Islam

5 Prophet's Hadiths About Smiling | About Islam

What Happens Once Ramadan Ends? | About Islam

Covid-19 Eid Will Be a Story to Tell | About Islam

Prostration of recitation (Sujood at Tilawah) - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Prostration of recitation (Sujood at Tilawah) - Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

Statement by the Prime Minister on Eid al-Fitr | Prime Minister of Canada

Ramadan Fundraiser-2020

Eid ul-Fitr message from Voice of Islam and Prime Minister Jacinda Adern

Es gehört zur Sunnah Takbirat nach dem Iftar bis zum Verrichten des Eid-Gebetes zu sagen. Wie?

أبو حمزة
١٦ ساعةEs gehört zur Sunnah Takbirat nach dem Iftar bis zum Verrichten des Eid-Gebetes zu sagen. Wie?
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa-llah, wa-llahu Akbar, wa-llahu Akbar, wa li-llahi-l-Hamd
Warum macht man das? Um Allah mit der Zunge und dem Herz für die Rechtleitung zu danken.
„damit ihr die Frist vollendet und Allah rühmt („tukabbiru-llahe“), dass Er euch geleitet hat. Vielleicht werdet ihr dankbar sein.“
وَلِتُكَبِّرُواْ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ مَا هَدَٮٰكُمْ وَلَعَلَّكُمْ تَشْكُرُونَ

[Al-Baqara 2:185]