الخميس، 11 أغسطس 2022

سورة الكهف.pdf - Google Drive

سورة الكهف.pdf - Google Drive

Din fasta | New Muslim Guide

Din fasta | New Muslim Guide: Din fasta

বাংলা হাদিস-Search, Read & Share Quran+Tafsir, Hadith & Books

বাংলা হাদিস-Search, Read & Share Quran+Tafsir, Hadith & Books

(11) Ahmed Bukhatir - Ya Ummi أمي (My mother) with English Subtitles - Arabic Music Video - YouTube

(11) Ahmed Bukhatir - Ya Ummi أمي (My mother) with English Subtitles - Arabic Music Video - YouTube: شاهد و استمع لأنشودة طالب العلم أداء و ألحان أحمد بوخاطر Listen now to Taleb Al-Elm nasheed by Ahmed Bukhatirأنشودة طالب العلم من ألبوم فارتق من الأناشيد ال...

Die Wiederkehr von Jesus - Deutsch

Die Wiederkehr von Jesus - Deutsch: - Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede über das zweite Erscheinen Jesu´ bei den Christen und den Muslimen. Der Messias am Ende der Zeiten gemäß dem Judentum. - Die Prophezeihungen und Ankündigungen im Islam von der Bescheidenheit Jesu´ im Qur´an und den prophetischen Überlieferungen. - Die Zusammenhänge zwischen dem zweiten Kommen Jesus´, den Prüfungen und Versuchungen davor, der Erhebung des Mahdi und der Ankunft des Masieh ad-Dağğal (des Falschen Messias) und die Rolle Jesu´, ihn zu töten. - Nach dem Falschen Messias; die Widerrufung der falschen Religionen der Propheten des Buches, die Errichtung der Nation Gottes unter Jesus und die Invasion der Gog und Magog. - Das Ende der Gog und Magog, gefolgt von Frieden und Überfluß, eine Welt ohne Krieg, die Universalität von Gottes wahrer Religion und der Tod von Jesus.

El retorno de Jesús - Español - Jeremy Bolter

El retorno de Jesús - Español - Jeremy Bolter: Tanto el Islam como la cristiandad esperan el retorno de Jesús al final de los tiempos, y ambos espera que ocurran pruebas y tribulaciones en ese tiempo. Muchos de los temas de estas pruebas son similares, pero ellas son también muy diferentes en detalle y definición.

(11) طالب العلم - أحمد بوخاطر Ahmed Bukhatir من أجمل الأناشيد - Arabic Music Video - YouTube

(11) طالب العلم - أحمد بوخاطر Ahmed Bukhatir من أجمل الأناشيد - Arabic Music Video - YouTube: شاهد و استمع لأنشودة طالب العلم أداء و ألحان أحمد بوخاطر Listen now to Taleb Al-Elm nasheed by Ahmed Bukhatirأنشودة طالب العلم من ألبوم فارتق من الأناشيد ال...

هذه رساله لي ولكم أيها السالكون إلى الله.. معاشر الغرباء...


يقول فضيلة الشيخ الحوينى حفظه الله
هذه رساله لي ولكم أيها السالكون إلى الله..
معاشر الغرباء...
إذا خاض المسلمون في أعراض بعضهم بعضا فلا تكونوا مع الخائضين..
... إذا استباح المسلم ديانة أخيه فاثبت على الحرمة...
واعلم أن الفتن تذهب بدين الرجل..فكن على الثوابت قابضا وعلى المبدأ راسخا..إياك أن تموج بك الفتن أو تلسعك نار الجمرة فتسأم القبض عليها
فالله لن يحاسبك لم لم تحلل الموقف الفلاني..وإنما سيحاسبك على عرض طعنته وأخ اغتبته ودين استبحته ..ولا يغرنك كثرة الهالكين المتساقطين..فالناس كالجراد إلى حتفهم يتسابقون ..
الفقيره الى الله

Floating in the space


‏‎ISLAM and Science‎‏ مع ‏‎Shahrukh Khan‎‏.

Floating in the space
Let us read this article to discover that all meanings of Quran are accurate and also to glorify Allah Almighty the creator of everything
At the beginning of the twenty century, the scientists claimed that words of Qur'an are not accurate from the scientific point of view because Allah Almighty described all things in the space that they are floating; also those scientists claimed that the word floating is not accurate because all planets and galaxies are rotating not floating.
But after many years of researches, the astronomers discovered what is called the cosmic building which concludes that the entire universe is like a perfect building.
The scientists discovered that universe is full of material and empty space is not existed, so all planets are floating in universe but in low density, in fact this reality is discovered few years ago.
Recent scientists confirm that empty space is not existed but every part of universe is full of material and substance, so all planets and galaxies are floating in material.
Here we have to read what astronomers in NASA say about that: In space, astronauts do not walk on the floor like people on Earth do. They float around inside their spacecraft. That is because of microgravity. Microgravity is when things seem to be weightless. "Micro-" means "very small." Microgravity is when the pull of gravity is not very strong. In microgravity, it is easy to move heavy objects. Astronauts can even move things that weigh hundreds of pounds with just the tips of their fingers.
Therefore, NASA used to send their Astronauts for training three weeks of swimming under water as a preparation fortheir space trip.
Muslims holly book of Quran used a scientific word more than 1400 years ago when Allah Almighty described the movement of all planets, galaxies and every moving object in the space as they are "floating".
Here we have to read and contemplate in the holy verse as Allah Almighty says:
"And He it is who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating." (Sûrat Al-Anbiyâ’-verse33).
Walking in Space, www.nasa.gov

(11) SHOCKING Christian Preacher ADMITS Bible has Contradictions - YouTube

(11) SHOCKING Christian Preacher ADMITS Bible has Contradictions - YouTube: If any NON-MUSLIMS would like A FREE COPY OF THE QURAN IN ENGLISH OR SPANISH, please visit: https://www.onemessagefoundation.com/free-quranAlso Free Shipping...

(11) Message to DAWAH MAN - YouTube

(11) Message to DAWAH MAN - YouTube: Message to DAWAH MANHelp us establish an Islamic School here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/straight-path-academyLink to the original video by Muhammad James: h...

WMAP- Fate of the Universe

WMAP- Fate of the Universe



What Is Microgravity? | NASA

What Is Microgravity? | NASA

WAMY Brazil

WAMY Brazil: WAMY Brazil Assembleia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica no Brasil, em árabe e português

(11) É necessário um muçulmano escolher uma escola de jurisprudência específica para seguir? - YouTube

(11) É necessário um muçulmano escolher uma escola de jurisprudência específica para seguir? - YouTube: كلمات فقهية من البرازيلهل يُلزَم المسلمُ باتباع مذهبٍ فقهيّ؟ تقديم الشيخ أحمد مظلوم- باللغة البرتغالية🌎 WAMY مكتب الندوة العالمية للشباب الإسلامي في البرا...

(11) Showing Kindness to Non- Muslims - YouTube

(11) Showing Kindness to Non- Muslims - YouTube: Showing Kindness to Non- Muslims

Le retour de Jésus - Français - Jeremy Bolter

Le retour de Jésus - Français - Jeremy Bolter

(11) Water Reacts to the Quran & Secrets of ZamZam - YouTube

(11) Water Reacts to the Quran & Secrets of ZamZam - YouTube: Allah, in the Holy Quran, summons humanity to investigate and reflect upon the heavens, the earth, mountains, stars, plants, seeds, animals, the alternation ...

(11) Reply to Critics who say that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Wrote the Quran and Attributed it to God... - YouTube

(11) Reply to Critics who say that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Wrote the Quran and Attributed it to God... - YouTube: Reply to Critics who say that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Wrote the Quran and Attributed it to God because he wanted Fame, Status, Glory and Leadership - Dr Zaki...

O Retorno de Jesus - Português - Juraimi bultar

O Retorno de Jesus - Português - Juraimi bultar

(11) GuideToIslam_English - YouTube

(11) GuideToIslam_English - YouTube

Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam? - Videos

Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam? - Videos: Who is Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Islam?  Do you think that Muslims consider him a God ? Or a son of God ? On the contrary, Muslims believe that the Prophet Muhammad is a human being, he is sent by God with a divine revelation, like the prophets before him: like Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus. This video clip introduces the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, we hope that every seeker of truth reflect upon it with his heart and mind.

Hadith: Quiconque rapporte de moi une parole jugée mensongère est l'un des menteurs. - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Hadith: Quiconque rapporte de moi une parole jugée mensongère est l'un des menteurs. - Encyclopédie des paroles prophétiques traduites

Who was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and what did he teach us? - English

Who was Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, and what did he teach us? - English

Ваш піст | New Muslim Guide

Ваш піст | New Muslim Guide: Ваш піст

Нишонаҳои вуҷуди Худованд - Тоҷикӣ

Нишонаҳои вуҷуди Худованд - Тоҷикӣ

حدیث: رسول اللہ ﷺ نے یوم عاشوراء کا روزہ رکھا۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

حدیث: رسول اللہ ﷺ نے یوم عاشوراء کا روزہ رکھا۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا: حدیث: رسول اللہ ﷺ نے یوم عاشوراء کا روزہ رکھا۔ - ترجمہ شدہ نبوی حدیثوں کا انسائیکلوپیڈیا

(11) ضيف حلقة التربية المرنة الخميس 13-1-1444 - YouTube

(11) ضيف حلقة التربية المرنة الخميس 13-1-1444 - YouTube

Hadith: Quả thật lời nói dối kinh tởm nhất là việc ai đó gọi người không phải cha mình là cha hoặc tự nhận mình đã nằm mơ thấy nhưng thật ra y đã không thấy gì cả hoặc gán cho Thiên Sứ ﷺ những điều mà Người chưa từng nói - Bách khoa Toàn thư về Hadith

Hadith: Quả thật lời nói dối kinh tởm nhất là việc ai đó gọi người không phải cha mình là cha hoặc tự nhận mình đã nằm mơ thấy nhưng thật ra y đã không thấy gì cả hoặc gán cho Thiên Sứ ﷺ những điều mà Người chưa từng nói - Bách khoa Toàn thư về Hadith

Hadith: "A pessoa que atribui algo a mim, que sabe que é falso, é um dos mentirosos." - Enciclopédia dos Hadiths proféticos traduzidos

Hadith: "A pessoa que atribui algo a mim, que sabe que é falso, é um dos mentirosos." - Enciclopédia dos Hadiths proféticos traduzidos

Enzyklopädie der übersetzten Überlieferungen des Propheten - Allahs Segen und Frieden auf ihm

Enzyklopädie der übersetzten Überlieferungen des Propheten - Allahs Segen und Frieden auf ihm

¿Quién es el Profeta Muhammad, La Paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él, y qué nos ha enseñado? - Español

¿Quién es el Profeta Muhammad, La Paz y las bendiciones de Allah sean con él, y qué nos ha enseñado? - Español

Nhịn chay của bạn | New Muslim Guide

Nhịn chay của bạn | New Muslim Guide: Nhịn chay của bạn

(11) ‏وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ - YouTube

(11) ‏وَإِذَا سَأَلَكَ عِبَادِي عَنِّي فَإِنِّي قَرِيبٌ أُجِيبُ دَعْوَةَ الدَّاعِ إِذَا دَعَانِ - YouTube: القارئ الشيخ عبدالباسط عبد الصمد رحمه الله

(11) كثرة الاستغفار قصص واقعية - YouTube

(11) كثرة الاستغفار قصص واقعية - YouTube

Ali Huda Shows & Cartoons for Muslim Children | Ali Huda

Ali Huda Shows & Cartoons for Muslim Children | Ali Huda

(11) Hajj in a wheelchair (Part 2) - YouTube

(11) Hajj in a wheelchair (Part 2) - YouTube: Voice of Islam Trust (VOI), a non-profit and voluntary charitable Organisation in New Zealand, formed in the year 2004. VOI delivers the message of Islam bas...

(11) Trust Allah, For everything no matter what, you lose your trust Allah , you win your trust Allah - YouTube

(11) Trust Allah, For everything no matter what, you lose your trust Allah , you win your trust Allah - YouTube

(11) من أكبر مصائد الشيطان عشق النساء وصورهن ، فأغلب النساء إذا تركن واختلطن يصبحن فتنة | د. صالح الفوزان - YouTube

(11) من أكبر مصائد الشيطان عشق النساء وصورهن ، فأغلب النساء إذا تركن واختلطن يصبحن فتنة | د. صالح الفوزان - YouTube

19 Times Kids Proved They’re Way Funnier Than Adults

19 Times Kids Proved They’re Way Funnier Than Adults

(11) What is the thing that most enters people into Paradise or the Hellfire? - YouTube

(11) What is the thing that most enters people into Paradise or the Hellfire? - YouTube: What is the thing that most enters people into Paradise or the Hellfire?ما هو أكثر ما يدخل المسلم الجنة أو النار؟الشيخ عزيز بن فرحان العنزي

(11) شرح حديث ياعبادي الشيخ د.عثمان الخميس - YouTube

(11) شرح حديث ياعبادي الشيخ د.عثمان الخميس - YouTube

Hadis: Siapa yang menceritakan dariku sebuah hadis yang dia anggap dusta maka ‎dia adalah salah seorang pendusta.‎ - Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-hadis Nabi

Hadis: Siapa yang menceritakan dariku sebuah hadis yang dia anggap dusta maka ‎dia adalah salah seorang pendusta.‎ - Ensiklopedia Terjemahan Hadis-hadis Nabi

Science vs Christianity.


Science vs Christianity.
Science - earth is round.
Christianity - earth is flat.
Science - earth is moving
Christianity - Earth is fixed and it's never move.
Science - sun and moon running in orbit.
Christianity - we don't know about this.
Science - Noah worldwide flood never happened
Christianity - Noah worldwide flood happened.
Science - the age of universe 13.8 billion years old.
Christianity - the age of universe 6 thousands years.
This is some scientific miracles of Jesus he told his followers in Bible, Hallelujah praise to EUROPEAN Jesus.😂
Below are pictures of what Flat Earth Believers view the Solar System as existing as.
I have even heard Muslims who say thhe also believe that the Earth is flat; but I have never seen evidence to support this theory from Quran or Sunnah.
Flat Earthers also believe that the Moon and Sun are the Same size: about 100km wide.
For Evidence earth is round
For all scientific errors in buyballs
See here
Bible Says: The flat Earth is established and can never move?! The Sun hurries back to where it rises?!
Point 2
Does thd globe or heavens have pillars??
Point 3
Bible says Earth is flat has has edges
Point 4
Scientific Comparison: Quran vs Bible
Post - Point: 4
Is Universe finite or infinite bible says both😒🙄🤔
Rainbow 🌈 scientific lie in Bible
●Scientific Comparison between Quran and Bible
●Response to the claim by non Muslims that Quran copies Bible
Rain bow
Point 8
Moon light bible says moon has its light
Point 9
Insects have only 4 legs
Hare chews cud/ ruminates food
Camel and hare have no split foot😁😂🤣
Point 10
Bible: Earth is immobile cannot move
Point 13
Is Noah's flood universal as in Sahih babble🤣😶😃🤯🤯🤯🤯😲🌪🦧😵
Point 17
Moses and the Pharaoh of exodus who drowned
Point 19
If man married his brother's wife it's impure and the couple will be childless 😳
Point 20 man will not know path of wind or embryo formation in the mother's womb
Post 21
Bible says use blood of dead birds to remove plague
Post 23 Islam corrects Bible on embryology
By Ridouan Soumaa and friends
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