الثلاثاء، 17 مارس 2015

Let's see what the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- said about terrorism:

Assalaamu alaikum [peace be on to you],
I hear of some people...
... People who claim to be Muslims...
... People who claim to follow the footsteps of the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him-...
... but what I saw was not Islam... not what prophet Mohammed taught... and not what a sane human would do...
... I saw terrorism.
and it was called "Islamic terrorism"...
Praise be to the One God (Creator), There are no different "versions" of Islam (Submission only to The Creator in Peace). there is only one Islam. except it is falsehood. if you interpret it correctly, you are right, if you don't interpret it incorrectly you are wrong. and the only way to interpret it correctly is by returning to the way the prophet of Islam practiced and taught Islam.
Let's see what the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- said about terrorism:
من خرج على أمتي ، يضرب برها وفاجرها ، ولا يتحاش من مؤمنها، ولا يفي لذي عهد عهده ، فليس منى ولست منه
"Whoever comes out of my nation, hits the good and the bad, without avoiding the believers, without keeping a pledge given to someone, then he has nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with him"
let's ponder:
- "whoever comes out of my nation". he obviously mean the "Muslim nation".
- "hits the good and the bad" means harms everybody.
- "without avoiding the believers" means his harm even reaches the believers.
- "without keeping a pledge given to someone". non-Muslims living in a Muslim country are automatically in a pledge with the Muslims. that's why they're called in Arabic "dhimmi" which means non-Muslims under the protection of the Muslims.
- "then he has nothing to do with me and I have nothing to do with him" means he's not a Muslim and has nothing to do with the prophet of Islam.
I hear in the news of some terrorist groups killing Christians and destroying their churches in Muslim lands. it's too painful. and what makes it more painful is that these terrorists claim they're applying Islam. I don't want to be specific and give names because I want my condemnation to be general for everyone who does such crimes in the name of Islam.
the prophet Mohammed -peace be upon him- said:
مَنْ قَتَلَ مُعَاهَدًا لَمْ يَرِحْ رَائِحَةَ الْجَنَّةِ وَإِنَّ رِيحَهَا تُوجَدُ مِنْ مَسِيرَةِ أَرْبَعِينَ عَامًا
"Someone who unjustly kills one in a pledge (with Muslims) cannot get a whiff of Heaven. However, its fragrance is felt from a distance of forty years"
ألا من ظلم معاهداً أو انتقصه أو كلفه فوق طاقته أو أخذ منه شيئاً بغير طيب نفس فأنا حجيجه يوم القيامة
"Whoever wrongs a dhimmi or takes from him [by force] or charges him more than he can, I am his adversary in Judgement day."
You get the idea? these are quotes from the prophet you never hear in the Western Media which always aims to vilify Islam by linking it to the un-Islamic terrorist acts.
Now do you think a person claiming to be a Muslim would go and kill an innocent non-Muslim and become an adversary to the prophet of Islam? do you think a Muslim would go and destroy the houses of worship of non-Muslims and disobey the One God Almighty?
The prophet Mohammed never did or taught such barbaric things. Islam doesn't teach such evil.
These churches existed for long centuries under Islamic rule and were protected by Muslims and nobody harmed the Christians. Why would some people come today with their twisted interpretations of Islam and destroy these churches and want us to believe this is Islam while they're obviously contradicting the core teachings of the Qur'an and the prophet of Islam.
Sadly the Western Media fuels these misconceptions by using words such as "Islamic terrorism" and "Muslim terrorists" which makes one assume these acts of terrorism are inspired from the teachings of Islam.
It's time to learn the facts. terrorism has no religion. it targets people regardless of their creed and color. these terrorists are just terrorists (they could even be with no religion). They just use Islam to justify their agenda. if there was no Islam, they would have used any other religion or available ideology for the same purpose. Islam is obviously innocent from the persecutions done in its name we see in many Muslim and Arab lands achieved by ignorant extremists and backward lunatics. Islam says no to such crimes.
I call my Muslim brothers and sisters to speak up and express their disapproval of the transgressions and oppressions done in the name of Islam. many Non-Muslims don't know Islam. what they see is wrong. and there is no way they know the truth about Islam if we don't talk and let them hear our voices. Islam is ‘deen’ way of life of peace. and peace is what our prophet -peace be upon him- taught.
If I'm right, it's from the God almighty. if I'm wrong, it's from myself.

Hindu scholar terms Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) greatest person in history

Hindu scholar terms Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) greatest person in history عبر

This is only for the blind ignorants haters and close minded Christians

This is only for the blind ignorants haters and close minded Christians who points always their fingers towards the Muslims and call them Terrorists..Should we play your same dirty game and blind ourselves too by calling you Terrorists... Wake up and learn and see beyond your nose!!
According to the news: Christian mob in Pakistan beating and burning two suspects to death..

What if Muslims blamed moderate Christians for terrorist attacks?

What if Muslims blamed moderate Christians for terrorist attacks?
Read more
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Allah Says in Quran Chapter-2 Verses-87-91-92.

Allah Says in Quran Chapter-2 Verses-87-91-92.
Credits: Brother Yakoob Mohammed.

Thousands of Christians Riot in Pakistan to Protest Church Suicide Bombings, Reportedly Kill and Burn Two Suspects

Thousands of Christians Riot in Pakistan to Protest Church Suicide Bombings, Reportedly Kill and Burn Two Suspects

Why I Accepted Islam: Van Doorn

'' The less people belief, the more people are depending of other values, like economy, money, consumption and material prosperity. Western industrials want people basically to consume, instead of searching for inner strength. "Spending and consuming” should by the standard for happyness. "Believers” are stronger and less dependent of those issues. It is not in the interest of politicians and other influencials that people should become more independent of them and develop other insights. ''

How Old Was Ayesha at Marriage to Muhammad?

A MUST READ 4 all human :: Mother is not a Coincidence:: Its a gift !!!

A MUST READ 4 all human :: Mother is not a Coincidence:: Its a gift !!!
Your mom carried you in her womb for nine months.
She felt sick for months with nausea, then she watched her feet swell and her skin stretch and tear.
She struggled to climb stairs.
She got breathless quickly.
She suffered many sleepless nights.
She then went through EXCRUCIATING PAIN to bring you into this world.
She became your nurse, your chef, your maid, your chauffeur, your
biggest fan, your teacher, and your best friend.
She's struggled for you, cried over you, hoped the best for you, and prayed for you.
Most of us take our mom for granted. But there are people
who have lost or never even seen theirs.
Hit Like if you LIKE ur MOM and Drop your Comment saying,
Thank you God for gifting me with a Mom !!!
Thank you Mom !!!
SHARE SHARE SHARE if u really LOVE ur MOM, ignore to SHARE if udon't value her....
Please Note: Some people took the picture as indecent and missed the entire purpose there in. Its a biological picture, where in the beauty of the vital organs, arteries and veins are quite much observable, indicating that this human existence in the first place and the mothers as well are wonderful creations, created by God Almighty, and its not by chance anyways. So if you love your mom, and your mom loves you, then again this 'love' has been induced by God Almighty alone, so don't we need say: Thank you God Almighty for blessing with a mom !!
Even if we take the by chance percentage as 1%, the chances of being created is 1000%.
That's what was the post meant for !!!
Courtesy: Brother Farees Abdul Mutallib


"When the Ku Klux Klan burn a cross in a black family's yard, prominent Christians aren't required to explain how these aren't really ‪#‎Christian‬ acts. Most people already realize that the KKK doesn't represent Christian teachings"‪#‎KareemAbdulJabbar‬
(Abdul-Jabbar is a Muslim and six-time ‪#‎NBA‬ champion and league Most Valuable Player. He is also a celebrated author, filmmaker and education ambassador.)
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Highlights from his Story:
“Here, I had all the freedom in the world, and I’m miserable,” Holdbrooks said. “They have nothing, and they’re happy – it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out something’s going on.”
“It made sense from beginning to end,” Holdbrooks said. “It doesn’t contradict itself. There’s no magic. It’s just a simple instruction manual for living.”
“Every little step I took toward Islam, Islam was taking more steps toward me,” Holdbrooks said.
Read full Story
Watch his interview on TheDeenShow
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Allah will always give you better

Allah will always give you better
Let that teach you that 'no' is not always a sign of rejection

How to Pray


Help us spread the message of Islam around the world In Shaa Allah

Help us spread the message of Islam around the world In Shaa Allah

May Allah reward him Ameen

This child is doing his assignment at the same time waiting for customers who want their shoes polished, THE KING !
May Allah reward him Ameen

treat your parntes

"O mankind!

"O mankind!
There has come to you an instruction (Quran) from your Lord, a cure for whatever (disease) is in your hearts, a guidance and a blessing for the true believers." [Yunus - 10:57]

Muslims to join national ‘Stand Up To Racism’ demonstration

Join us in London, Cardiff or Glasgow for the 'Stand Up To Racism' nationwide rally!
  • Muslims to join national ‘Stand Up To Racism’ demonstration


    “All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over a black nor a black has any superiority over a white – except by piety and good action.”

    Prophet Muhammad (upon whom be peace)

    The Islamic Education and Research Academy (iERA) will be supporting the national ‘Anti Racism Day’ and will be participating in the ‘Stand Up To Racism’ campaign on Saturday 21st March 2015 organised by United Against Fascism (UAF). The main purpose of the day is to promote peace and tolerance, by understanding common views about racism in modern British society and how we can collectively tackle it. 
    iERA will be reaching out to the British public through its ‘Against Racism, Against Hatred’ campaign, which was launched last month in the wake of the controversial German far-right PEGIDA movement’s decision to hold its first UK rally in Newcastle upon Tyne. iERA will be mobilising Muslim volunteers across the country to oppose the far-right’s message of hate with the message of love, and to counter their fascist rhetoric with the message of understanding.

    iERA volunteers will be on the ground across the UK and in particular London, Cardiff and Glasgow on the day of the national demonstration. Volunteers will be conducting surveys and engaging in dialogue with people of all religious and political persuasions, to improve their understanding of a topic which continues to affect millions of people today.

    The survey also compliments one of the running themes of the ‘Stand Up To Racism’ day, which is 'No To Islamophobia #MuslimLivesMatter'. We will also be looking at whether the public perceive Islamophobia to be a new form of racism in our society. Volunteers will also be educating the public about the Islamic stance on racism, and raising awareness of Islamophobia, and the dangers it presents to community cohesion.
    Nationwide Launch of the Against Racism, Against Hatred Campaign
    The ‘Against Racism, Against Hatred’ campaign is supported by Show Racism the Red Card, the Islamic Diversity Centre (IDC), Myriad Foundation and 5Pillars News, and will be part of the wider ‘Stand Up To Racism’ movement.

    If you would like to join us this Saturday 21 March to speak out against racism and Islamophobia, register now at www.iera.org/event/stand-up-to-racism 
    For more information about Islam’s views against racism, please visit: www.OneReason.org/AgainstRacism
    Abu-Tayeb Khairdeen

    Email: A.Khairdeen@iera.org
    Mobile: 07811 164 299
    ‘Stand Up To Racism’ Is supported by: 
    • Diane Abbott MP   
    • Owen Jones Writer and Journalist   
    • Jerry Dammers Composer ‘Free Nelson Mandela’ / Founding member Artists Against Apartheid
    • Jeremy Corbyn MP   
    • Claude Moraes MEP   
    • George Galloway MP   
    • Natalie Bennett Leader, The Green Party   
    • Dr Marina Prentoulis Syriza London / Senior Lecturer at the University of East Anglia   
    • Diana Holland Assistant General Secretary for Equalities, Unite the Union   
    • Billy Hayes General Secretary CWU   
    • Christine Blower General Secretary NUT   
    • Carole Duggan Mark Duggan Family Campaign   
    • Ian Lawrence General Secretary NAPO   
    • Mohammad Taj TUC General Council member   
    • Colette Levy Hidden Child from Vichy France   
    • Bruce Kent VP Pax Christi   
    • Talha Ahmad MCB National Council Member   
    • Stephanie Lightfoot-Bennett Chair, United Friends and Families (UFFC)   
    • Maurice Wren Chief executive, Refugee Council
    • Sabby Dhalu & Weyman Bennett Joint National Secretaries, Unite Against Fascism
    ‘Stand Up To Racism’ Is supported by: 
    • Omer El Hamdoon President Muslim Association of Britain   
    • Janet Alder Justice for Christopher Alder   
    • Marcia Rigg UFFC Co-Chair / Sean Rigg Justice and Change Campaign   
    • Maz Saleem Daughter of the late Mohammed Saleem   
    • Malia Bouattia NUS Black Students’ Officer   
    • Tommy Tomescu Alliance Against Romanian and Bulgarian Discrimination     
    • Lindsey German Convenor, Stop the War Coalition   
    • Sam Fairbairn Secretary Peoples Assembly Against Austerity   
    • Lee Jasper Black Activists Rising Against Cuts   
    • Aaron Kiely NUS NEC   
    • Hamja Ahsan Free Talha Ahsan   
    • Shakira Martin President Lewisham College   
    • Gerry Gable Searchlight   
    • Sahaya James Student Assembly Against Austerity   
    • Ismail Patel You Elect   
    • Paul Mackney Greece Solidarity Campaign   
    • Jo Cardwell Stand up to UKIP 
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