السبت، 21 أكتوبر 2017

White supremacist asks Muslim lawyer why there is no 'Christian ISIS,' gets schooled.

Transsexual Now On Trial For Raping 10-year-old Girl. In a Bathroom...

Amazing Story! US Army Revert to Islam Br. John live shahadah with Imam Karim AbuZaid! GuideUS TV - YouTube

The Islamic Call to Prayer - The Religion of Islam

استمع الى اللغه السبئيه اليمنيه القديمه

Muslim woman in niqab says 'Islam protects women like no other system'

What if we repent and then sin again - YouTube

التوحيد والاستغفار

لا يتوفر نص بديل تلقائي.


لا يتوفر نص بديل تلقائي.

You can't reject the Last Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) & still be a believer and enter the Eternal Gardens... The Paradise !!

‏4‏ س
You can't reject the Last Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) & still be a believer and enter the Eternal Gardens... The Paradise !!
Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is one of the several prophets (pbut all) sent by God Almighty.
Prophets can't teach anything, but full of peace, wisdom, contentment and beneficial every time, every moment, when we are in this world and when we will be in the other world.
Evidences from almost all the corners, to start with the Theological evidences, Scientific Evidences, Prophesies foretold and the Miracles exhibited!!
The signs are established, and hence you can't reject a Prophet. If you accept Muhammed (pbuh), you automatically believe in Jesus (pbuh) as well !!
As Islam is the only religion on the face of the earth, that makes an article of faith to believe in Jesus as one of the mighty Prophets of God Almighty.
You could have been more closer to the teachings of Jesus (peace be upon him), had you accepted:
1. God Almighty is One, alone worthy of worship.
2. All the prophets sent were truthful in their message and that Muhammed (pbuh) is the Last Messenger to abide (with his teachings/message) with us till the hour is established !!

Urdu Quran tafseer King Fahad - تطبيقات Android على Google Play