الأربعاء، 10 يناير 2018

Васфи Ҷаннати ҷовидон дар Қуръони карим - Тоҷикӣ - Муҳаммадиқболи Садриддин

Sorcerers, Amulets and Talismans - YouTube

Islam and environmental conservation

El Islam, principios y fundamentos - Español - Muhammad ibn Abdullah Salih As-Suhaim

Harsh Questions Good Answers- Seattle Washington - YouTube

Cuarenta encuentros con el amado Profeta - Español - Adil ibn Ali Ash-shiddi

37 Undeniable Linguistic Miracles of Quran | Nouman Ali Khan | Kinetic Typography ᴴᴰ

News : Dr Zakir Naik wins Cour Case! Judge grilled Indian Agency for FALSE CASE! - YouTube

You may lose

‏‎Dr. Bilal Philips‎‏ مع ‏‎Phons Kasan‎‏ و‏‏39‏ آخرين‏.
You may lose all you have, you may lose the people you love, but as long as you still have Allah, you have all you need.

On chat...

تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ ‏‎Islam Religion‎‏ بواسطة ‏‎Koki Koky‎‏.
Islam Religion
On chat...
Boy: Are you Male or Female?
Girl: Yes, indeed I am Female.
Boy: No way. You can not be a Female.
Girl: Why do you have doubts about my being Female???
Boy: Some people pretend to be Female but they are actually Male.
Girl: May be they are, but I am Female.
Boy: How can you prove? I still have doubts.
Girl: Do you have webcam? I will just appear for a second or take my number and call me..
Boy: Ok I am sending invitation / Iwill call you now.
Shaitan: I am successful today in pushing them to sin.
Sisters, Why do you have to prove someone what you are?
Impress Allah with your actions not the entire world. If He is pleased, He will surround you with His pious servants and cause love in their hearts for you. He will bless you with a pious husband too.
Brothers, you may find plenty of girls around who are HOT no doubt. But the Hell Fire is 70 timeshotter than the fire what we see in this world. Be careful and avoid being burnt alive....


تمت مشاركة ‏منشور‏ ‏‎Islam Religion‎‏ بواسطة ‏‎Koki Koky‎‏.
Islam Religion
1) stay away from anger…
It hurts…Only You!
2) If you are right then there is no need to get angry,
and if you are wrong then you don’t have any right
to get angry.
3) Patience with family is love,
Patience with others is respect.
Patience with self is confidence and Patience with
GOD is faith.
4) Never think hard about the PAST, It brings tears…
Don’t think more about the FUTURE, It brings fears…
Live this moment with a smile,
It brings cheers
5) Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
Every problem comes to make us or break us,
The choice is ours whether we become victims or
6) Beautiful things are not always good but good
things are always beautiful
7) Do you know why God created gaps between
So that someone who is special to you comes and fills
those gaps by holding your hand forever
8)Happiness keeps you sweet so try n be as happy
from within as possible
9)Allah has send us all in pairs…someone ...somewhere is
made for u…so wait for the right time n right moment..

Have Atheists Hijacked Biology? - YouTube

The Pursuit Of The Hereafter ᴴᴰ ┇ by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan ┇ TDR Production ┇ - YouTube

Bayyinah Webinar Registration

٧٢- سورة الجن ١٤١٩هـ


Lets know our GOD.
Sahl bin Sa'd [Radhiyallahu Anhu] narrated that the prohet {Sallallahu Alaihi wasallam} said;-
The one who takes care of an orphan, is with me in paradise like this putting his index and middle fingers together.
Sahih Al Bukhari,vol-8,Book of Good Manners ,hadith no-34

Did you know this Blessed man ?

تمت مشاركة ‏صورة‏ ‏‎Lets know our GOD.‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Koky‎‏.
Lets know our GOD.
Did you know this Blessed man ?
May God Almighty protect him, guide him and bless him more and more with his mercy.

plant and a human being or an animal

Lets know our GOD.
Anas bin malik [Radhiyallahu anhu] narrated that the prophet {sallallahu alaihi wasallam} said:-
"If any Muslim plants any plant and a human being or an animal eats of it, he will be rewarded as if he had given that much in charity."
(Sahih Al Bukhari,volume-8,Book 73,Good Manners and Form (Al-Adab),Hadith no-41)
Picture Courtesy: Brother Abu Aimal Akram Ali

Then do they not look at

(17) Then do they not look at the camels - how they are created?
(18) And at the sky - how it is raised?
(19) And at the mountains - how they are erected?
(20) And at the earth - how it is spread out?

jesus son of mary

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quran and modern science

Thinking of joining Islam? Get in touch now
Live Chat (1/1): www.islam-port.com

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Islam-port.com
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Scientific Miracles of the Qur’an: "Sky a Well-Protected Roof"

‏36268‏ مشاهدة
Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Scientific Miracles of the Qur’an: "Sky a Well-Protected Roof"
Alla says in the Noble Quran:
وَجَعَلْنَا السَّمَاءَ سَقْفًا مَحْفُوظًا ۖ وَهُمْ عَنْ آيَاتِهَا مُعْرِضُونَ
And We have made the heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.).
اور آسمان کو ایک محفوظ چھت بنا دیا۔ پھر بھی یہ لوگ اللہ کی نشانیوں کی طرف توجہ نہیں کرتے۔
[Al-Quran, Surat Al-Anbiyah 21, Verse 32, Part 17]
This attribute of the sky has been proved by scientific research carried out in the 20th century: The atmosphere surrounding the Earth serves crucial functions for the continuity of life. While destroying many meteors - big and small - as they approach the Earth, it prevents them from falling to Earth and harming living things.
In addition, the atmosphere filters the light rays coming from space that are harmful to living things. The most striking feature of this function of the atmosphere is that it lets only harmless and useful rays-visible light, near ultraviolet light and radio waves pass through. All of this radiation is vital for life. Near ultraviolet rays, which are only partially let in by the atmosphere, are very important for the photosynthesis of plants and for the survival of all living things. The majority of the intense ultraviolet rays emitted from the Sun are filtered out by the ozone layer of the atmosphere. Only a limited and essential part of the ultraviolet spectrum reaches the Earth.
The protective function of the atmosphere does not end here. The atmosphere also protects the Earth from the freezing cold of the space, which is approximately -2700C (-4540F).
It is not only the atmosphere that protects the Earth from harmful effects. In addition to the atmosphere, the Van-Allen Belt - the layer caused by the magnetic field of the Earth - also serves as a shield against the harmful radiation that threatens our planet. This radiation, which is constantly emitted by the Sun and other stars, is deadly to living things. If the Van-Allen belt did not exist, the massive outbursts of energy called solar flares that frequently occur in the Sun would destroy all life on Earth.
In short, a perfect system is at work high above the Earth. It surrounds our world and protects it against external threats. Centuries ago, Allah Almighty informed us in the Qur'an of the world’s atmosphere functioning as a protective shield.
Video courtesy of Digital Mimbar

Listen to what a not yet Muslim has to say about #ProphetMuhammad (s), #Islam and the #Quran after looking into it, Amazing!!!

‏1646355‏ مشاهدة
‏‎The Deen Show‎‏ مع ‏‎খন্দকার ফরহাদ‎‏ و‏‏3‏ آخرين‏.
Listen to what a not yet Muslim has to say about #ProphetMuhammad (s), #Islam and the #Quran after looking into it, Amazing!!!

"Islām" is an Arabic word which means peaceful, willing submission – submission to the code of conduct ordained by God . So Islam is a religion, but it is also a complete way of life based upon a voluntary relationship between an individual and his Creator.
Islam in Brief
It is the way of life ordained by God which was taught by each of His prophets and messengers, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them). What distinguishes Islam from other religions is that it refuses to accept any form of creation, whatsoever, as a deity worthy of worship. Instead, it emphasizes the exclusive worship of the one God who created the entire universe and to whom all creation will eventually return.
Monotheism is the foundation of Islam and its most important concept which cannot be compromised in any way. Not only is God acknowledged as the sole creator and sustainer of everything in existence, but Islam declares that He is the only true deity and He alone is worthy to be worshipped. Further, it recognizes that the attributes of God are nothing like those of His creation and cannot be compared to it; He is absolute, perfect and unique. By following God's guidance as revealed in the Quran, an individual can obtain meaning and purpose in this live and eternal paradise in the hereafter. [‘Permission from ‘Saheeh International’]

Islam Versus Terrorism
Terrorism is when innocent people are specifically targeted to instill fear in a population. It is categorically prohibited in Islam. The present era of our history has been blemished by indiscriminate violence in almost every society.
The loss of innocent life has become extremely commonplace. Unfortunately, due to the actions of some ignorant Muslims as well as biased reporting in the media, the religion of Islam has come to be associated with terrorism. However, the appropriate question to be asked is: "Do Islamic teachings promote terrorism?"
As a matter of fact, Islam and terrorism are precise opposites; the very name, Islam, denotes peace and submission. The fundamentals of Islam direct its followers to maintain and promote peace throughout the world.
Islam is a faith of moderation; thus a righteous and God-fearing Muslim can neither be a fanatic nor an extremist. There is no connection whatsoever between Islam and the violence practiced by terrorist groups in different parts of the world. In no way does it condone hijackings, hostage taking, and the torture and killing of innocent people in order to achieve particular goals.

The Islamic basis for national and international relations is peace rather than war. Prominent Muslims, Islamic organizations, and Islamic scholars have repeatedly denounced terrorist attacks and terrorism in general.
Islam emphatically prohibits and disassociates itself from the violent acts that have been carried out by some of its members in the name of religion.
All religions and ideologies have some misguided followers, and it is surely unfair to judge any one of them by the behavior of such people. Accordingly, Islam should not be judged by the acts of misguided Muslims or even by the obvious corruption that permeates many Muslim countries.
For in fact, what Islam teaches is one thing and what these so-called Muslims practice is something else. The only way to know the truth about Islam is to study its teachings, for they are the standard by which the actions of Muslims can be assessed as being right or wrong.
Islam emphasizes the sanctity of life in general, and particularly, human life. And the Qur’an prohibits murder in clear terms:
"And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed] except by [legal] right."[5:32]
"Whoever kills a soul unless for a soul[i.e., in legal retribution for murder] or for corruption [done] in the land[ i.e., that requiring the death penalty] – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely."[6:151]
Such is the value of a single human life that God equates the unjust taking of one life with killing all of humanity. Only a proper and competent court can decide whether an individual has forfeited his right to life by commission of a major crime. Individual Muslims can never take decisions about who should be killed or punished. Conviction and punishment may not be implemented except by a qualified judge under lawful authority.
Terrorism involves the indiscriminate use of force to achieve certain objectives, and in reality it manifests itself in various forms. The head of state who orders the bombing of entire cities, the councils that kill millions of civilians by imposition of sanctions, and the wealthy nations that would rather destroy their surplus food than make it available to those afflicted by famine are rarely punished for crimes against humanity.
Although it is recognized that Islamic history was not always filled with virtue, one should justly compare the number of civilians killed by Muslims to the number killed by communists and the Western nations who ignited two world wars within half a century, deployed the atomic bomb against a civilian population, are currently supporting the brutal Israeli military occupation of Palestine against its civilians, and have brought about the destruction of Iraq while thoroughly terrorizing its citizens.
While Islam seeks to promote peace, it also directs its followers to oppose oppression. Both these objectives may on occasion require the use of force. It is precisely for this reason that police use force against criminals and anti-social elements to maintain law and order in society.
So Islam does allow taking up arms under particular circumstances. Any civilization that did not could never survive. However, it prohibits the slightest injustice, even toward those who oppose the religion.
The Qur’an orders:
"And do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness."[5:8]
Enmity toward any people or nation should not provoke Muslims to commit aggression against them or disregard their rights. As for the spread of Islam, this is supposed to take place peacefully by disseminating the message through the written and spoken word.