الثلاثاء، 10 سبتمبر 2013



the deen show



ability to turn over failure to success

ن القدرة على تحويل الفشل إلى النجاح ، أعظم بكثير من النجاح ذاته !
The ability to turn over failure to success is way better than being successful easily.صورة: ‏إن القدرة على تحويل الفشل إلى النجاح ، أعظم بكثير من النجاح ذاته !
The ability to turn over failure to success is way better than being successful easily.‏

The fall of Christianity

The real words of the Bible; talking about
"Rasulullah Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him)".
The fall of Christianity

spread Islam

ﺷﺎﺏ ﻣﺴﻠﻢ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﻧﻴﺎ ﻳﻮﺯﻉ ﺑﺈﺟﺎﺯﺗﻪ ﻧﺴﺦ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻟﻘﺮﺍﻥ ﺍﻟﻤﺘﺮﺟﻢ ﺇﻟﻰ ﺍﻟﻤﺎﺭﻩ ..
A Muslim in Germany, distributes translated Quran to people on the street to spread Islam..

dont be proud

صورة: ‏‎True‎‏


 ‏‎Peacetv: A Call Towards Islam‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.

The Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) has mentioned things that are Human Nature, according to a Hadîth recorded by Al-Bukhari, Muslim and others. Among them is the Cutting of the Nails. So, growing long nails is against the Sunnah of the Prophet(صلى الله عليه وسلم), as well as the Sunnah of all other Prophets and is also against human nature.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 7.779 Narrated by Abu Huraira R.A

"I heard the Prophet (sallalahu alaih wasallam) saying. "Five practices are characteristics of the �Fitra� (nature): removing the pubic hair, clipping the nails, depilating the hair of the armpits; and circumcision and cutting the mustaches short (for the males)"

Muslim women, before adopting a trend or fashion, should check it according to the Islamic Shari'ah and not blindly follow the non-Muslims......

...22 Tips For Muslim Wives To Win Hearts of Their Husbands...

‏‎I Love Islam Fear to Allah‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
...22 Tips For Muslim Wives To Win Hearts of Their Husbands...

Every Girl sees dream to have a good husband with whom she can live happily with love. If Women wants their husbands to treat them with love and care they should also have to behave in good way for a successful life after marriage. Following we are presenting some tips for Muslim Wives To Win Hearts of Their Husbands.

1 You should behave like a female with your husband.
2 Dress good for your husband.
3 Try to look attractive to your husband.
4 Smell Good for him.
5 When your husband comes back tired from work in evening don't share your problems with him that time.
6 Stop complaining about everything.
7 Treat your mother in law like your real mother.
8 Meet him in good when he comes home.
9 Try to keep your house clean.
10 Appreciate him like calling him good husband.
11 When he is angry keep silence.
12 Thank him for different things.
13 If your husband not likes something stop doing that.
14 Don't talk bad about your husband with other people.
15 Show your love.
16 Make Good foods.
17 Don't leave your house without his permission.
18 Give him gifts sometimes.
19 Take interest in his hobbies.
20 Your Skin should look attractive.
21 Learn to compromise on little things.
22 Give him all the rights that Islam gives to husband.

By following these 22 tips In sha Allah you can live happily with your husband.


More at I Love Islam Fear to Allah

forbids erecting structures over graves

‏‎Peacetv: A Call Towards Islam‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
We, the muslims believe not only Quran (God's words) but also Hadith (Prophet SAW's teachings). The life of the Prophet was fully accordance with the Wills of Allah and he never spoke a single word which was against Allah's commandments, in fact his tongue was a medium used by Allah to spread His messages to the mankind and that's the reason he is regarded as the Messenger of Allah, so please do not get confused that we have to get back to Quran only for all our questions. I hope I made it clear here for our non-muslim brothers and sisters. Now, please go through..

Islam forbids erecting structures over graves, and commands that any such structures should be knocked down. But it is permitted to put a marker on the grave so that the family and friends of the deceased will know where it is. However, this marker should not be a structure or anything else that is not allowed in sharee’ah.

It was narrated that Jaabir said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade plastering over graves, sitting on them and erecting structures over them.
Narrated by Muslim, 970 (Hadith)

The phrase “erecting structures over them: indicates that it is haraam to build anything over a grave.

It was narrated that Abu’l-Hayaaj al-Asadi said: ‘Ali ibn Abi Taalib said to me: “Shall I not send you on the same mission as the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) sent me? Do not leave any statue without erasing it, and do not leave any raised grave without leveling it.” (Narrated by Muslim, 969; Hadith).

Al-Shawkaani said:

The words “do not leave any raised grave without leveling it” means that the Sunnah is that a grave should not be made very high, and there should be no differentiation between those who were virtuous and those who were not virtuous.

The making graves high that is mentioned in the hadeeth especially includes the domes and shrines that are built over graves, and the taking of graves as places of worship. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed those who do that. (Nayl al-Awtaar, 4/130).

There is nothing wrong with marking a grave with a stone or a piece of wood. There is nothing wrong with a man marking a grave so that he will know where it is. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) marked the grave of ‘Uthmaan ibn Maz’oon. Al-Mughni, 2/191.

It is obligatory to bury a dead body in the ground, so deep that its smell does not come out and the beasts of prey do not dig it out, and, if there is a danger of such beasts digging it out (which is not often the case) then the grave should be made solid with bricks, etc. One logic behind not making the grave solid is to make the land re-usable (to make other graves) later on after few years when the body is completely decomposed and there is no sign of that left.

It is prescribed to visit graves in order to learn a lesson from that and to remember the Hereafter. That is subject to the condition that one does not say anything that will anger the Lord, such as calling upon the one who is buried or seeking his help instead of Allaah, or praising him and saying that he is for certain in Paradise, etc.

The purpose of visiting the graves is twofold:

(a) The visitor benefits from remembering death and the dead, remembering that their destiny will be either Paradise or Hell. This is the primary purpose of the visit.

(b) The deceased also benefits and is treated kindly by the visitor greeting him with salaams, making du’aa’ for him, praying for forgiveness for him. This applies only to Muslims.

But you should not face the grave when making du’aa’ for them; rather you should face the direction of the Ka’bah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade prayer (salaah) facing graves, and du’aa’ is the heart and soul of salaah, as is well known, and is subject to the same rulings. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Du’aa’ is worship” then he recited the aayah (interpretation of the meaning): “And your Lord said: “Invoke Me [i.e. believe in My Oneness (Islamic Monotheism) and ask Me for anything] I will respond to your (invocation).” [Ghaafir 40:60]

You should not walk between the graves of the Muslims wearing your shoes. It was narrated that ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘If I were to walk on hot coals or on a sword, or if I were to mend my shoes using my feet, that would be better for me than if I were to walk on the grave of a Muslim. And it makes no difference to me if I were to relieve myself in the midst of the graves or in the middle of the market-place [i.e., both are equally bad].’” (Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 1567)

The media have distorted the truth about Islam.

 ‏‎Peacetv: A Call Towards Islam‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
A lot of hard work is put into arranging this course, we need your help, can you please SHARE the poster on your facebook wall, so that more people will attend the course and get the benefit from attending it insha'Allah.......... Here is the publicity details........

The media have distorted the truth about Islam.

Ever wanted to do something about it?

Interacting with the Media is the major challenge for us, Muslims, now!

We want to give Justice to Islam, convey its true essence but how?

This course will teach you:

- How to engage with the Media and redefine their coverage
- How to counteract Islamophobia,
- How to get your point across
- Interview techniques
- How to use the social media and networks for the purpose of Dawah

An eye-opening one day course with practicals for whoever wants to learn. Come along!

Join us Date: 21/9/2013

Time: 9.30 – 17.00

Location: Muslim World League, 46 Goodge street, London, W1T 4LU

Fees: £15 (employed)/ £10 (unemployed)

For more Info, please contact Us on 02076367010, 07846681114, events@wamy.co.uk

For a Unique opportunity to learn with experts in the field of media coverage.


Anass Altikriti: Founder and CEO of The Cordoba Foundation. Political analyst, media commentator and international speaker

Azad Ali:Presenter on Islam Channel, Head of Community Development & Engagement, Changemaker.

dia a todos

‏‎Chat Islam Online Português‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
Bom dia a todos que seja uma semana muita produtiva com muitas noticias boas, com noticias de paz de amor...
Oh Allah abençoe a semana de todos nossos irmãos muçulmanos ao redor do mundo! Amim.

women's heart

 ‏‎Peacetv: A Call Towards Islam‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
A women's heart should be so lost in the LOVE OF ALLAH, that a man would need to seek ALLAH (swt) in order to find her. And vice-versa 

Nouman Ali Khan has Landed in Bahrain,

‏‎Nouman Ali Khan Collection‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
Brother Nouman Ali Khan has Landed in Bahrain, Alhumdullilah.

Make Lots of Prayers for him and his family.

He would be speaking on 'True Friends' & 'Responsibility'

Join this Event, as per organizers the Live Streaming would be really good and upto the mark, so everyone can join in and attend using live streaming even if you cant be physically there, Insha Allah.


Share and Invite everyone.

Topics: ''True Friends'' & ''Responsibility''


‏‎Newham Dawah Team‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏.
A man came to the Messenger of Allah and told him: “I have been fasting everyday, ” The Messenger of Allah said:
“Neither did youfast nor did break your fast”

Meaning: by bragging about your fasting you lost the reward of it so it is as if you didn’t fast. Therefore a person should not reveal to others his jihad or in that sense any of his good deeds in order to preserve his rewards.

(source from kalamullah)


صورة: ‏‎#RespectYourMother‎‏


‏‎Smile__itz Sunnah Official‎‏ من قبل ‏‎Koki Noor‎‏.
I have soo much Gheerah (protective jealousy) that I want my future wife (who I have not met yet in sha ALLAH) to remove her profile picture from Facebook right away! 



Truth About the Age of Ayshah and Her Marriage to Muhammad

‏‎Final Testament‎‏ من قبل ‏‏‎Koki Noor‎‏‏.
The Truth About the Age of Ayshah and Her Marriage to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

by Yusuf Estes

The Truth About the Age of Ayshah and Her Marriage to Muhammad

(peace and blessings be upon him).

Many things are being said about the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings

be upon him) these days. Some of the accusations are downright amazing and

chilling even to consider someone would say it, much less be involved in this

type of slander and smear campaign.

Let's consider some of the questions and what facts really exist about these

concerns. Let's set the record straight once and for all.

A Brief Overview of Basic Facts

What is the true historical evidence about the person life of prophet

Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)? What was his life style? What about

his marriage to Khadijah (his first wife)? How did the offer of marriage to

Ayshah really take place? Who made the offer? Was there any coercion or

compulsion? What was her attitude? How did she reflect on it in later years?

What did she have to say about it all? How did she feel about their love and


He was the most honest and fair of all the people living

in his community. None was respected more for honesty, integrity, sobriety and


He had no bad habits and did not engage in drinking or

relations with women, although it was common place amongst his people.

He never took a girlfriend nor a mistress in his life and

never even attended parties or the like at anytime in his life.

His first personal encounter with a woman was his own

wife, Khadijah, and that was for marriage. He was 25 years old and she was 15

years older (40).

He was only married to Khadijah until her death at the age

of 65 years old.

There was a long time of mourning and sadness during which

he was offered marriage to several women of their families.

He did not accept the first offer of marriage to Ayshah

when her father had come to him with the proposal, instead he married an older,

large woman named Sawdah.

Ayshah had been offered in marriage and engaged prior to

being offered to the prophet, peace and blessings be upon him. That marriage

never took place.

When Ayshah was older, again her father offered her in

marriage and the proposal was accepted.

The whole family was happily involved and most elated in

having the prophet of God as their close relative through marriage.

Ayshah herself was very happy with this marriage as is

evidenced by the hundreds of teachings she later related after his death (peace

and blessings be upon him).

Details of Clear Proofs and Evidences

What is the truth behind of the age of prophet's wife, Ayesha?

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) did not go to Ayesha at all.

There was only the offer of marriage, never anything less than this - and the

offer was not from the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) to

Ayesha - it was from her father to the prophet Muhammad (peace and

blessings be upon him).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) never had sex

outside of marriage.

First of all, let us be crystal clear about a very important subject. The

prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) never had sex at all, until

after being married, at the age of 25, to a widowed woman, Khadijah, who was 15

years older than he was.

When his wife Khadijah died a number of people tried to encourage the prophet

(peace and blessings be upon him) to take another wife and get married again.

Ayshah's name was mentioned, but he chose to marry Sawdah, who was known for

her big size.

All of this is well documented and preserved in the annuls of Muslim scholars

for fourteen centuries.

How was Ayesha viewed by others at the time and throughout the

history of Islam?

She was highly respected as the daughter of Abu Bakr, a man known as

"As-Siddiq" (The one who verifies truth). Abu Bakr was the life long

friend of the prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and the first

man to accept Islam after revelation of Quran started.

What was Ayesha like?

Ayesha was very intelligent and brilliant in her mind and excellent in

treatment of her parents. She was known to give full respect to her husband,

Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. She was once accused by some

hypocrites of immorality, but in her innocence she did not even know what she

was being accused of until her mother explained it to her. And it was Allah who

cleared her name forever, by mentioning her purity and innocence in the Quran

(Surah An-Nur chapter 24). She became the first of women scholars and teachers

of Islam. No other woman narrated as many hadiths as Ayesha.

Marriage offer first came from who?

Khawlah (a Muslim companion woman), suggested the marriage of Ayesha to the

prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). He did not accept it.

Who next offered her hand in marriage to the prophet (peace and

blessings be upon him)?

Abu Bakr had offered his daughter in marriage to someone else prior to the

offer made to the prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Abu Bakr

sent his wife out to bring in his daughter to offer her in marriage to the

prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and then she returned back outside to

play. The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did not accept even though

it was very much the custom of the time to accept such an offer of marriage

from someone as close as Abu Bakr was to the prophet, peace and blessings be

upon him. There is an ayah in the Quran related to this topic, in Surah

An-Nisa', chapter 4, verse 19 - telling us women cannot be inherited against

their will. This was the first time for such a ruling in favor of women and it came

about to protect women from the very thing people are now trying to accuse our

religion of supporting. The truth bears out over the falsehood, in this case

very clear.

What did Allah reveal in the Quran about forced marriages and child

brides (not old enough to be married)?

"O you who believe, it is for not legal for you to

inherit women against their will. And don't make it difficult for them so you

can take from what you have given them (marriage dowry) unless they commit open

immorality. And live with them in goodness (Al-Marufi). Because if you dislike

them, it could be you dislike something and Allah makes in it a lot of

"khair" (good)." [Noble Quran 4:19]

How long before the next offer of marriage by her father to the

prophet (peace and blessings be upon him)?

When Ayesha was a few years older, her father Abu Bakr, again had the mother

bring her into the house to offer her in marriage to the prophet, peace and

blessings be upon him. The prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) did accept

this offer made some years later, when Ayesha was old enough according to Islam

(able to bear children).

Was she now considered by Allah to be old enough for marriage?

Yes. This time is was accepted and plans for the marriage were set in place.

She tells us of the excitement, preparation and wonderful experience of her

being offered and accepted in marriage to the prophet (peace and blessings be

upon him) and their closeness and intimacy. All of this is described in the

most beautiful context with nothing left out and yet nothing disgusting - only

beauty and enjoyment as described in her own words. The lessons she taught have

helped married couples in Islam to know what the limits are and how to share

the most pleasure between a married couple in both physical and spiritual ways.

Did she want to be married to him?

Yes. She tells us this was exactly what she wanted all along. The hadiths

(narrations by Ayshah) are very clear about all details and must be read in

order to fully appreciate the fullness and completeness of their relationship


How did she reply to her father's offer to the prophet, peace and

blessings be upon him?

She was very shy and said her silence was understood by her father that she was

indeed, accepting the proposal for marriage. This is mentioned by her, along

with other important information for Muslims to know about marriage proposals,

dowry and proper ways to approach the father or guardian of a woman with the

topic of marriage.

What was Ayshah's status after marrying the prophet (peace and

blessings be upon him)? (A Brief Overview)

No other woman was loved more by our prophet (peace and

blessings be upon him).

He wanted to die with his head in her lap (and he did).

They were in total love with each other the way everyone

would love to be in love.

Their romance is known to all of the Muslim world and how

much they really enjoyed each others company - always.

They planned on being together in Jannah.

She never said a single bad word against her husband

during his life, or after his death. Is there a woman living today who could

compare to this great woman?

What was the "norm" regarding the subject of marriage at

the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and Ayesha?

Actually, the people of Arabia

had the

custom of marrying off any of their girls at the age of the beginning of their

monthly cycles.

Even the Arch Bishop of Canterbury would not have been blamed for marrying a

young girl back one hundred years or so as this was still accepted at that


Consider the Catholic Church claims that Mary, may Allah's peace be on her, was

married to Joseph before having Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him) and her

age was just a year or two older than Ayshah's age, but Joseph was mentioned as

being in his 90's! (we do not have this story in Islam, because Mary is

considered a true virgin and never married and never had other children except

for Jesus Christ (peace and blessings be upon him).

The marriage of Ayesha to Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

is nothing less than the best love story ever written.

Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet leaves much to be desired by comparison.

Consider the contrast and be honest in your conclusion:

Romeo and Juliet both were running around behind their

parents back - with someone whom they did not approve of at all - their

families were fighting each other in a feud and they forbid them to be together

at all.

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was

being offered the hand of the daughter of his best friend, Abu Bakr in a

marriage environment. All of the family members were happy about this and had

approved of the marriage.

Romeo and Juliet had their affair in secrecy without the

benefit of clergy (not married).

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and

Ayesha waited until after marriage and even after a courtship period described

in beautiful details by Ayesha herself.

Romeo and Juliet both committed suicide. According to

Judaism and Christianity as well as Islam - anyone who commits suicide will go

to Hell forever.

Ayesha and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) both

believed in One God - the God of the Jews and the God of Christ (peace and

blessings be upon him) and they both preached a message of salvation through

direct repentance to Almighty God.

Above all, they will be together in the Paradise where they will live -


ever after.

Honestly - Which one is the true romance story?

We pray to Allah to accept this humble effort to clarify misunderstandings

and remove doubts some people may entertain regarding the relationship of two

of the greatest personalities ever to come forth on this earth, ameen.

Dear reader, thank you for taking the time to read and review this important

subject and for keeping an open mind and heart regarding Islam's treatment of

women and marriage in general and the relationship of our prophet, peace and

blessings be upon him and his wife, Ayesha. If you would like to know more

about Islam (www.WhatsIslam.com)

or the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him (www.ProphetOfIslam.com)

or the status of Islam's women (www.IslamsWomen.com) please visit our websites or look for

other publications by the author.

According to the Priest of Saint Mary's Catholic Church:

"Mary was approximately 9 years old when she got pregnant with Jesus. Joseph, Mary's Husband is believed to be around 36. Mary was only 13 when she married Joseph.

When she first was arranged with Joseph she was between 7 to 9 years old." And According to the "Oxford Dictionary Bible" commentary, Mary Magdalene was 9 years old when she became impregnated

Please note that we Muslims love and respect Allah Almighty, Mary, Jesus and Allah's Messengers and prophets to the People of the Book (The Jews and Christians). In other words, we Muslims would never make fun of Christianity through such childish topic like this one as many ridiculous Christians do make fun of Islam through our Prophet's Muhammad (peace be upon him) marriage to Aisha (peace be upon her) .

God Bless you all.