السبت، 4 فبراير 2023

El Milagroso Corán (parte 10 de 11): Milagros Científicos - La religión del Islam

El Milagroso Corán (parte 10 de 11): Milagros Científicos - La religión del Islam: Una Mirada a algunos de los hechos científicos mencionados en el Corán que los científicos modernos, musulmanes y no-musulmanes afirman ser verdaderos. Esta página web es para personas de diversas religiones que buscan entender el Islam y a los musulmanes.  Contiene numerosos artículos informativos, y resúmenes sobre diferentes aspectos del Islam.  Cada semana, se publican nuevos artículos.

มีเพื่อนน้อย ไม่เป็นไร

มีเพื่อนน้อย ไม่เป็นไร

Le temps est trop précieux pour en perdre ne serait-ce qu’un seul instant - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي

Le temps est trop précieux pour en perdre ne serait-ce qu’un seul instant - La science légiférée - العلم الشرعي: Sache que le temps est trop précieux pour en perdre ne serait-ce qu’un seul instant. Combien l’être humain gaspille inutilement de moments qui lui échappent et emmènent avec eux une récompense qu’il n’obtiendra pas. Ces jours sont comparables à une plantation....



Le Coran miraculeux (partie 10 de 11): Les miracles scientifiques - La religion de l'Islam

Le Coran miraculeux (partie 10 de 11): Les miracles scientifiques - La religion de l'Islam: Regard sur certains faits scientifiques mentionnés dans le Coran, faits que confirment les scientifiques contemporains, musulmans et non-musulmans. Ce site s'adresse à des gens de confessions diverses qui cherchent à comprendre l'islam et les musulmans.  Il contient plusieurs courts articles d'information traitant de divers aspects de l'islam.  De nouveaux articles sont ajoutés chaque semaine. De plus, il offre un service d'aide en direct par l'intermédiaire du clavardage.

Dr Zakir Naik Debates with an American Atheist - Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

Dr Zakir Naik Debates with an American Atheist - Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

Der wunderbare Qur´an (teil 10 von 11): Wissenschaftliche Wunder - Die Religion des Islam

Der wunderbare Qur´an (teil 10 von 11): Wissenschaftliche Wunder - Die Religion des Islam: Ein kleiner Überblick auf wissenschaftliche Tatsachen, die moderne Wissenschaftler, deren Richtigkeit sowohl Muslime als auch Nicht-Muslime, (viel) später bestätigt haben. Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam.  Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu.

Somali Tafsir | Surat Al-Lail - Surah At-Tin | Sh Abdulqadir - YouTube

Somali Tafsir | Surat Al-Lail - Surah At-Tin | Sh Abdulqadir - YouTube: مشاركة الفيديوهات مع الأصدقاء وأفراد العائلة ومستخدمين آخرين حول العالم

Prophet Said This Sign That's Happening Right Now (2023 NEW SIGNS) - YouTube

Prophet Said This Sign That's Happening Right Now (2023 NEW SIGNS) - YouTube: مشاركة الفيديوهات مع الأصدقاء وأفراد العائلة ومستخدمين آخرين حول العالم

من فوائد غضّ البصر - YouTube

من فوائد غضّ البصر - YouTube: مشاركة الفيديوهات مع الأصدقاء وأفراد العائلة ومستخدمين آخرين حول العالم

Оё гирифтани суғурта барои пардохти хароҷоти ҷаноза ҷоиз аст? - Ислом савол ва ҷавоб

Оё гирифтани суғурта барои пардохти хароҷоти ҷаноза ҷоиз аст? - Ислом савол ва ҷавоб

ئاچچىقى كەلگەندە تالاق قىلىشنىڭ ھۆكمى توغرىسىدا - ئىسلامى سۇئال -جاۋاپ

ئاچچىقى كەلگەندە تالاق قىلىشنىڭ ھۆكمى توغرىسىدا - ئىسلامى سۇئال -جاۋاپ

YushaEvans.com | Peace be with you

YushaEvans.com | Peace be with you: Peace be with you

Чудесный Коран (часть 10 из 11): Научные открытия - Религия Ислам

Чудесный Коран (часть 10 из 11): Научные открытия - Религия Ислам: Рассмотрение некоторых научных фактов, упомянутых в Коране и одинаково признаваемых как мусульманскими, так и немусульманскими учеными. Этот сайт предназначен как для начинающих мусульман, так и для представителей других религий. Здесь Вы найдете много кратких, но в тоже время очень познавательных статей о различных аспектах Ислама. Сайт обновляется еженедельно. Также мы предоставляем возможность получения консультаций в режиме реального времени.

O Milagroso Alcorão (parte 10 de 11): Milagres Científicos - A religião do Islã

O Milagroso Alcorão (parte 10 de 11): Milagres Científicos - A religião do Islã: O MILAGROSO ALCORÃO (PARTE 10 DE 11): MILAGRES CIENTÍFICOS

A true Emotional Touching Story ᴴᴰ | Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi | MUST SEE - YouTube

A true Emotional Touching Story ᴴᴰ | Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi | MUST SEE - YouTube: Today's khutbah is about a story in the Qur'an whose lessons are needed in our day and age perhaps on a scale history has never seen. I pray you and I take g...

Knowing Your Destination: A Qur’anic View | Dr. Omar Suleiman - YouTube

Knowing Your Destination: A Qur’anic View | Dr. Omar Suleiman - YouTube: Dr. Omar Suleiman reflects on the verses that speak of the expulsion of Adam (as) from Jannah, and how the believer finds their way back. The power of guidan...

NEW | ⚡ Discovering the Power of Purposeful Living with Mufti Menk at Dubai Expo - YouTube

NEW | ⚡ Discovering the Power of Purposeful Living with Mufti Menk at Dubai Expo - YouTube: Today's khutbah is about a story in the Qur'an whose lessons are needed in our day and age perhaps on a scale history has never seen. I pray you and I take g...

"Why Do I Feel Empty Inside?" - YouTube

"Why Do I Feel Empty Inside?" - YouTube: Today's khutbah is about a story in the Qur'an whose lessons are needed in our day and age perhaps on a scale history has never seen. I pray you and I take g...

关于到吉达工作或探亲之后决定做副朝的断法和情况 - 伊斯兰教义问答网

关于到吉达工作或探亲之后决定做副朝的断法和情况 - 伊斯兰教义问答网: 关于到吉达工作或探亲之后决定做副朝的断法和情况

Regra sobre a caça armada - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Regra sobre a caça armada - Islam Pergunta e Resposta

Ensiklopedia Alquran Alkarim

Ensiklopedia Alquran Alkarim

Does the Belief in Jesus (peace be upon him) as a "Son of God" really Make Sense?

 Does the Belief in JESUS as a "Son of God" really Make Sense?

Does the Belief in Jesus (peace be upon him) as a "Son of God" really Make Sense?


Does the belief in Jesus (peace be upon him) as a ‘son of God’ really make sense?


What exactly does 'son of God' mean?


Can true salvation from God, be the punishment of someone else who is innocent from any of these crimes, to be punished as though he were guilty?


Does God need someone to suffer severe punishment, even though they are trying, day after day.


Did Jesus (peace be upon him) tell the people to take him as a god, or to worship him?


Let us find the answer to these and other important questions about the nature of Jesus of Christianity and Islam.


"Look to the Scriptures"


To begin, let us do a sample comparison of the teachings of the Holy Books of Almighty God.




"Say: Oh my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins, for he is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[Noble Quran 39:53]


"If anyone does evil or wrongs his own soul but afterwards seeks Allah’s forgiveness, he will find Allah Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."

[Noble Quran 4:110]


"O you people! Adore your Guardian lord, who created you and those who came before you that you may become righteous."

[Noble Quran 2:21]


"You will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred. For such He has written faith in their hearts and strengthened them with a spirit from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens beneath which rivers flow, to well therein (forever). Allah will be well pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Truly it is the Party of Allah that will achieve Felicity."

[Noble Quran 58:22]


New Testament of BIBLE


"Why do you call me good? answered Jesus, No-one is good but God alone!"

[Mark 10:18]


"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but rather to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until Heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of the pen; will by any means disappear from the Law until all things are accomplished. Anyone who breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever keeps the commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven."

[Matthew 5:17-19]


"Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the Will of the Father who is in Heaven. Many will say to me on the day, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles? Then I will tell them plainly, I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"

[Matthew 7:21-23]


Some leaders claimed, “This probably refers to the Mormons or somebody else. Don’t worry about it.”


"Gabriel says Jesus will be “called the son of God” and he would be “given the Throne of David” to “rule the House of Jacob forever.”"

[Luke 1:35]


"Enos was the son of Seth, and Seth was the son of Adam, and Adam was the son of God."

[Luke 3:38]


Note: Adam, not Jesus, is listed in this genealogy of Jesus as the son of God, not Jesus.


Later on, the priests are asking Jesus (peace be upon him) if he claims to be the son of God. He tells them in fact, it is they who are making this claim.


"You say that I am."


Gospel of John contains the greatest number of references to "son of God"


Jesus, speaking in the third person talked about the "Son of God" in [John 3:17 - John 5:24 - John 11:4 - John 11:27]


Martha, one of the followers, calls Jesus, peace be upon him, “The Messiah, the Son of God”


"The Messiah, the Son of God."

[John 20:31]


But no verse makes the exact statement "Jesus is the Son of God and as such he is divine or God."




The Best Athan App for Muslims Prayer times - IslamicFinder

The Best Athan App for Muslims Prayer times - IslamicFinder

Das Urteil über das Freitagsgebet der Frau - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Das Urteil über das Freitagsgebet der Frau - Der Islam - Frage und Antwort

Hardest post for Christians


Hardest post for Christians
god resembles these animals your in Bible
- Astaghfirullah-
1. * god is like a wild ox 🐂🐃
🏴Numbers 24:8
🏳God brought them out of Egypt; for them he is as strong as a wild ox. He devours all the nations that oppose him, breaking their bones in pieces, shooting them with arrows.
*Numbers 24:8
2. * god is a like lioness🦁
🏴Numbers 24:9
🏳He crouches, he lies down like a lion; like a lioness, who dares to rouse him? Blessed are those who bless you and cursed are those who curse you.
*Numbers 24:9
3. * god is a beast / bear
🏴Hosea 13:8 🐲🐻
Like a bear whose cubs have been taken away, I will tear out your heart. I will devour you like a hungry lioness and mangle you like a wild animal.
Hosea 13:8
4. * god is a worm 🐍🐉
🏴Psalms 22:6
But I am a worm and not a man, scorned by mankind and despised by the people.
*Psalms 22:6
5. * god is a sheep with 7 eyes and 7 horns
🏴Revelation 5:6 🦄🐏
Then I saw a Lamb that looked as if it had been slaughtered, but it was now standing between the throne and the four living beings and among the twenty-four elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which represent the sevenfold Spirit of God that is sent out into every part of the earth.
Revelation 5:6
6. * God is like a moth and like a wasp🐞🐝
🏴 Hosea 5:12
🏳 I am like a moth of wood to Ephraim, like rotteness to the people of Judah.
🏴 Hosea 5:12
Stop despising God with your Paulino Bible !
Come to Islam🤗😍
Can u explain to me this
Jesus is god
Jesus is son of god
Jesus is man
God is not a man
Jesus is son of Mary
Jesus is a prophet of Nazareth
Jesus is a servant of god
Jesus assassinated by his weak creation
A. Some Contradictions.
1. Jesus is the son of God, John 3:16,
2. He is the son of man,Mattew 11:19,
3. He is the servant and slave of God, Luke 1:69-70, Acts 4:27,and Matthew 12:18.
1. No she had no children to the day of her death, 11Samuel 6:23,
Yes Michal had 5 sons,11Samuel 21:8.
1. No he did not come to abolish the Law,Matthew 5:17,
Yes he came to redeemed Christians from the cursed of Law,Galathians 3:13.
Jesus is God-John 1:1,
No he is the son of God-John 3:16,
he is the son of Joseph,
he is the son of man,
he is the son of Holy Spirit.
All these plain contradictions,additions,subtraction and grammatical errors show that the Bible as whole cannot be the word of God.
1. Did Jesus say anywhere in the entire bible, "I
am God
worship me "?
2. Did Jesus say in the bible Christianity is my
3. Is the word 'Bible' in the Bible?
4. Where in the bible did Jesus say "I am
christian"? Jesus does not have any idea of the
Christian which was Invented after him (Acts
5. Where is the word 'Christianity ' in the bible?
6. Where did Jesus in the bible authorise Paul
to teach
Christianity "? Need Jesus' words not dreams.
7. Can the Christians find the word "TRINITY" in
the Bible?
8. Where in the bible the Christians are directed
to go to "CHURCH ON SUNDAY" ?
9. Can Christians find the word "CHRISTMAS" in
the bible?
10. Did Jesus say in the bible "I am Catholic"?
11. Did Jesus say in the bible "I am Protestant "?
12. Did Prophets Abraham, Moses, Jacob and
David pbut say
anywhere in the bible "Jesus is our God and
13. Which Gospel did Jesus authorise?
14. Did Jesus say in the bible "I am the begotten
son of God
jesus said .God is not a man that he should
lie neither the son of Man That he should repent
(numbers 23:19)
15. Where did in the bible Jesus say "I have
abrogated the
law of circumcision?
16. Did Jesus say anywhere in the bible "I am
not Muslim"?
17. Where did Jesus allow pork eating in the
four empirical gospels?
17. No any statement in the bible where it says
Jews put Jesus on the cross for the "SINS OF
18. Not a single statement in the bible where
19. "GOOD FRIDAY" is not in the bible.
20. "CREATION" of "ANGELS" is not in the
21. The word "JESUS" is not in the "OLD
TESTAMENT" of the Bible.
22. The word "JEHOVAH" is not in the NEW
23. No dogma exist in the bible that Jesus was
24. No any dogma exist in the bible that Jesus
25. GENEALOGY of Mary the Mother of Jesus is
not in the Bible.
Contradictions in the bible
*a* No one can see God at any time (John 1 :18)
contradicted by :
*b* ‘’And they ( Moses Aaron and seventy others) saw the God of Israel…’’ (Exodus 24 :10)
*c* God is not the author of confusion (Corinthians 14 :33)
contradicted by :
*d* An evil spirit from the Lord troubled him (Samuel 16 : 14)
*d* God shall send them delusion that they should believe a lie (2 Thessalonians 2 :11)
*d* I make peace and creat EVIL (Isaiah 45 :7)
-- God All powerful
*e* ‘’And Jesus said For with God all things are possible’’ (Mark 10 :27) (Matthew 19 : 26)
contradicted by
*f* ‘’ And the Lord was with Judah ; and he drove out the inhabitants of the mountain ; But COULD NOT drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had CHARIOTS OF IRON’’ (Judges 1 :19)
---- by the way sorry for this shift the quran is matchless concerning its style and defies all mankind to come up with only one chapter like it and deals with all fields of life . In contrast, we find the bible is boring with the thousand times of and and and and and nonstop ands
Coming back to the point
*g* God’s angers lasts for only one minute ‘’For his (God’s) anger endures but a moment’’ (Psalms 30 :5)
contradicted by
*h* Lord’s anger made the jews wander in the wilderness for 40 years (Numbers 32 :13)
-- God does not regret or fear
*i* ‘’God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of a man that he should REPENT’’
contradicted by
*j* ‘’… And the Lord repented that he made Saul king over Israel’’
(1 Samuel 15 :35)
*j* ‘’ And the Lord REPENTED of the evil which he thought to do to his people (Israel) (Exodus 32 : 14)
-- God does not entice man
*k* ‘’God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempted he any man’’ (James 1 :13)
contradicted with
*l* ‘’And it came to pass after these things, that God tempted Abraham’’ (Genesis 22 :1)