الجمعة، 2 سبتمبر 2022

Deeni Taleem Ki Ahmiyat | deen ki ahmiyat by Shaikh Mansoor Ahmed Madani - YouTube

Deeni Taleem Ki Ahmiyat | deen ki ahmiyat by Shaikh Mansoor Ahmed Madani - YouTube

科学世界は神へと向かう - イスラームという宗教

科学世界は神へと向かう - イスラームという宗教: 長年に渡って無神論を説き続けて来た科学者が、ついに知的設計論(インテリジェント・デザイン論)を受け入れたという逸話。 このサイトは、様々な信仰を持つ人々がイスラームとムスリムへの理解を深めることの出来るためのものです。 イスラームにおける多様な側面についての簡潔な記事が多く掲載されています。 新しい記事は毎週掲載されます。 また、チャット形式によるライブ・ヘルプも含まれています。

科学界正在转向真主 - 文章

科学界正在转向真主 - 文章: 某些学者在经过多年无神论思想的宣传以后,最终承认了这个世界上还有睿智的设计者的观点。 本站的宗旨是帮助人们了解伊斯兰和穆斯林.  它包含伊斯兰方方面面的信息资料.  每周将会添加新文章. 同时设有在线聊天服务。

احفظ وجهك عن الناس - YouTube

احفظ وجهك عن الناس - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.

Makkah Tahajjud | Sheikh Saud Shuraim - Surah Ale Imran & An Nisa (29 Ramadan 1415 / 1995) - YouTube

Makkah Tahajjud | Sheikh Saud Shuraim - Surah Ale Imran & An Nisa (29 Ramadan 1415 / 1995) - YouTube

Heart Des Australia | What to look for when getting enrolled in a management course in Australia

Heart Des Australia | What to look for when getting enrolled in a management course in Australia: 20220903 Online management courses can help professionals to get advanced training options in easy and affordable manner.

A Thread on religion and atheism (Documented Scientific Research)


A Thread on religion and atheism (Documented Scientific Research)
Atheism and agnostic beliefs result in suicidal thoughts. Atheist doctors and non-religious hospitals also were more likely to recommend suicide to their patients.
Atheists have the highest rate of suicide in the world, followed by Buddhists(reincarnation?), Christians and Hindus. Muslims have the lowest rates due to being more religious. For Christians it's probably high because they're only culturally religious
Atheists are more ignorant and more likely to deny facts when they go against their personal political views, when science contradicts their beliefs, for example on the issue of gay rights.
More religiosity results in lower rates of drug use as well as less likely to be friends with drug users, less religious resulted in more drugs. Being involved in religious community organizations and praying had the biggest effect on decreasing drug use.
More Islam results in lower rates of HIV. Primarily due to Islamic values that prohibit getting drunk which can result in risky sexual behavior as well as banning sex outside of marriage.
Islam successfully removed alcoholism from Arabia via it's step by step prohibition in the Middle Ages, by replacing dependency on alcoholism with a religious community that supported addicts. Religion is the most effective way to combat addiction
All Major World religions who believe in Abraham as a Prophet were found to have protective effects against suicide. A religious community is again found to be the most important as well as church attendance and praying. Religious people were also less likely to inflict self-harm
Muslims are the least likely to have pre-marital/have affairs. As a country gets more Islamic influence, it's non-Muslim inhabitants will also have less pre-marital sex & adulterous affairs. Muslim women are also the least likely to commit adultery/cheat
More religion results in lower alcoholism, marijuana use, smoking, crime, depression, anxiety, & results in higher self-esteem and well-being. Less religion results in the exact opposite and has an overall negative effect on life in all categories.
All Major World religions who believe in Abraham as a Prophet over all protected against suicide completion, due to religious values and social support from religious communities.
Eastern religions like Hinduism and Buddhism however do not have these effects due to their lax views on suicide.
Higher religiousness results in higher meaning in life/purpose in life, which results in better mental health. More religious people have a higher quality of life and feel more at peace with it, as well as have more positive emotions, like happiness.
Muslims have the highest life satisfaction out of all religions. Being Muslim makes one more happy than earning a 6 figure salary. Whereas being an atheist makes one more unhappy than being a poor person, and over all are the most unhappiest group
Children raised in religious schools are the more educated, well behaved, and preform better on tests. Despite less funding. Religious schools have higher expectations of students, give them harder courses, and close racial achievement gaps.
Despite self-reporting they did not believe in God, when atheists dared God to bring harm upon them, they felt as much fear as religious people, but did not have the same fear when daring Santa Clause to do the same or wishing for the harm to happen
Religion has a beneficial effect on survival. Attending church also decreased mortality. Outside of factors like less smoking/drinking, religion still results in higher rate of survival, better cardiovascular health, and resistance to health problems.
Industrialization has led to relaxed natural selection and thus the spread of fitness-damaging genes.
As well as the spread of ideologies like atheism & liberalism, which harm society and could not survive in more selective pre-industrial societies.
Sexual harassment is a huge epidemic in atheist movements. Many atheist leaders like Richard Dawkins even mock women for being sexually harassed and tell them it's normal.
Women are not safe at atheist events and face unwanted sexual harassment.
قد تكون صورة كارتونية لـ‏‏شخص أو أكثر‏ و‏تحتوي على النص '‏۔s oppressive! Figure4 Suicide rates (per 100,000) according to religion. Total Male Female 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 Buddhist Christian Hindu Muslim Atheist 1956 1994 1995 1985,87 1995,96 Source: International Association Are you sure? for Suicide Prevention (IASP) http://asifo/paper/Betoe.df‏'‏‏
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٦ مشاركات

The relationship between spirituality and religiosity on psychological outcomes in adolescents and emerging adults: A meta-analytic review - ScienceDirect

The relationship between spirituality and religiosity on psychological outcomes in adolescents and emerging adults: A meta-analytic review - ScienceDirect

Religion and Sexual Behaviors: Understanding the Influence of Islamic Cultures and Religious Affiliation for Explaining Sex Outside of Marriage - Amy Adamczyk, Brittany E. Hayes, 2012

Religion and Sexual Behaviors: Understanding the Influence of Islamic Cultures and Religious Affiliation for Explaining Sex Outside of Marriage - Amy Adamczyk, Brittany E. Hayes, 2012

Religion and Spirituality Along the Suicidal Path | Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior

Religion and Spirituality Along the Suicidal Path | Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior

The Use of Drugs in the Islamic World - Baasher - 1981 - British Journal of Addiction - Wiley Online Library

The Use of Drugs in the Islamic World - Baasher - 1981 - British Journal of Addiction - Wiley Online Library

HIV and Islam: is HIV prevalence lower among Muslims? - ScienceDirect

HIV and Islam: is HIV prevalence lower among Muslims? - ScienceDirect

तोहीद चे मानकीकरणाचे विभाग - मराठी

तोहीद चे मानकीकरणाचे विभाग - मराठी: तोहीद चे मानकीकरणाचे विभाग

موقع فضيلة الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب

موقع فضيلة الشيخ محمد حسين يعقوب: الموقع الرسمي لفضيلة الشيخ محمد بن حسين يعقوب

Family, Religiosity, and the Risk of Adolescent Drug Use on JSTOR

Family, Religiosity, and the Risk of Adolescent Drug Use on JSTOR

Are atheists undogmatic? - ScienceDirect

Are atheists undogmatic? - ScienceDirect

Judgments - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Judgments - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

Salat al-Istijara: ¿cómo entender la respuesta? | About Islam

Salat al-Istijara: ¿cómo entender la respuesta? | About Islam: Comenzaremos la respuesta con una breve definición de lo que trata el Salat al-Istijara y luego pasaremos a uno de los puntos principales, que es a la vez más profundo y más holístico en perspectiva.

instructors | Platform

instructors | Platform: It is an educational system specialized in the lessons of memorizing the Quran and reciting it / listening to the Hadiths. The offices and academies specialized in teaching the Quran can use to transfer their Quranic activity to the Internet.

चार गोष्टींचे पुस्तक - मराठी

चार गोष्टींचे पुस्तक - मराठी: चार गोष्टींचे पुस्तक

Jesus: The Man and His Message | Part 2 | Yusha Evans - YouTube

Jesus: The Man and His Message | Part 2 | Yusha Evans - YouTube: The Prophet ﷺ said: “Whoever builds a Mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him a similar house in Jannah.” Please donate now & help us establish a Norwegia...

O Mundo Científico Está Se Voltando para Deus - A religião do Islã

O Mundo Científico Está Se Voltando para Deus - A religião do Islã: Exemplos de cientistas que, após anos de pregação do ateísmo, finalmente admitiram a teoria do Projeto Inteligente. Este site é para pessoas de várias crenças que buscam entender o Islã e os muçulmanos.  Contém muitos artigos breves mas informativos sobre aspectos diferentes do Islã.  Novos artigos são acrescentados toda semana.  Também apresenta um chat de Ajuda Online.

Ученые признают существование Бога - Религия Ислам

Ученые признают существование Бога - Религия Ислам: Примеры учёных, которые после многих лет проповедования атеизма, наконец, признали теорию Интеллектуального Проекта. Этот сайт предназначен как для начинающих мусульман, так и для представителей других религий. Здесь Вы найдете много кратких, но в тоже время очень познавательных статей о различных аспектах Ислама. Сайт обновляется еженедельно. Также мы предоставляем возможность получения консультаций в режиме реального времени.

Die wissenschaftliche Welt wendet sich Gott zu - Die Religion des Islam

Die wissenschaftliche Welt wendet sich Gott zu - Die Religion des Islam: Beispiele von Wissenschaftlern, die, nachdem sie jahrelang den Atheismus gepredigt hatten, schließlich doch die Theorie von einem intelligenten Design zugegeben haben. Diese Web site ist für Menschen unterschiedlichen Glaubens, die den Islam und die Muslime verstehen möchten. Sie enthält zahlreiche kurze informative Artikel über verschiedene Aspekte des Islam.  Jede Woche kommen neue Artikel hinzu.

Religion and Suicide: Buddhism, Native American and African Religions, Atheism, and Agnosticism | SpringerLink

Religion and Suicide: Buddhism, Native American and African Religions, Atheism, and Agnosticism | SpringerLink

Polygamy in fabricated Bible and Torah with no upper limit:


Polygamy in fabricated Bible and Torah with no upper limit:
😳700 wives and 300 concubines
Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines
3 He (Solomon) had 700 wives of royal birth and 300 concubines. And in fact, they did turn his heart away from the Lord. 1 Kings 11:3 (New Living Translation)
3 He had seven hundred wives who were from royal families and three hundred slave women who gave birth to his children. His wives caused him to turn away from God. 1 Kings 11:3 (New Century Version)
😂A lie has no leg to stand upon!
😳Concubines and eunuch
2 Samuel 5:13 (New International Version - UK)
13 After he left Hebron, David took more concubines and wives in Jerusalem, and more sons and daughters were born to him.
14 In the evening she would go there and in the morning return to another part of the harem to the care of Shaashgaz, the king's eunuch who was in charge of the concubines. She would not return to the king unless he was pleased with her and summoned her by name.
14 In the evening she went, and in the morning she returned to the second house of the women, to the custody of Shaashgaz, the king’s eunuch who kept the concubines. She would not go in to the king again unless the king delighted in her and called for her by name.
15 Now when the turn came for Esther the daughter of Abihail the uncle of Mordecai, who had taken her as his daughter, to go in to the king, she requested nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favor in the sight of all who saw her.
Esther 2:14-15 (New King James Version)
8 Sixty queens there may be,
and eighty concubines,
and virgins beyond number;
Song of Solomon 6:8 (New International Version)
17 He must not take many wives, or his heart will be led astray. He must not accumulate large amounts of silver and gold. Deuteronomy 17:17 (New International Version)
😳She shall spit on her husband’s brother’s face, if he will not marry!
Marriage Duty of the Surviving Brother
5 “If brothers dwell together, and one of them dies and has no son, the widow of the dead man shall not be married to a stranger outside the family; her husband’s brother shall go in to her, take her as his wife, and perform the duty of a husband’s brother to her. 6 And it shall be that the firstborn son which she bears will succeed to the name of his dead brother, that his name may not be blotted out of Israel. 7 But if the man does not want to take his brother’s wife, then let his brother’s wife go up to the gate to the elders, and say, ‘My husband’s brother refuses to raise up a name to his brother in Israel; he will not perform the duty of my husband’s brother.’ 8 Then the elders of his city shall call him and speak to him. But if he stands firm and says, ‘I do not want to take her,’ 9 then his brother’s wife shall come to him in the presence of the elders, remove his sandal from his foot, spit in his face, and answer and say, ‘So shall it be done to the man who will not build up his brother’s house.’ Deuteronomy 25:5-9 (New King James Version)
Poor man! Isn't a forced marriage?
It is a Jewish custom by which dead man's brother has to marry the widow.
En good example is the best sermon!
😳They Circumcised to marry but were killed!
14 They said to them, "We can't do such a thing; we can't give our sister to a man who is not circumcised. That would be a disgrace to us.15 we will give our consent to you on one condition only: that you become like us by circumcising all your males. 16 Then we will give you our daughters and take your daughters for ourselves. 24 All the men who went out of the city gate agreed with Hamor and his son Shechem, and every male in the city was circumcised. 25Three days later, while all of them were still in pain, two of Jacob's sons, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took their swords and attacked the unsuspecting city, killing every male.29They carried off all their wealth and all their women and children, taking as plunder everything in the houses. Genesis 34:14-29 (New International Version).
Is it the word of God?
How is it to be a man of the word in the sight of God?
Can the professional preachers, hot gospeller and Bible - thumpers explain that what is the moral in this episode?
😳David slew the Philistines
And brought their foreskins to the king
27 therefore David arose and went, he and his men, and killed two hundred men of the Philistines. And David brought their foreskins, and they gave them in full count to the king, that he might become the king’s son-in-law. Then Saul gave him Michal his daughter as a wife. 1 Samuel 18:27 (New King James Version)
Some are wise and some are otherwise!
Can a decent person read this story to his mother, sister or daughter?
😳You will marry a woman but another will ravish her
Deuteronomy 28:30 (New International Version)
30 You will be pledged to be married to a woman, but another will take her and ravish her. You will build a house, but you will not live in it. You will plant a vineyard, but you will not even begin to enjoy its fruit.
Good heavens!
Take unto thee a wife of whoredoms
"And the Lord said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a wife of whoredoms and children of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom.'"HOSEA 1:2 (King James Version).
Is it the word of God?
Doesn’t God say:”13And he shall take a wife in her virginity? 14A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or a harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife”. Leviticus 21:13-14 (King James Version)
😳Love an adulteress woman, who is beloved of her friend!
Israel Will Return to God
1 Then the LORD said to me, “Go again, love a woman who is loved by a lover[a] and is committing adultery, just like the love of the LORD for the children of Israel, who look to other gods and love the raisin cakes of the pagans.” Hosea 3:1 (New King James Version)
قد تكون صورة ‏‏شخص واحد‏ و‏تحتوي على النص '‏‎I cannot find The Term "Mary only ONE" in Bible & Torah, therefore Stop blaming islam Marry only one..!! ISLAM "IF YOU FEAR THAT YOU WILL NOT BE JUST,THEN MARRY ONLY ONE" [Quran 4:3] ISLAM THE BEST 3wives Genesis 31:17 wives and concubines 27:3) 700 wive and 300 cincubines 1Abrham Genesis hristan (Samuel 2Jacob 3David 4Solomon wives (1st Book த% Chronicles11:21 5Rehoboam -18 wive and 60 concubines any of & Polygamy (Book 6Abijah 7Lamech -2wives (Genesis る limit Elkanah "Shaharaim Chronicles8:8) Rehoboam wive (2Chronicles11:21 Belshazzar Many wive 12Jchoiada -Two wive( Chronicles 24:3) Upper 13 Elkanah wive 14Gedion Manywive(Judges8:30)‎‏'‏‏
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