25th of December was chosen by Emperor Constantine of Rome & not by the Almighty God as the birth of Christ Jesus.
Only Allah knows the day.
The ancient Babylonians were celebrating the birth of Baal-Berith (man-god) on this day already. Ref; The two Babylons pg 85-89-Hishop Alexander. Christmas was known as Yul-Day (the child day).
Mary the mother of Jesus never celebrated the birthday of Jesus, not even once in her lifetime.
Jesus Christ himself didn't celebrate Christmas not even once in his lifetime.
The disciples didn't celebrate Christmas not even once in their lifetime.
Early Christians did not celebrate Christmas.
Christmas was organized by Emperor Constantine in the year 336AD.
Christmas is blasphemy and association of human nature to Allah Almighty.
→See Exodus 20:3-5 and Quran 4:48
No Prophet ever celebrated Christmas.
Christmas is one of the maximum crime wave period in recent times. FBI reports 2014
Jesus Christ commanded us to follow his way and that of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only & not that of men.
→See John 14:6 and 16:12-14 respectively.
The main Christmas ritual (which is the Christmas tree and it's decorations) is vehemently condemned in the Bible.
Allah clearly make it a satanic practice in the Bible. See Jeremiah 10:1-5
If one considers Jesus as the son of God, nauzulillah, then Christmas means the day God begot a son.
→See Quran 114:1-4 and Bible, Job 25:4-7
If one considers Jesus as God, nauzulillah, then Christmas means the day God was born.
→See Quran 114:1-4 and Bible,
Hebrew 7:3 and Numbers 23:19
The two Babylons clearly explains how pagan worship cropped into Christianity through Romans in the name and form of Christmas.
Wishing Merry Christmas to anyone is shirk.
(Islaam is the only Non-Christian Faith which makes it an article of Faith to believe in Jesus Christ (pbuh)
May Allah guide us Aameen