ఇస్లామ్ ధర్మ సహాబాల వృత్తాంతాల కార్యక్రమం - అరబిక్: ఇస్లాం ధర్మ సహాబాల వృత్తాంతాల కార్యక్రమం (ఖిస్సత్ ఇస్లామ్ సహాబీ) - సౌదీ అరేబియాలోని అల్ ఖుర్ఆన్ అల్ కరీమ్ రేడియో సీరియల్ గా ప్రసారం చేయబడిన సహాబాల (రదియల్లాహు అన్హుమ్) వృత్తాంతాలన్నింటినీ ఒకచోట చేర్చి, ఈ ప్రోగ్రాం తయారు చేసినారు. దీనిని డాక్టర్ హసన్ హబషీ (అల్లాహ్ ఆయనపై అనుగ్రహం చూపుగాక) తయారు చేసినారు.
الأربعاء، 2 أكتوبر 2019
Comportamento do muçulmano - 10 - Português - Ali Achcar
Comportamento do muçulmano - 10 - Português - Ali Achcar: Explicação de como deve ser o comportamento correto de um muçulmano.
Comportamento do muçulmano - 15 - Português - Ali Achcar
Comportamento do muçulmano - 15 - Português - Ali Achcar: Explicação de como deve ser o comportamento correto de um muçulmano.
1 Million Scholarships for African Youth
1 Million Scholarships for African Youth: The Prophet Muhammad (saw) said; “Whoever introduces a good practice that is followed, he will receive its reward and a reward equivalent to that of those who follow it...”
काफिरों के त्योहारों को मनाने का हुक्म - हिन्दी - स्थायी समिति वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान, इफ्ता, दावत एंव निर्देश
काफिरों के त्योहारों को मनाने का हुक्म - हिन्दी - स्थायी समिति वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान, इफ्ता, दावत एंव निर्देश: क्या ग़ैरमुस्लिमों के त्योहारों में भाग लेना जाइज़ है, उदाहरण के तौर पर जन्मदिवस के त्योहार में؟
लोग चाहे करें तुच्छज्ञान मगर हैं हराम - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद सालेह अल-मुनज्जिद
लोग चाहे करें तुच्छज्ञान मगर हैं हराम - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद सालेह अल-मुनज्जिद: प्रस्तुत पुस्तिका में इस्लाम के अंदर हराम उन चीज़ों का उल्लेख किया गया है जिनका निषिद्ध होना क़ुर्आन व हदीस की स्पष्ट दलीलों से प्रमाणित है, जबकि बहुत से लोग उन्हें तुच्छ समझते हैं और बहुत से मुसलमानों के बीच उनका व्यापक प्रचलन है।
» Beware of Sufism, and Those Who Call to Sufism under the Guise of "Zuhd" or Anything Else!
» Beware of Sufism, and Those Who Call to Sufism under the Guise of "Zuhd" or Anything Else!
One of those 72 deviant sects that lead to the hellfire is Tasawwuf ("Soofism" in English), so beware - may Allaah safeguard you.
The people who adhere to this deviant way are called Soofiyyah ("Soofees", in English), who in some lands such as here in America invite to their deviant sect - their bid'ah - under the guise of "Zuhd."
Know - may Allaah safeguard you - that true Zuhd (abstinence from worldly affairs) can be practiced without leaving the correct Islam, without leaving Siratul Mustaqeem (the Straight Path), and without exposing yourself to the hellfire, for Zuhd is already part of the religion that Allaah revealed. Ponder that the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) was the best of those who practiced Zuhd and - of course - he didn't leave what Allaah (Subhanahu wa Ta'aala) revealed to him to do so.
Being asked to [leave the correct Islam and] join a deviant sect so that you can practice Zuhd is like being asked to [leave the correct Islam and] join a deviant sect so you can make Salat or fast Ramadan, or make Hajj, or pay Zakat, or fight Jihaad. These acts of worship are already part of Islaam (the correct Islam).
Why would you have to join a deviant sect to do something that is already legislated in Islam? This is a bold, red flag for the ones who have intellect and are sincere to Allaah.
Tasawwuf (Soofism) is a shameful deception that begins with Dhikr and ends with Kufr. Its outward manifestation appears to be piety, but its inward reality forsakes the Commandments of Allaah.
Tasawwuf (Soofism) is a shameful deception that begins with Dhikr and ends with Kufr. Its outward manifestation appears to be piety, but its inward reality forsakes the Commandments of Allaah.
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) said:
The greatest danger that faces the Ummah of Islaam is their being far away from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), and replacing them with man-made laws and deviated ideologies. Likewise, the greatest danger that faces the Ummah of Islaam is the misguidance and deviation concerning the 'aqeedah and the infiltration of concepts of kufr, shirk, and bid'ah into it - from the grave-worshippers and the Soofees... The cure for this is to return back to the Book and the Sunnah, learning them, teaching them, judging by them between people, and adopting what they require of morals, manners and character.
[Muntaqaa min Fataawaa (I/417; no. 249)]
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan (hafidhahullaah) said:
The greatest danger that faces the Ummah of Islaam is their being far away from the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of His Messenger (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam), and replacing them with man-made laws and deviated ideologies. Likewise, the greatest danger that faces the Ummah of Islaam is the misguidance and deviation concerning the 'aqeedah and the infiltration of concepts of kufr, shirk, and bid'ah into it - from the grave-worshippers and the Soofees... The cure for this is to return back to the Book and the Sunnah, learning them, teaching them, judging by them between people, and adopting what they require of morals, manners and character.
[Muntaqaa min Fataawaa (I/417; no. 249)]
And from the lies and deceptions of the Soofiyah is convincing you (brainwashing, may be a more apt term) - first and foremost - to accept their shaikh's statements, opinions and rulings - without question, literally - over and above the Qur`an and authentic Sunnah. They provide as their reasons a few fabricated (forged) ahadeeth, such as the infamous forgery,
And from the lies and deceptions of the Soofiyah is convincing you (brainwashing, may be a more apt term) - first and foremost - to accept their shaikh's statements, opinions and rulings - without question, literally - over and above the Qur`an and authentic Sunnah. They provide as their reasons a few fabricated (forged) ahadeeth, such as the infamous forgery,
"Whoever does not have a shaikh, shaytan is his shaikh."
Forgeries like this and others like them are designed to set up an unlegislated, unbinding relationship between the mureed (novice) and the assigned Soofee "shaikh" that even extends beyond the shaikh's death, an agreement in which the novice takes an oath of loyalty, swearing obedience to the shaikh - without questioning him ever, for questioning, they claim, is a reason for removal from the "shaikh's mercy" - in return for the "shaikh solving his problems," "delivering him from dilemmas whenever he calls on the shaikh for help," and "interceding for him with Allaah so that he may be admitted to Jannah." Aoodhubillaah from such misguidance!
Among the plethora of refutations for this specific Soofee deception is Allaah's statement (what means):
"And invoke not besides Allaah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the Dhaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers)." And if Allaah touches you with hurt, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His Favor which He causes it to reach whomsoever of His slaves He will. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Yunus: 106-107)
"And invoke not besides Allaah, any that will neither profit you, nor hurt you, but if (in case) you did so, you shall certainly be one of the Dhaalimoon (polytheists and wrong-doers)." And if Allaah touches you with hurt, there is none who can remove it but He; and if He intends any good for you, there is none who can repel His Favor which He causes it to reach whomsoever of His slaves He will. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Yunus: 106-107)
As you will soon read via abundant proofs, Tassawuf opposes Tawheed and is a direct link to Shirk, such that 'ulemma said:
Soofism and Shirk are spouses.
As you will soon read via abundant proofs, Tassawuf opposes Tawheed and is a direct link to Shirk, such that 'ulemma said:
Soofism and Shirk are spouses.
The fact that Wahdatul Wujood and Hulool and sharing in Allaah's Attributes are the principles of Soofiyyah proves the scholars' statements that Tassawuf - all of it - leads to Shirk. (May Allaah have mercy on our righteous scholars.)
Never mind that Tassawuf is haram, more so bid'ah, and one of the 72 deviant sects, but it leads to Shirk/Kufr and ultimately the fire. All of it! So a beginner - who himself is in the process of being duped - may say, "those are the extreme Soofees," but the fact is all of Tasawuff leads to Kufr. It's like a slippery water slide into a pool of fire, except for the one whom Allaah has mercy on, guiding him to repentance and a return to the Sunnah, and saving him from this evil.
If your point of reference of whom/what you worship and what you hold as your 'aqeedah is not the Qur`an and Sunnah, then what is the difference between you and the Jews and Christians and the rest of the mushrikeen?
If your point of reference of whom/what you worship and what you hold as your 'aqeedah is not the Qur`an and Sunnah, then what is the difference between you and the Jews and Christians and the rest of the mushrikeen?
By Allaah, whose Sunnah, whose way, whose path is better: the pure, legislated path of the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) or the soiled, invented and deviated path of Ibn 'Arabee, al-Hallaj, Ibn Basheesh, Habib 'Ali Jifri and Hamza Yusuf?
By Allaah, whose Sunnah, whose way, whose path is better: the pure, legislated path of the Messenger of Allaah (salallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) or the soiled, invented and deviated path of Ibn 'Arabee, al-Hallaj, Ibn Basheesh, Habib 'Ali Jifri and Hamza Yusuf?
Remembering the First Muslims in Canada | About Islam
Remembering the First Muslims in Canada | About Islam: History of Muslims in Canada.
Comportamento do muçulmano - 17 - Português - Ali Achcar
Comportamento do muçulmano - 17 - Português - Ali Achcar: Explicação de como deve ser o comportamento correto de um muçulmano.
रोज़े के महत्वपूर्ण अहकाम व मसाईल - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद बिन सालेह अल-उसैमीन
रोज़े के महत्वपूर्ण अहकाम व मसाईल - हिन्दी - मुहम्मद बिन सालेह अल-उसैमीन: यह एक संछिप्त महत्वपूर्ण लेख है जिस में रोज़े के हुक्म, रोज़े के विषय में लोगों के विभिन्न वर्ग, रोज़ा तोड़ने वाली चीज़ों तथा रोज़े संबंधित कुछ लाभदायक बातों का उल्लेख किया हया है।
इस्लाम यह है - हिन्दी - इब्राहीम अल-यह्या
इस्लाम यह है - हिन्दी - इब्राहीम अल-यह्या: इस्लाम यह हैः संछिप्त शब्दों एंव स्पष्ट शैली में इस्लाम धर्म, उसके सिद्धान्तों, स्तम्भों, विशेषताओं और उद्देशों का सम्पूर्ण परिचय। इस्लाम को समझने अथवा उस में प्रवेश करने के अभिलाषियों के लिए यह लेख एक कुंजी है।
Comportamento do muçulmano - 16 - Português - Ali Achcar
Comportamento do muçulmano - 16 - Português - Ali Achcar: Explicação de como deve ser o comportamento correto de um muçulmano.
Le Hajj et la Oumra (tiré du commentaire du dernier dixième du Coran) - Français - Plusieurs auteurs
Le Hajj et la Oumra (tiré du commentaire du dernier dixième du Coran) - Français - Plusieurs auteurs: Dieu nous a créés afin que nous puissions l’adorer. Pour nous aider à atteindre cet objectif, Il a inculqué l’adoration vouée à Lui dans notre propre nature et en a fait l’essence de notre humanité, à tel point que nous ne pouvons réellement être humains que si nous L’adorons. Dans le cas contraire, nous vivons une vie d’aliéné. Ensuite, Il nous a enseigné, via des messagers humains, la meilleure manière de le servir. Cet article est un résumé d’une des plus belles adorations de l’islam, le pèlerinage à La Mecque.
నమ్మకస్తుడైన వ్యాపారవేత్త అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు - ఇంగ్లీష్
నమ్మకస్తుడైన వ్యాపారవేత్త అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు - ఇంగ్లీష్: స్వర్గవాసులని ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం ప్రకటించిన పది మంది ఉత్తమ సహాబాలలో అబ్దుర్రహ్మాన్ బిన్ ఔఫ్ రదియల్లాహు అన్హు పేరు కూడా ఉంది. ఆయన మక్కాలో ప్రసిద్ధి చెందిన వ్యాపారవేత్త. ఇస్లాం ధర్మం స్వీకరించిన తర్వాత, కట్టుబట్టలతో ఆయన మదీనా పట్టణానికి వలస వెళ్ళవలసి వచ్చింది. అయినా త్వరలోనే నిజాయితీగా వ్యాపారం చేస్తూ మరలా ధనవంతుడై పోయినారు. తన సంపదలో ఎక్కువ భాగం పేదసాదల కొరకు దానధర్మాలలో వెచ్చించేవారు.
नीयतों को संग्रह करना - हिन्दी - एहसान अल-उतैबी
नीयतों को संग्रह करना - हिन्दी - एहसान अल-उतैबी: नीयतों को संग्रह करनाः एक ही काम में कई चीज़ की नियतों करने का मस्अला बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है, जिसके विषय में अधिकांश लोग प्रश्न करते रहते हैं। इस लेख में नीयतों को संग्रह करने अथवा न करने का आधार बयान किया गया है।
पैग़म्बर मुहम्मद (स0 अ0 व स0) और महिला का सम्मान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान ज़ियाउल्लाह
पैग़म्बर मुहम्मद (स0 अ0 व स0) और महिला का सम्मान - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान ज़ियाउल्लाह: इस्लाम के शत्रु निरंतर यह राग अलापते रहे हैं कि इस्लाम ने महिलाओं पर अत्याचार किया है और उन्हें उनके अधिकारों से वंचित कर दिया है। किन्तु यह मिथ्यारोप अतिशीघ्र ही निराधार होकर धराशायी हो जाता है जब हम इस बात से अवगत होते हैं कि इस्लाम के पैग़म्बर मुहम्मद सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम ने किस प्रकार महिलाओं को सम्मान प्रदान किया है, समस्त परिस्थितियों उन के साथ न्याय किया है और उन्हें वो अधिकार प्रदान किये हैं जिनकी वह इस से पूर्व कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकती थी। यह लेख इन्हीं तत्वों को स्पष्ट करते हुये महिलाओं के साथ पैग़म्बर सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम के व्यवहार को प्रत्यक्ष करता है। .
ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం సహచరులు - ఇంగ్లీష్
ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం సహచరులు - ఇంగ్లీష్: ప్రవక్త ముహమ్మద్ సల్లల్లాహు అలైహి వసల్లం యొక్క కొందరు గొప్ప సహచరుల గురించి మరియు వారి ఔన్నత్యం గురించి వివరిస్తున్న ఒక మంచి కరపత్రం ఇది. స్వర్గ శుభవార్త అందుకున్న పది మంది ఉత్తమ సహచరుల గురించి కూడా ఇందులో పేర్కొనబడింది. రదియల్లాహు అన్హుమ్.
Cheating in buying and selling:
One Allah
Cheating in buying and selling:
How often this happens nowadays in the marketplaces of the Muslims! It may take the form of concealing faults in goods or other ways such as deceiving people about the quality of a product, or its components, quantity, weight, essential features or source.
These are some of the ways in which that cheating is manifested:
1-Some fruit-sellers put a lot of leaves or papers in the bottom of the basket of fruit, then they put the best fruit at the top. In this manner they deceive the purchaser and cheat him by making him think that the basket is full from top to bottom, and that all the fruit is of the same quality as that which he sees on the top.
2-Some of them get food oil and mix it with perfume, with the larger proportion being of oil. Then they put it in glass bottles, and this substance smells like perfume, and they sell it for a low price.
3-Some traders buy a product in a very light wrapper, then they put it in a much thicker wrapper, maybe five times thicker. Then they sell the wrapper and its contents, weighing the whole lot and charging for both the wrapper and the contents.
4-Some traders do some light mending on clothes, then they sell them without explaining that they have been mended, rather they swear by Allaah that they are new – may they perish!
5-Some of them may wear a garment until it loses its value, then they shorten it and put some starch in it, to make people think that it is new, and they sell it as if it is new.
6-Some perfume-sellers put some products, such as saffron, near water so that they may absorb the moisture, thus increasing the weight by approximately one-third.
7-Some vendors and shopkeepers make their stores very dark by using coloured lights, so that rough products will look smooth and ugly ones will look beautiful. The Shaytaan makes their evil deeds attractive to them.
8-Some goldsmiths mix gold with copper and the like, then they sell it as if it is pure gold.
9-Some of them buy clean second-hand gold, then they offer it for sale at the price of new without telling the purchaser that it is second-hand.
10-Some vendors at car auctions put thick oil in the car engine so that the purchaser will think that it is in good condition.
11-Some of them turn back the odometer, if it shows that the car has traveled a great distance, to trick the purchaser into thinking that the car has only been used a little.
12-Some of them, if they have a car that they want to sell and they know that it has a hidden fault, will say to the one who wants to buy it, “Try this car if you want to buy it,” without telling him anything about it. By Allaah, this is cheating and deceit.
13-Some of them describe many faults in the car which are not real, with the intention of concealing the real faults of the vehicle behind these imaginary faults.
Even worse than that is when they do not mention the faults until after the sale has been made and the deposit paid, and the purchaser is not able to inspect the car and is not allowed to do so.
14-Some of them, if they have a car that they want to sell, will praise it and swear by Allaah that it is good, and they will fabricate reasons why they want to sell it, but Allaah knows all secrets and that which is yet more hidden.
15-Some of them agree with their friends to increase the price so that someone else will take it. This is the najsh (artificial inflation of prices) which the Messenger of Allaah SAWS (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade.
16-Another kind of cheating in selling is when butchers inflate the animal carcass that they want to sell so that the purchaser will think that it is all meat.
17-Some vendors at sheep auctions and places where chickens are sold feed the animals salt [to make them drink more and thus look fatter], so that the purchaser will think that they are fat when they are not.
18-Some owners of cattle etc. tie up the teats of milking-animals a few days before selling them so that this will look like milk when it is not.
Justice in Heaven and Hell - The Religion of Islam
Justice in Heaven and Hell - The Religion of Islam: Is it just for God to create a person knowing that he will die as an unbeliever? This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.
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