الجمعة، 21 أغسطس 2020

Difference between Avatar and Incarnation by Waseem Razvi Australia IREA

MaSha Allah Listen to A 4 years old Aminah from India - this call can ch...

Episode 18: When Your Loved Ones Are Dying | Angels in Your Presence

"مثل الجاهز..أسرار تحضير جاتوه شاتوه دون فرن| cbc سفرة

Detailed explanation about Shortening & Combining the Prayer while trave...

"This Companion Abandoned Everything for Hijrah | About Islam

Reciting Fateha behind the imam in Loud as well as Silent Prayers and Ra...

CBC Sofra | طريقة عمل أومليت البيتزا-نجلاء الشرشابي

"Review: Top 10 Muslim Inspiring Stories | About Islam."

Public Toilet Erected on Former Site of Razed Xinjiang Village Mosque

Ahmed Deedat Answer - Why do you disrespect Prophet Jesus?

When Ali bin al-Husayn Zayn al-Aabideen (rahimahullaah) saw the people of Kufah wailing and crying, he rebuked them, saying:

When Ali bin al-Husayn Zayn al-Aabideen (rahimahullaah) saw the people of Kufah wailing and crying, he rebuked them, saying:
You wail and cry for us, so who are the ones who killed us? [Maqtal Husayn of Murtadaa Iyaad (p. 83), Tadhlim al-Zahraa of al-Qazweenee (p. 257) and al-Malhoof of Ibn Taawoos (p. 86), Nafs al-Mahmoom of Abbaas al-Qummee (p. 357)]
And in another narration that he was passing by them and he was ill and he said in a weak voice:
Are you wailing and crying for us? Who are the ones who killed us? [Abbaas al-Qummee in Muntahaa al-Aamaal (1/570)]
And in another narration that he said:
These people cry over us but who killed us other than them? [Al-Ihtijaaj of al-Tabarsee (2/29)]
And Shia sources quoted Umm Kulthum bint Ali (radiallaahu anhumaa) as saying:
O people of Kufah, disgrace upon you. What is with you that you deserted Husayn and killed him and you plundered his wealth and inherited it, and you took his women as captives, and you caused him distress. May you perish and may you be annihilated ... what burden have you carried upon your backs and which blood have you shed ... you killed the best of men after the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi) and mercy has been snatched from your hearts. [Nafs al-Mahmoom (p. 262), Maqtal Husayn of al-Muqrim (p. 316), Lawaa'ij al-Ashjaan (p. 157) and others.]
Shia-ism is NOT Islam
When Ali bin al-Husayn Zayn al-Aabideen (rahimahullaah) saw the people of Kufah wailing and crying, he rebuked them, saying:
You wail and cry for us, so who are the ones who killed us? [Maqtal Husayn of Murtadaa Iyaad (p. 83), Tadhlim al-Zahraa of al-Qazweenee (p. 257) and al-Malhoof of Ibn Taawoos (p. 86), Nafs al-Mahmoom of Abbaas al-Qummee (p. 357)]
And in another narration that he was passing by them and he was ill and he said in a weak voice:
Are you wailing and crying for us? Who are the ones who killed us? [Abbaas al-Qummee in Muntahaa al-Aamaal (1/570)]
And in another narration that he said:
These people cry over us but who killed us other than them? [Al-Ihtijaaj of al-Tabarsee (2/29)]
And Shia sources quoted Umm Kulthum bint Ali (radiallaahu anhumaa) as saying:
O people of Kufah, disgrace upon you. What is with you that you deserted Husayn and killed him and you plundered his wealth and inherited it, and you took his women as captives, and you caused him distress. May you perish and may you be annihilated ... what burden have you carried upon your backs and which blood have you shed ... you killed the best of men after the Prophet (sallallaahu alayhi wa aalihi) and mercy has been snatched from your hearts. [Nafs al-Mahmoom (p. 262), Maqtal Husayn of al-Muqrim (p. 316), Lawaa'ij al-Ashjaan (p. 157) and others.]

Bachelor of Arts in Islamic Studies – International Open University

« إِنَّمَا يَخْشَى اللَّهَ مِنْ عِبَادِهِ الْعُلَمَاءُ » الشيخ عبد الباس...

Concept of God in Christianity - Dr Zakir Naik

‎BDouin by MuslimShow on the App Store

Introduction to the Qur'an - Islamway

The Noble Qur'an Encyclopedia

Hadith: There was a man who used to give loans to people. He would say to his servant: When you come to an insolvent person overlook his debt. Perhaps Allah would overlook our sins. So, the man met Allah (after death) and He overlooked his sins - Encyclopedia of Translated Prophetic Hadiths

Surat Al-Waqi'a Mishari Alafasy | سورة الواقعة 2018م - 1439هـ مشاري راشد...

The Daily Reminder - YouTube

The Daily Reminder - YouTube: Support the dawah - Click here: https://www.gofundme.com/The-Daily-Reminder The Daily Reminder Conference - Inspired 2015 is the first-of-its-kind Islamic ev...

Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube

Husband's right on wife's income and can he stop her from spending on he...

Jewels From The Hijrah || Karim Abu Zaid

Mr Whaatwaa Shahada

Coexistence in Islam - The Religion of Islam

Coexistence in Islam - The Religion of Islam: In this video, Ubaydullah Evans discusses how coexistence was part and parcel of the social fabric within the Prophetic society. He also highlights the fact that Islam celebrates differences. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.

موقع التفسير:متخصص في القرآن الكريم وعلومه وكتب التفاسير

घर में क्वॉरंटीन ( बिल्कुल अलग रहना ) में क्या करना चाहिए ? - हिन्दी

घर में क्वॉरंटीन ( बिल्कुल अलग रहना ) में क्या करना चाहिए ? - हिन्दी: ‎क्वॉरन्टीन (बिल्कुल अलग रहने) के दौरान लिए जाने वाले छह महत्वपूर्ण कदम

बुराइयों, बीमारीयों और महामारीयों से बचाव तथा संरक्षण के लिये नबी (स0) के निदेश व हिदायात - हिन्दी - नाजी इब्राहीम अल-अरफज

बुराइयों, बीमारीयों और महामारीयों से बचाव तथा संरक्षण के लिये नबी (स0) के निदेश व हिदायात - हिन्दी - नाजी इब्राहीम अल-अरफज: इस्लाम धर्म जीवन के तमाम गोशों को शामिल है। वुजू और पवित्रता की अहमियत महामारी के दौरान। बीमारीयों और महामारीयों से संबंधित चंद दुआयें और हदीसें

Bảo vệ tôn giáo - Việt Nam

Bảo vệ tôn giáo - Việt Nam: Bảo vệ tôn giáo

Bảo vệ tài sản - Việt Nam

Bảo vệ tài sản - Việt Nam: Bảo vệ tài sản

Le prophète de la promesse : Mohamed dans la Bible - Français - Rachid Maach

Le prophète de la promesse : Mohamed dans la Bible - Français - Rachid Maach: Nul doute que les Ecritures ont annoncé l’avènement de ce prophète qui a changé le cours de l’Histoire, soit pour mettre en garde les hommes contre lui, s’il fut un faux prophète, soit pour le célébrer et leur ordonner de le suivre, s’il fut véritablement envoyé par le Seigneur. Or, si les prophètes bibliques avaient mis en garde les hommes contre sa venue, ces textes auraient été utilisés par ses nombreux détracteurs parmi les juifs et surtout les chrétiens. Puisque ce ne fut pas le cas, alors il existe nécessairement des textes bibliques qui célèbrent le prophète Mouhammad et ordonnent aux croyants de le suivre. Selon certains musulmans ayant étudié les Ecritures dans leur langue originale, l’hébreu, le prophète Mouhammad y est annoncé nommément, mais ses noms Mouhammad ou Ahmad, qui signifient « immensément loué » et « le plus digne d’être loué » ont été, volontairement ou non, traduits. Il est également annoncé à travers sa nation, les Arabes, descendants d’Ismaël, premier-né d’Abraham à travers lequel l’ange a promis au patriarche une immense postérité, et son pays, l’Arabie, comme nous le montrerons dans cette étude. Et il est, selon nombre de musulmans, « le Prophète » annon

Découvrir l'islam - Français - Rachid Maach

Découvrir l'islam - Français - Rachid Maach: Voici une présentation succincte et simple de l'islam qui permettra aux non musulmans de découvrir le vrai visage de cette religion tant décriée, aux musulmans qui se sont éloignés de leur religion de la redécouvrir et aux musulmans attachés à leur religion d'avoir une vision globale et synthétique des fondements de l'islam.

Бемор дўстимга мактуб - Ўзбек тили - Мустафо Адавий

Бемор дўстимга мактуб - Ўзбек тили - Мустафо Адавий: Азиз китобхон, қўлингиздаги ушбу мўъжаз китобча соғлигини йўқотган хаста инсонлар кўнглига бироз бўлсада тасалли бўлар деган мақсадда сизга тақдим этилди. Бу рисолани ўзингиз учун бир эслатма, панд-насиҳат ўрнида қабул қилгайсиз.

برای نسل فردا - فارسی - احمد السید

برای نسل فردا - فارسی - احمد السید: از بین هزاران پیامی که دریافت می‌کنم، یکی از پیام‌ها نگرانی و آشوب خاصی در ذهنم ایجاد کرد. این پیام ‏را جوانی فرستاده بود که خودش را از نسل فردا معرفی می‌کرد. او در دل این پیام غم و نگرانی معرفتی و ‏فکری خودش را جا داده بود و با عباراتی کوتاه به شرح میزان اختلاف ترسناک نسل خودش و نسل پیشین ‏پرداخته بود.‏ آنچه در پیام او آمده بود و سوال‌های پراکنده‌اش ذهنم را مشغول داشت و فکرم را جولانگاه خود ساخت. در ‏میان حروفش اندوه را یافتم و در میان جمله‌ها نگرانی را و در میان کلماتش نومیدی. دانستم این سوال‌ها ‏مخصوص حال او نیست بلکه بسیاری از هم‌نسلان او را ـ پسران و دختران ـ درگیر خود کرده است.‏ شاید این سوالات برای برخی خوانندگان خیلی عادی یا «تفریح معرفتی» به نظر آید اما نظر من خلاف آن ‏است. هنگام خواندن این نامه در سفر بودم و وقتم بسیار تنگ، اما با این حال نتوانستم پاسخ را به تاخیر ‏اندازم یا سوال را از ذهنم بیرون کنم در نتیجه نخست پاسخ را در ذهنم تصور کردم و سپس آن را نوشتم.

حجاب‌های دهگانه میان بنده و پروردگار - فارسی - ابن قيم الجوزية

Qadınlarla əlaqəli şəriət hökmləri - Azərbaycanlı

Qadınlarla əlaqəli şəriət hökmləri - Azərbaycanlı: Bu kitabda böyük alimlərin qadınlarla bağlı suallara cavabları vardır

Elmin Fəziləti - Azərbaycanlı - Əlixan Musayev

Working for insurance company

Enciclopedia del Sagrado Corán

The virtue of Friday - Islam Question & Answer

Hadith - The Book of Prayer - Friday - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)

ALCANZAR EL OBJETIVO acorde a las evidencias de los dictámenes

Hadiz: Un hombre, que fiaba a la genta, solía decirle a su ayudante: “si ves que uno de los deudores pasa por una situación de necesidad, perdónale. Quizás así Al-lah nos perdone a nuestros. Encontró a Al-lah y le perdonó sus faltas. - Enciclopedia de los hadices traducidos del Profeta.