الثلاثاء، 28 أغسطس 2018
Ang Araw ng Arafah - Tagalog
Ang Araw ng Arafah - Tagalog: Isang maikling pagpapaliwanag tungkol sa araw ng Arafah; kadakilaan nito at kahalagahan at mga gawain dapat isagawa ng Muslim sa araw na ito
Mga Paalaala at alituntunin bago magsagawa ng Hajj - Tagalog
Mga Paalaala at alituntunin bago magsagawa ng Hajj - Tagalog: Ang video na ito ay patungkol sa mga paalaala at alituntunin na dapat maunawaan ng isang Muslim alung-lalo na ang sinumang magsasagawa ng Hajj
منسك شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - عربي - ابن تيمية
منسك شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - عربي - ابن تيمية: منسك شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية : كتاب لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - رحمه الله - بين فيه صفة الحج والعمرة وأحكام الزيارة، كما اشتمل على استطرادات مفيدة عن بعض الأماكن التي يزورها الحجاح أو يمرون بها، وذِكر ما يفعله كثير من الحجاج من البدع المنكرة.
أخلاق المؤمنين - عربي - عبد العزيز بن باز
أخلاق المؤمنين - عربي - عبد العزيز بن باز: محاضرة صوتية قيِّمة، وفيها بيان جملة من الأخلاق الحميدة، التي ينبغي أن يكون عليها عباد الله المؤمنين.
Die Gerechtigkeit des Gerichts - Deutsch
Die Gerechtigkeit des Gerichts - Deutsch: Ein kurzer Einblick in die Frage warum es einen Tag des Gerichts geben wird, und wie das Ende derer ist, die nicht vom Islam hörten und starben.
Die Wichtigkeit des Gebets - Deutsch - Jamal Zarabuzu
Die Wichtigkeit des Gebets - Deutsch - Jamal Zarabuzu: Das Gebet ist ein einzigartiges Trainings- und Entwicklungsprogramm, das, wenn es gut und mit Hingabe ausgeführt wird, für einen Muslim viele wertvolle geistige, körperliche und ethische Gewinne mit sich bringen kann.
Adab Safar - Indonesia
Adab Safar - Indonesia: Sebagai umat yang butuh interaksi dengan orang lain, tentu safar menjadi sebuah kebutuhan hidup bahkan dikatakan dalam safar banyak mengandung keutamaan. Agar kita bisa selaras dengan hukum Islam dalam masalah yang satu ini, maka dalam risalah ini dijelaskan beberapa hukum seputar safar serta adab-adabnya…..
Hukum Puasa 6 Hari di Bulan Syawal - Indonesia
Hukum Puasa 6 Hari di Bulan Syawal - Indonesia: Menjelaskan tentang hukum puasa 6 hari dibulan syawal dan tata cara pelaksanaannya disertai dalil yang shaih dari hadits Rasulullah saw...?
Syarat dan Ketentuan Musabaqah Tsaqafiyyah Ramadhan Angkatan Ke-19 1438 H/2017 M
Syarat dan Ketentuan Musabaqah Tsaqafiyyah Ramadhan Angkatan Ke-19 1438 H/2017 M: 1. Menjawab semua pertanyaan seputar buku "Diinul Haq".
2. Lembar jawaban diserahkan paling lambat tanggal 29 Dzulqa'dah 1438 H ke Kantor Dakwah Rabwah secara langsung atau melalui Pos (P.O.BOX 29465, Riyadh 11457) atau via Email Kantor Dakwah Rabwah (Jaliyat@islamhouse.com).
3. Tulis nama Anda pada lembar jawaban sesuai dengan Identitas Pribadi yaitu, Paspor/Iqamah/KTP. Jika ada peserta yang namanya tidak sesuai dengan Identitas Pribadi, maka ia tidak berhak menerima hadiah ketika namanya keluar sebagai pemenang.
4. Jawaban ditulis pada lembaran khusus dengan tulisan yang jelas. Hal ini berlaku bagi peserta yang hendak mengirim jawabannya melalui pos.
5. Wajib menyertakan keterangan berikut ini, yaitu : Nama, Bahasa, Alamat, Email, dan Nomor Telepon atau Nomor HP.
6. Usia minimal peserta 10 tahun.
7. Bagi calon peserta yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas atau menyerahkan lembar jawaban di luar waktu yang telah ditentukan dengan alasan apapun, maka kami berhak mendiskualifikasinya.
8. Diperbolehkan mengikuti Musabaqah ini lebih dari satu bahasa, namun apabila namanya keluar sebagai pemenang dari bahasa-bahasa yang diikutinya, ia hanya
2. Lembar jawaban diserahkan paling lambat tanggal 29 Dzulqa'dah 1438 H ke Kantor Dakwah Rabwah secara langsung atau melalui Pos (P.O.BOX 29465, Riyadh 11457) atau via Email Kantor Dakwah Rabwah (Jaliyat@islamhouse.com).
3. Tulis nama Anda pada lembar jawaban sesuai dengan Identitas Pribadi yaitu, Paspor/Iqamah/KTP. Jika ada peserta yang namanya tidak sesuai dengan Identitas Pribadi, maka ia tidak berhak menerima hadiah ketika namanya keluar sebagai pemenang.
4. Jawaban ditulis pada lembaran khusus dengan tulisan yang jelas. Hal ini berlaku bagi peserta yang hendak mengirim jawabannya melalui pos.
5. Wajib menyertakan keterangan berikut ini, yaitu : Nama, Bahasa, Alamat, Email, dan Nomor Telepon atau Nomor HP.
6. Usia minimal peserta 10 tahun.
7. Bagi calon peserta yang tidak memenuhi syarat-syarat di atas atau menyerahkan lembar jawaban di luar waktu yang telah ditentukan dengan alasan apapun, maka kami berhak mendiskualifikasinya.
8. Diperbolehkan mengikuti Musabaqah ini lebih dari satu bahasa, namun apabila namanya keluar sebagai pemenang dari bahasa-bahasa yang diikutinya, ia hanya
Assim Al Hakeem on the App Store
Assim Al Hakeem on the App Store: Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Assim Al Hakeem. Download Assim Al Hakeem and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.
Hadith - The Book of Faith - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
Hadith - The Book of Faith - Sahih Muslim - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم): Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in English and Arabic
وصفة رائعة لعلاج ارتفاع نسبة الدهون على الكبد
وصفة رائعة لعلاج ارتفاع نسبة الدهون على الكبد: يقدم لنا الدكتور عبد الباسط السيد وصفة رائعة لعلاج ارتفاع نسبة الدهون على الكبد مع بعض النصائح البسيطة .
Alukah in English - Homepage
Alukah in English - Homepage: Alukah is a comprehensive, informational, cultural, scientific, and literary Network. It is composed of six sites, in which elite scholars, intellectuals, and callers for Allah participate under the supervision of Dr. `Abdullah ibn Sa`d Al Humayd and His Excellency Dr. Khalid ibn `Abdur-Rahman Al Jeraisy
أخلاقيات الحروب في السيرة النبوية (PDF)
أخلاقيات الحروب في السيرة النبوية (PDF):
<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" ...
<img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" ...
The Jinn, Magic and The Evil Eye - Dar-us-Salam Publications
The Jinn, Magic and The Evil Eye - Dar-us-Salam Publications: From haunted houses and levitating objects to demons invading and taking over human bodies. There are abundant movies available in the Western world which focus on this phenomena. Indeed, it is from human nature to be intrigued by the unknown and uns
Algumas etiquetas de Duã - Português
Algumas etiquetas de Duã - Português: Neste áudio abordou-se algumas etiquetas recomendáveis á observar durante o duã.
WEARING AMULETS (TAAWEEZ) IS SHIRK. - ISLAMIC PREACHER: Wearing an amulet is shrik and must be avoided. We will try to understand this on the basis of Hadith of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
the few
‘And few of My servants are grateful.’ (Qur’an 34:13)”
So ‘Umar wept and admonished himself, “The people are more knowledgeable than you, O Umar!
O Allah make us from Your ‘few’ servants.”
Sometimes when you advise someone to leave a sin, they respond with “But everybody does it, it’s not just me!”
But if you look for the words “most people” in the Qur’an, you will find that most people -
ولكن اكثرهم لا يعلمون
“And however most people do not know” (7:187)
ولكن أكثرهم لا يشكرون
- “and most people do not show gratitude” (2:243)
و لكن اكثر الناس لا يؤمنون
- “and most people do not believe” (11:17).
And if you look for “most of them”, you will find that most of them are
و آن أكثرهم فَاسِقُون
- “definitely disobedient” (5:59)
و لكن أكثرهم يجهلون
- “ ignorant” (6:111)
بل أكثرهم لا يعلمون الحق فهم معرضون
- “turning away” (21:24)
So be of the “few”, whom Allah says about them:
و قليل من عبادي الشكور
- “And few of My servants are grateful.” (34:13)
و ما امن معه الا قليل
- “But none had believed with him, except a few.” (11:40)
في جنات النعيم ثلة من الاولين و قليل من الآخرين
- “In the Gardens of Bliss, A6 [large] company of the former peoples, And a few of the later peoples.” (56:12-14)
Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) said, “Go on the path of truth and do not feel lonely because there are few who take that path, and beware of the path of falsehood and do not be deceived by the vastness of the perishers.”
[Found in Kitab al-Zuhd by Ahmad bin Hanbal (رحمه الله), and also in the Musannaf of Ibn Abi Shaybah.] -
May Allah make us of His few servants.
Siirada Nabiga 17 - Soomaali
Siirada Nabiga 17 - Soomaali: Xalaqadani waxa ay ka hadashay qeyb ka mid ah dhacdooyinkii dhacay Furashadii Makkah kadib, sida duulaankii xunayn.
How I Broke From My Sweet Addiction to Sugar – The Deen Show
How I Broke From My Sweet Addiction to Sugar – The Deen Show: How I Broke from My Sweet Addiction to SugarBy alhameedy
By the mid of this November, 2014, my family and I have completed a 12-months abstinence from cane sugar (white and brown) which we intend to continue for good insha’Allah. I have never in my life felt so healthy and energetic as I do at this stage of my life. I even feel younger than I was 15 or 20 years ago. My mind works much better, my emotions are way more balanced, and my overall state has enhanced dramatically. So if you intend to ask me whether it is worth it to give up sugar, my answer is a huge YES!
Those who know me well, are well aware I had a sweet tooth! I actually still! Like many people I knew sugar wasn’t good for me, but sweetness was irresistible. Over the past few years I had abstained from sugar for a couple of months on and off a few times, only to eventually slip back into the trap of sugar. Then my wife and I decided to cut down on sugar. One day I read an article by one of the most renowned heart surgeons in the world citing evidence that sugar consumption is the root cause of heart disease. I shared the article with my wife and we made the decision: no sugar anymore! And guess what….this made all th
By the mid of this November, 2014, my family and I have completed a 12-months abstinence from cane sugar (white and brown) which we intend to continue for good insha’Allah. I have never in my life felt so healthy and energetic as I do at this stage of my life. I even feel younger than I was 15 or 20 years ago. My mind works much better, my emotions are way more balanced, and my overall state has enhanced dramatically. So if you intend to ask me whether it is worth it to give up sugar, my answer is a huge YES!
Those who know me well, are well aware I had a sweet tooth! I actually still! Like many people I knew sugar wasn’t good for me, but sweetness was irresistible. Over the past few years I had abstained from sugar for a couple of months on and off a few times, only to eventually slip back into the trap of sugar. Then my wife and I decided to cut down on sugar. One day I read an article by one of the most renowned heart surgeons in the world citing evidence that sugar consumption is the root cause of heart disease. I shared the article with my wife and we made the decision: no sugar anymore! And guess what….this made all th
La enseñanza de la oración - Español - Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Sauaf
La enseñanza de la oración - Español - Muhammad Mahmoud Al-Sauaf: Este es un compendio de la enseñanza de la oración. Lo he escrito al sentir la necesidad perentoria de tal obra y haber percibido una tendencia loable entre muchos adultos y jóvenes hacia la religión verdadera y el mensaje eterno de Dios. Sienten dentro de ellos mismos la necesidad de practicar los deberes religiosos, particularmente la oración que es la piedra angular del islam, así como su sólido pilar.
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الرسائل (Atom)