الجمعة، 20 يوليو 2018

العقود الدرية في ذكر بعض مناقب شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - عربي - ابن عبد الهادي

العقود الدرية في ذكر بعض مناقب شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - عربي - ابن عبد الهادي: العقود الدرية في ذكر بعض مناقب شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية : كتاب للحافظ ابن عبد الهادي - رحمه الله - والذي يُعد من أهم مصادر ترجمة شيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - رحمه الله -.

العبودية - عربي - ابن تيمية

العبودية - عربي - ابن تيمية: العبودية : كتاب لشيخ الإسلام ابن تيمية - رحمه الله - عبارة عن فتيا ورسالة جاءت كجواب على سؤال عن العبادة، وفروعها، وَهل مَجْمُوع الدَّين دَاخل فِيهَا أم لَا، وحَقِيقَة الْعُبُودِيَّة، وَهل هِيَ أَعلَى المقامات فِي الدُّنْيَا وَالْآخِرَة أم فَوْقهَا شَيْء من المقامات.

Message à celui qui ne croit pas au Messager Muhammad - Français - Plusieurs auteurs

Message à celui qui ne croit pas au Messager Muhammad - Français - Plusieurs auteurs: Il est monnaie courante de nos jours de prendre Dieu et Son prophète comme matière à sarcasmes. Et la plupart de ces attaques proviennent d’athées de l’extérieur, qui prétendent que l’Islam est la religion qui prône l’extrémisme, le terrorisme et l’ignorance. Ils s’évertuent donc à se moquer des préceptes de l’Islam prétendant qu’ils ne sont pas pour toute période. Et puisqu’ils n’ont pas de preuves scientifiques de ce qu’ils avancent pour critiquer l’Islam, ils se tournent vers des moyens désespérés en s’attaquant, par exemple, à la personne du meilleur homme que la terre ait connu, le Prophète (sur lui la paix), au nom de la liberté d’expression. Ils ont échoué à trouver des erreurs scientifiques ou rhétoriques dans le coran ou les hadiths prophétiques pour convaincre leurs adeptes de ce qu’ils prétendent, alors ils se sont limités à ces dessins qui expriment leur décadence.

L’explication du livre : les trois fondements - Français - Abdulaziz Ibn Abdillah Ibn Baz

L’explication du livre : les trois fondements - Français - Abdulaziz Ibn Abdillah Ibn Baz: Ce livre « Les trois fondements et ses preuves » est d’une importance considérable, car il traite en grande partie de l’unicité d’Allah. Par ailleurs, il répond aux trois questions qui seront posées à chacun et chacune d’entre nous dans sa tombe : « Qui est ton Seigneur ? Qui est ton prophète ? Quelle est ta religion ? » Donc n’hésitez pas à le lire plusieurs fois. Voici donc l’explication de ce livre, réalisée par le noble cheikh Abdul-Azîz Ibn Bâz, qu’Allah lui fasse miséricorde, qui est une explication simple et concise, accessible à tous.


IS GHUSL NECESSARY STRAIGHT AFTER INTERCOURSE? - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

⚠ كثيرات يغفلن هذا الحكم

 كثيرات يغفلن هذا الحكم 👇
كثر في الآونة الأخيرة لبس الملابس الخليعة بين النساء، والتي تكشف أجزاء من الجسم وتُعرِّيه؛
كل ذلك تشبها بالكافرات.
وحُجَّتُهن في جواز لبس تلك الملابس: أنها تُلبس أمام النساء، وأن عورة المرأة أمام المرأة مِن السُّرة إلى الركبة
✔️فأجابت اللجنة:
🌹 على المرأة أن تحتشم وتتحلى بالحياء،
حتى ولو لم ينظر إليها إلا نساء،
ولا تكشف لهن إلا ما جرت العادة بكشفه ودعت له الحاجة،
كالخروج لهن في ثياب البذلة؛ مكشوفة الوجه واليدين وأطراف القدمين ونحو ذلك، وذلك أستر لها، وأبعد عن مواطن الريبة.
🌼 ويحرم على المرأة أن تلبس اللباس الذي فيه تشبه بالكافرات،
ولو كان ساترا، فضلا عن القصير والضيِّق والشفاف؛
لقول النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:
«من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم»،
ولقوله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:
«صنفان من أهل النار لم أَرَهما: قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس، ونساء كاسيات عاريات، مميلات مائلات، رؤوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة؛ لا يدخلن الجنة، ولا يجدن ريحها، وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا»
📗أخرجه مسلم في «صحيحه».
وبالله التوفيق. وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.
📚اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء
- بكر أبو زيد .
- صالح الفوزان .
- عبد الله بن غديان .
- عبد العزيز آل الشيخ .
- عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز .
📚[فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة (17/ 288-289)،
السؤال الأول من الفتوى رقم (20518)]

የክቡር ቁርአን ትርጉም ክፍል (0354) ሱረቱ አል ኣንፋል ደርስ - አማርኛ - ሳዕድ አህመድ ሙስጣፋ

የክቡር ቁርአን ትርጉም ክፍል (0354) ሱረቱ አል ኣንፋል ደርስ - አማርኛ - ሳዕድ አህመድ ሙስጣፋ: ይህ በተከታታይ የሚቀርብ የክቡር (ቅዱስ ) ቁርአን ትርጉም ነው በዚህ ክፍል ሱረቱ አል ኣንፋል ከ አያ(52- 56) ትርጉም በስፋት የተገለፀበት ትምህርት ነው::

أركان الصيام ومباحاته ومستحباته ومكروهاته ومفسداته – باللغة الإندنوسية Rukun Puasa, hal-hal yang dibolehkan saat berpuasa, sunnah-sunnah puasa, hal-hal yang dimakruhkan serta hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa - tubeislamtubeislam

أركان الصيام ومباحاته ومستحباته ومكروهاته ومفسداته – باللغة الإندنوسية Rukun Puasa, hal-hal yang dibolehkan saat berpuasa, sunnah-sunnah puasa, hal-hal yang dimakruhkan serta hal-hal yang membatalkan puasa - tubeislamtubeislam

عشائية [ واقترب الوعد الحق ] | أحمد النفيس - YouTube

طريقة عمل كيكة جوز الهند - كيك -

طريقة عمل كيكة جوز الهند - كيك -: هل تريدِين تحضير كيكة مميزة.. يقدم لك مطبخ سيدتي كيكة جوز الهند بطريقة عمل سهلة التحضير .. تمتعي بها مع عائلتك

Jutbah: ¿Quién nos puede hacer sentir seguros en este mundo? - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia

Jutbah: ¿Quién nos puede hacer sentir seguros en este mundo? - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia: Jutbah: ¿Quién nos puede hacer sentir seguros en este mundo? Exegesis del versículo coránico: “¿Acaso se sentían a salvo del plan de Dios? Sólo se sienten a salvo del plan de Dios los que están perdidos” (7:99)

8 Manners to Read the Quran Properly | About Islam

8 Manners to Read the Quran Properly | About Islam: A person should recite the Quran while thinking about and pondering over its meaning, with due respect and presence of 8 Manners Reciting Quran


REASONS BEHIND THE PUNISHMENT IN THE GRAVE - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.

PIG – Why Can’t Muslims Eat Pork?|Ask a Muslim

PIG – Why Can’t Muslims Eat Pork?|Ask a Muslim: For Muslims, it’s not just about a healthy soul but also a healthy body. You may not be familiar with a common scenario at a cafeteria or buffet with a Muslim. ‘Excuse me, can you tell me if the fi…

⚠ كثيرات يغفلن هذا الحكم

 كثيرات يغفلن هذا الحكم 👇
كثر في الآونة الأخيرة لبس الملابس الخليعة بين النساء، والتي تكشف أجزاء من الجسم وتُعرِّيه؛
كل ذلك تشبها بالكافرات.
وحُجَّتُهن في جواز لبس تلك الملابس: أنها تُلبس أمام النساء، وأن عورة المرأة أمام المرأة مِن السُّرة إلى الركبة
✔️فأجابت اللجنة:
🌹 على المرأة أن تحتشم وتتحلى بالحياء،
حتى ولو لم ينظر إليها إلا نساء،
ولا تكشف لهن إلا ما جرت العادة بكشفه ودعت له الحاجة،
كالخروج لهن في ثياب البذلة؛ مكشوفة الوجه واليدين وأطراف القدمين ونحو ذلك، وذلك أستر لها، وأبعد عن مواطن الريبة.
🌼 ويحرم على المرأة أن تلبس اللباس الذي فيه تشبه بالكافرات،
ولو كان ساترا، فضلا عن القصير والضيِّق والشفاف؛
لقول النبي -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:
«من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم»،
ولقوله -صلى الله عليه وسلم-:
«صنفان من أهل النار لم أَرَهما: قوم معهم سياط كأذناب البقر يضربون بها الناس، ونساء كاسيات عاريات، مميلات مائلات، رؤوسهن كأسنمة البخت المائلة؛ لا يدخلن الجنة، ولا يجدن ريحها، وإن ريحها ليوجد من مسيرة كذا وكذا»
📗أخرجه مسلم في «صحيحه».
وبالله التوفيق. وصلى الله على نبينا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم.
📚اللجنة الدائمة للبحوث العلمية والإفتاء
- بكر أبو زيد .
- صالح الفوزان .
- عبد الله بن غديان .
- عبد العزيز آل الشيخ .
- عبد العزيز بن عبد الله بن باز .
📚[فتاوى اللجنة الدائمة (17/ 288-289)،
السؤال الأول من الفتوى رقم (20518)]

الملحد شريف جابر و المتنصر مصطفى راشد معاً لأول مرة - YouTube

أسرار الرقم سبعة

أسرار الرقم سبعة: موسوعة علمية شاملة لأبحاث الإعجاز العلمي

Secrets of the number seven: in the Qur'an and the Universe 

ام أحمد‏ مع ‏‎DrMorsy Abo Hamza‎‏ و‏‏٣٨‏ آخرين‏.
Secrets of the number seven: in the Qur'an and the Universe
To number seven in the universe
When God began to create the universe chose the number seven to make the number seven heavens and the number of Aleradin seven. Almighty says: (Allah Who created the seven heavens and the earth like them descends order between them to know that God has power over all things and that God has taken note of everything) [Divorce: 65/12].
Every atom of the universe is composed of seven layers of electronic on each other, and this law constant in the whole universe, testifies to the oneness of the Creator, the Almighty!
Even corn, which is the basic unit of the building consists of seven cosmic electronic layers and can not be more than that. The number of days of the week seven and the number of music labels and the number seven colors of the visible light spectrum is seven. We must not lose sight of that earth scientists recently discovered that the planet is made up of seven layers!
Earth consists of seven layers on each other, and this feature is narrated by the Qur'an fourteen centuries ago at the time no one knew anything about the layers of the earth, Glory to God!
We all know that the light spectrum (rainbow colors) is composed of seven colors, and if we look at the universe around us we see a lot of indications of this figure including witness that God deposited the secret of this figure in the universe, and deposited in secret last in the Koran tells us that the Qur'an is creator of the universe!
Number seven in the Sunnah
There are many hadith uttered by humans Syed Muhammad peace be upon him. It was the number seven luck galore in these conversations, and this demonstrates the importance of this figure and the large number of connotations and secrets.
When speaking of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him from the vices identified seven types, he said: (Avoid the seven sins ....) [Bukhari and Muslim].
And when he talked about who will shade God Almighty doomsday identified seven categories, he said: (seven Allah will shade on no shade but His ...) [Bukhari and Muslim].
When talking about the injustice and take something from the land without the right for he makes the number seven as a symbol of the torment of the Day of Resurrection, says peace be upon him: (from the oppression under an inch of land surrounded by seven Eradin) [Bukhari and Muslim].
When told him blessings and peace for the greatest Sura in the Book of Allah said: (Praise be to Allah are the seven vescico Quran and the great Ootih) [Bukhari].
Opening of the Book is the greatest sura in the Koran, a seven vescico consists of seven verses, and the irony is that this sura contains a system numerically impressive based on the number seven, for example: the number of letters of the name (of God) in this sura blessed is seven in seven, any repeat alif 22 once the letter lam repeated 22 times and a character distraction repeated 5 times and 49 total in any seven-seven!!
In prostrate tells us the Holy Prophet peace be upon him for the divine command to prostrate on seven members says: (ordered to prostrate on seven bones) [Bukhari and Muslim]. If prayer is not valid unless the insured bowed to seven members of a hands, feet, knees and the front of the face.
If the dog licks the vessel is determined by the Thorh washed seven times, one with earth.
And when he made one of the companions to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and asked him to tell him about the time that sealed the Koran, he said peace be upon him: (read it in seven does not exceed it) [Bukhari and Muslim].
And when he spoke of the Quran to make the number seven is a close relationship with this great book, he said: (This Quran was revealed to seven characters) [Bukhari and Muslim]. This hadeeth indicates that the character is going Quran SBA system arbitrator, and God knows best.
He spoke of the Prophet peace be upon him hell about the Day of Resurrection, he said: (Abjahnm that day brought her seventy thousand reins) [Reported by Muslim]. As the Prophet peace be upon him appeal for help in Allah from the torment of hell seven times and says: (O Ogerna of Fire) [Narrated by women.
In the reasons for healing commanded the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to say seven times: (I seek refuge in God and the ability of the evil of what I find and fear.) [Reported by Muslim].
Even when talking about the food we find the presence of the number seven, says peace be upon him: (from becoming every day seven dates in does not matter that day in the magic cm) [Bukhari and Muslim].
Talk about fasting for God's sake, we find a lot of the wage thing that God has prepared for fasting. Says the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (what Abdul-day fast for the sake of God, but God so today distanced his face from the fire seventy years) [Bukhari and Muslim].
As peace and blessings of Allah ask forgiveness seventy times. Had to say about double the pay: (all doubles the work of the son of Adam good ten-fold to seven hundred times) [Reported by Muslim].
In resorting to God to remove the concerns by the prayers of the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon seven repeating this verse: (Hasbi is no god but it is a trust in the Lord of the Great Throne) [repentance: 9/129].
Thus we see that the number seven is the most recognizable figure in conversations Mustafa upon God and prayers. These hadiths and many others show that the Prophet peace be upon him has singled out this figure is noteworthy without the other figures because of its importance, is the figure most frequently in conversations Mustafa (PBUH), which is the figure most frequently in the Qur'an (after number one), a figure most frequently in the universe.
Number seven and Hajj
We all know that the worship of Hajj represents the fifth pillar of Islam. In this worship insured cruising around the Ka'ba seven runs. And seek between Safa and Marwa seven runs as well.
When throwing the stones of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him may also threw seven pebbles. Has been mentioned this figure in the verse that talked about Hajj Umrah, God says: (If you believe it is the enjoyment of Umrah Hajj What Astisr of a sacrificial animal, it did not find possible, to fast three days during Hajj and seven if you returned those ten full) [Baqarah: 2/196 .
Number seven in the Koranic story
Repeatedly said that the number seven in the Quranic stories, this is God's prophet Noah calls his people to think of the creator of the seven heavens and says to them: (Have you not seen how God created the seven heavens one above another) [Noah: 71/15].
The prophet peace be upon him has interpreted the vision of King based on this figure, has repeatedly said that this figure in the context of Surah Yusuf many times. Allah says: (And the king said, I see seven fat cows and seven lean Aokhin seven Snblatt vegetables and other Iabsat O publicly Avtona in my vision, if ye pass over the vision) [Yusuf: 12/43].
He says: (Joseph Dear friend Please tell us in the seven fat cows Aokhin seven lean and seven Snblatt vegetables and other Iabsat Ali attributed to people so that they might know * said cultivate seven years harder What reaped Vdhiroh in the ear, but a little which you eat * Then will come after that seven hard eat what you gave them only a little, which Thsnon) [Yusuf: 12/4648].
The mention of the number seven in the agony of the people of Prophet Hud whom God sent to the tribe returned sent them God Sirocco, the Almighty says: (The returned Vohlkua by wind roach winds * marshalled them seven nights and eight days Hsoma) [Edge: 69/6 - 7 .
In the story of Moses, peace be upon him and mentioned a figure of seventy multiples of seven, the Almighty says: (And Moses chose his people seventy men for Miqatna) [custom: 7/155].
He spoke of the Prophet peace be upon him hell about the Day of Resurrection, he said: (Abjahnm that day brought her seventy thousand reins) [Reported by Muslim]. As the Prophet peace be upon him appeal for help in Allah from the torment of hell seven times and says: (O Ogerna of Fire) [Narrated by women.
In the reasons for healing commanded the Holy Prophet peace be upon him to say seven times: (I seek refuge in God and the ability of the evil of what I find and fear.) [Reported by Muslim].
Even when talking about the food we find the presence of the number seven, says peace be upon him: (from becoming every day seven dates in does not matter that day in the magic cm) [Bukhari and Muslim].
Talk about fasting for God's sake, we find a lot of the wage thing that God has prepared for fasting. Says the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: (what Abdul-day fast for the sake of God, but God so today distanced his face from the fire seventy years) [Bukhari and Muslim].
As peace and blessings of Allah ask forgiveness seventy times. Had to say about doubling
Remuneration: (all work the son of Adam doubles good ten-fold to seven hundred times) [Reported by Muslim].
In resorting to God to remove the concerns by the prayers of the Prophet of Allah and peace be upon seven repeating this verse: (Hasbi is no god but it is a trust in the Lord of the Great Throne) [repentance: 9/129].
Thus we see that the number seven is the most recognizable figure in conversations Mustafa upon God and prayers. These hadiths and many others show that the Prophet peace be upon him has singled out this figure is noteworthy without the other figures because of its importance, is the figure most frequently in conversations Mustafa (PBUH), which is the figure most frequently in the Qur'an (after number one), a figure most frequently in the universe.
Number seven and Hajj
We all know that the worship of Hajj represents the fifth pillar of Islam. In this worship insured cruising around the Ka'ba seven runs. And seek between Safa and Marwa seven runs as well.
When throwing the stones of the Holy Prophet peace be upon him may also threw seven pebbles. Has been mentioned this figure in the verse that talked about Hajj Umrah, God says: (If you believe it is the enjoyment of Umrah Hajj What Astisr of a sacrificial animal, it did not find possible, to fast three days during Hajj and seven if you returned those ten full) [Baqarah: 2/196 .
Number seven in the Koranic story
Repeatedly said that the number seven in the Quranic stories, this is God's prophet Noah calls his people to think of the creator of the seven heavens and says to them: (Have you not seen how God created the seven heavens one above another) [Noah: 71/15].
The prophet peace be upon him has interpreted the vision of King based on this figure, has repeatedly said that this figure in the context of Surah Yusuf many times. Allah says: (And the king said, I see seven fat cows and seven lean Aokhin seven Snblatt vegetables and other Iabsat O publicly Avtona in my vision, if ye pass over the vision) [Yusuf: 12/43].
He says: (Joseph Dear friend Please tell us in the seven fat cows Aokhin seven lean and seven Snblatt vegetables and other Iabsat Ali attributed to people so that they might know * said cultivate seven years harder What reaped Vdhiroh in the ear, but a little which you eat * Then will come after that seven hard eat what you gave them only a little, which Thsnon) [Yusuf: 12/4648].
The mention of the number seven in the agony of the people of Prophet Hud whom God sent to the tribe returned sent them God Sirocco, the Almighty says: (The returned Vohlkua by wind roach winds * marshalled them seven nights and eight days Hsoma) [Edge: 69/6 - 7 .
In the story of Moses, peace be upon him and mentioned a figure of seventy multiples of seven, the Almighty says: (And Moses chose his people seventy men for Miqatna) [custom: 7/155].