Sufism promotes TWO extremes.
1. Wahdat ul wujood : All creation is Allah. Hence following quotes show how sufis attribute their SHAYKH/Scholar with ALL hearing and ALL seeing (NOTHING is left for Allah alone).
2. Wahdat ul Adyaan : Unity of Beliefs i.e. it does NOT matter if you are muslim or non muslim, All will enter paradise.
Both these teachings go against Everything in Islam.
Hence, sufism is NOT Islam. Block and warn against those who promote it as such.
Following are a DIRECT excerpt from Sufi Naqshbandi page, to show how far Sufis have gone to give attributes of Allah to the Peers/saints/scholars of sufism.
Here are some quotes from Naqshbandi sufi website promoting 1
Quote :
If your heart does not accept, then you are not going to benefit anything. We have to show our Shaykh, who knows how we sleep even as we sleep, that we truly believe in him. Do you think that our Shaykh is someone like us? Hasha! (God forbid), Once, Grandshaykh said: “If an ant is moving on top of a smooth rock in the West and I am in the East, I can hear her footsteps in my ear as I hear the crack of thunder.” And he said: “We – the Shaykhs of the Naqshbandī order – can hear and feel the movements of our murids, no matter what they are doing, as loud as if we heard thunder!” And he said: “Keep respect when you are sleeping in bed with your wife, because we are hearing and seeing everything.” End quote.
"You are under your Shaykh’s supervision for twenty-four hours. You can never move out of his sight. He is looking at you. He is looking at you when you are moving here and there. Yet this is nothing: he can hear the secrets that come into your heart and the secrets that you keep in the recess of your heart as if it were thunder. Leave this also: in every person’s heart there are five levels." End quote.
Here is excerpt from above promoting 2
"You can see how human beings are honored beings. There is no discrimination in God’s sight at that level: there is no Muslim; there is no Christian; there is no Jew; there is no Buddhist; there is no Hindu. There is only:
وَمَا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ إِلَّا رَحْمَةً لِّلْعَالَمِينَ
Wa maa arsalnaaka illa rahmatan lil-’Aalameen
“We have sent you as a mercy for all human beings” (al-Anbiya’ 107).
There is no differentiation at that level. Discrimination is from us. It is we who say: “They are Jews”; “They are Christians”; Christians say: “These are Muslims”; “These are Jews.” But there are no such things in God’s eyes. There are only human beings – period.
إِن كُلُّ مَن فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ إِلَّا آتِي الرَّحْمَنِ عَبْدًا
In kullu man fi ‘s-samaawaati wa ‘l-ardi illa atee ar-rahmani ‘abda
There is none in the heavens and the earth but cometh unto the Beneficent as a slave. (19:93 )
You are not allowed to speak ill of your brothers and sisters, as all of us are sons and daughters of Adam and Eve! You would be interfering in God’s judgment. But you are not the judge: God is the Judge. Don’t interfere, therefore, in God’s ways by giving your opinion. God will not ask for your opinion in the Judgment Day." End quote.