الاثنين، 13 يونيو 2022
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[UPDATED - JUST NOW] - - SWT? SAWS? PBUH? (OK?) and numbers 786"? What are these letters? We see these anywhere Muslims post or email.
المفضلة · 9 س ·
[UPDATED - JUST NOW] - - SWT? SAWS? PBUH? (OK?) and numbers 786"? What are these letters? We see these anywhere Muslims post or email.
[short answer]
So we asked scholars. They told us, Muslims should not do this.
If you are going to type it in English, use "sallalahu alayhi was salam", as much as you can on many occasions, such as Fridays.
Some ask, "Does it have to be in transliteration of Arabic?"
No, according to most scholars we talked with it is O.K. to use the translation, "peace and blessings be upon him" or even just "peace be upon him".
Some might say, "Well show me proof that we have to type or write it after his name!"
Well, is it mandatory to say it each and every time we hear the name of our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. Right?
For sure, I don't want to take a chance and for sure, I need all the rewards I can get, insha’Allah.
[end of short answer]
According to scholars, it is better to say, "Muhammad, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam" and then you can say, " Peace and blessings be upon him" to take the most reward and avoid falling into the category of those who are mentioned by the angel Jibril to be cursed.
However, if someone only translates it as, "Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him)" this should be no problem and could still have rewards with Allah.
But just typing four letters PBUH (for Peace Be Upon Him), certainly does not show much respect or care for on the part of the one who is too lazy or uneducated to know the words.
Some knowledgeable Muslims have made efforts to always spell it out and make sure anyone whether Muslim or non-Muslim, knew what we were saying and what we mean, and how important it is for us to say this.
Consider this, someone who is reading a forwarded copy of an email comes across this statement, "The Prophet PBUH, said..." Now they are going to think there is some Prophet named PBUH and try to pronounce it - "Pebooh" or "PaBU".
And about saying "SAWS" after the Prophet's name? Or when referring to him indirectly?
Actually, there is no such thing in Arabic as "SAWS".
Imagine someone writes, "When the Prophet (SAWS) said...."
Now someone could think there is a Prophet named "saws".
This is a very sad innovation for the lazy, internet Muslims who think it is OK to do this. I do not like it, but it is an abbreviation of "Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salam".
Also, when Muslims are talking about Allah, The Exalted, Majestic and Sublime . . and they just type, "SWT" or "ASWT"?
This is the transliteration of "Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala" as "ASWT". Some people will type the word "Allah" and then put "SWT" thinking this is better or more rewards.
Non-Muslims think it's some new "god" named "Allahswat" or a new "Prophet Pbuh" (someone asked, "Is it said like, "Poobaah"?"
>> And now this <<<
Two more abbreviations are “RA” and “AS.”
“RA” - they say, "It stands for “Radhi Allahu 'anhu” (May Allah be pleased with him)". Muslims use “RA” after the name of companions (males or females) our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.
"RA" means, “May Allah be pleased with him/her" (Radiy Allahu Anha).
"AS" they say is for “Alayhis Salaam” (Peace be upon Him), appears after the names of all the archangels (such as Jibreel, Mikaeel, and others) and all the prophets (except for the Prophet Muhammad).
Question: "Are we too busy or too lazy to type a few letters?"
This long email name for example: mohamed.bin_jubairy786@brothersofpeace_islamicinternational.co.uk
We have to type each one of these 65 letters & characters exactly right. The same for email we send to. If we miss a any letter or get it wrong - what happens?
Yet, they loose the reward for saying "Salams" on the Prophet (Peace be upon him), or for exalting the Greatness of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).
Muslim want rewards. So, tell then it's wrong.
Many new scholars today, do this. Maybe they don't know much English or think it's OK.
Many people do this. But it's not worth it.
Bottom line - If you are too tired or too busy to type the right words, maybe you should disconnect from the Internet.
When you have enough time to type out "Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala" or "Allah, The Exalted and Majestic" and "Muhammad" or "Rasoolulah" or "Messenger", then "Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam" or "Peace be upon him".
[End of Details]
Yusuf Estes
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PS - What is "786"?
Numbers 7-8-6 are used today from Pakistan and other Muslims.
They say it's the same as "Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim".
But there is no evidence for this in Islam or Arabic.
But, no evidence for this from Islam, in Urdu or in Arabic.
- Scholars say, "DON'T DO IT"
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