الأربعاء، 13 فبراير 2013

God Allah - Does It Mean God?

◔ Prophet Muhammad in Parsi Scriptures

◔ Prophet Muhammad in Parsi Scriptures

● The Epistle of Sasan I in Dasatir contains the prophecy about Prophet Muhammad. Sasan I was a reformer of the Zoroastrian religion. It is believed that this Epistle is a part of the teachings of Prophet Zoroaster, to which Sasan I added his explanatory notes. Some scholars have suggested that the word ‘Dasatir’ means ten (das) parts (tir) while others contend that this word is derived from Dasatur, meaning religious law.

● The Epistle of Sasan I describes future events at a time when Zoroastrians will have forsaken their religious practices.

⇛ “When the Persians will do such deeds, a man from among ⇛ the Arabs will be born whose followers shall overthrow and dissolve the kingdom and religion of the Persians. And the arrogant people (Persians) will be subjugated.
Instead of the temple of fire and the house of idols they will see
⇛ the House of Abraham without any idols as their Qibla (Direction of worship).

“And they (Muslims) will be a mercy to the worlds. And they will capture the places of temples of fire, Madain (Ctesiphon), nearby lands, Tus and Balkh, and other eminent and sacred places (of Zoroastrians). And ⇛ their leader will be an eloquent man whose words and message will be clear and far-reaching.”

Pastor Claims the Holy Spirit is in his Genitals, Convinces Congregation to Perform Sexual Acts | Calling Christians

The poisoned meat eaten by Prophet Muhammad PBUH

"Muslims" celebrating ancient pagan Valentine's day

wrong prayer

I Need All Muslim FB Users On This Page. So Share This POst's photo.
As salam u Alaikum 

A wOman can not bE imam fOr men in prayer,
prayEr rOws Of mEn and wOmen must bE sEparated,
during prayEr Women (aurat) must bE cOvered perfEctly.

@[208527469227139:274:I Need All Muslim FB Users On This Page. So Share This POst]
As salam u Alaikum

A wOman can not bE imam fOr men in prayer,
prayEr rOws Of mEn and wOmen must bE sEparated,
during prayEr Women (aurat) must bE cOvered perfEctly.


MIRACLE OF LIFE - Must Read and say SubhanAllah

Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.

Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.

Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.

She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (look the picture).

As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.

A little bit of tender love goes a long way. Show affection to all ♥
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Huda TV added a new photo.
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Abu Dharr reported: It was said to the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, “What is your opinion about a person who performs good deeds and the people praise him?” He said, “It is glad tidings for a believer.”

[Sahih Muslim, Book 32, Number 6388]

عَنْ أَبِي ذَرٍّ قَالَ قِيلَ لِرَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ أَرَأَيْتَ الرَّجُلَ يَعْمَلُ الْعَمَلَ مِنْ الْخَيْرِ وَيَحْمَدُهُ النَّاسُ عَلَيْهِ قَالَ تِلْكَ عَاجِلُ بُشْرَى الْمُؤْمِنِ

2642 صحيح مسلم كتاب البر والصلة والآداب باب إذا أثني على الصالح فهي بشرى ولا تضره


مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ * بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَا يَبْغِيَانِ ﴿سورة الرحمن﴾... سبحان الله
“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.” [55:19-20] Surat Ar-Rahman… Subhan Allah
مَرَجَ الْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ * بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌ لَا يَبْغِيَانِ ﴿سورة الرحمن﴾... سبحان الله 
“He has set free the two seas meeting together. There is a barrier between them. They do not transgress.” [55:19-20] Surat Ar-Rahman… Subhan Allah
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Broadly, Islam has five categories of Do's and Dont's.

Broadly, Islam has five categories of Do's and Dont's.

(i) 'Farz' i.e compulsory

(ii) 'Mustahab' i.e recommended or encouraged

(iii) 'Mubah' i.e permissible

(iv) 'Makruh' i.e 'not recommended' or discouraged

(v) 'Haram' i.e prohibited or forbidden

hadith of judment

Abu Dharr reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, I know the last of the people of Paradise to enter it and the last of the people of Hell to come out of it. He is a man who is brought on the Day of Resurrection and it will be said: Present his minor sins to him and withhold his major sins. Then the minor sins will be placed before him and it will be said: On this day you did such-and-such, and this day you did such-and-such. He will say yes. It is not possible for him to deny it, while he will be afraid that his major sins will be presented before him. It will be said: In place of every evil deed you will receive one good deed. He will say: My Lord, I have done other things I do not see here.” Abu Dharr said, “I saw the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, laugh until I could see his front teeth.”

[Sahih Muslim, Book 1, Number 365]

عَنْ أَبِي ذَرٍّ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ إِنِّي لَأَعْلَمُ آخِرَ أَهْلِ الْجَنَّةِ دُخُولًا الْجَنَّةَ وَآخِرَ أَهْلِ النَّارِ خُرُوجًا مِنْهَا رَجُلٌ يُؤْتَى بِهِ يَوْمَ الْقِيَامَةِ فَيُقَالُ اعْرِضُوا عَلَيْهِ صِغَارَ ذُنُوبِهِ وَارْفَعُوا عَنْهُ كِبَارَهَا فَتُعْرَضُ عَلَيْهِ صِغَارُ ذُنُوبِهِ فَيُقَالُ عَمِلْتَ يَوْمَ كَذَا وَكَذَا كَذَا وَكَذَا وَعَمِلْتَ يَوْمَ كَذَا وَكَذَا كَذَا وَكَذَا فَيَقُولُ نَعَمْ لَا يَسْتَطِيعُ أَنْ يُنْكِرَ وَهُوَ مُشْفِقٌ مِنْ كِبَارِ ذُنُوبِهِ أَنْ تُعْرَضَ عَلَيْهِ فَيُقَالُ لَهُ فَإِنَّ لَكَ مَكَانَ كُلِّ سَيِّئَةٍ حَسَنَةً فَيَقُولُ رَبِّ قَدْ عَمِلْتُ أَشْيَاءَ لَا أَرَاهَا هَا هُنَا فَلَقَدْ رَأَيْتُ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ ضَحِكَ حَتَّى بَدَتْ نَوَاجِذُهُ

190 صحيح مسلم كتاب الإيمان باب أدنى أهل الجنة منزلة فيها

‎"Abu Bakr was like that when I was more misguided than my family's camel"

Huda TV
‎"Abu Bakr was like that when I was more misguided than my family's camel"

Jubair ibn Nafeer related that group of men said to Umar ibn al-Khattaab,

“We have never met any man who judges more justly than you do; nor any man who speaks the truth more reliably and consistently than you do; nor a man who is more severe against the hypocrites than you are, O Leader of the Believers. After the Messenger of Allah you are the best of people.”

Awf ibn Maalik did not even give Umar a chance to respond to their praise instead he quickly interjected,

“By Allah, you are all lying. After the Messenger of Allah (died), we have indeed seen someone who is better (than Umar).”

“Who is that man?”

- someone asked.

Awf replied,

“Abu Bakr (radiyAllahu anh).”

Umar said,

“Awf has spoken the truth and the rest of you have lied. By Allah, Abu Bakr was better than the fragrance of al-Misk (the best kind of perfume) and he was like that at a time when I was more misguided than my family’s camel.”

Umar was referring to when he was still a polytheist for Abu Bakr embraced Islam six years before he did the same.

(Manaaqib Umar, by ibn al-Jawzi, pg. 14 and Mahd as-Sawaab, 2/586)

It is a sign of humbleness to show respect to one’s superiors. Umar as illustrated in the previous example paid respect not just to the living but also to the dead. With the passing of years, some people forgot about the best of the Prophet’s Companions, Abu Bakr. But Umar did not let them forget; instead he reminded them about Abu Bakr’s superiority and about his noble character. Umar’s response – “Awf has spoken the truth, and the rest of you have lied, By Allah, Abu Bakr was better than the fragrance of al-Misk – was a testimony both to his loyalty and to his strong faith.


سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ -
SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi
(Glory be to Allah and Praise Him)

Whoever says (the above) a hundred times during the day, his
sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea

Sahih al-Bukhari; 7:168, Sahih Muslim; 4:2071


سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ -
SubhanAllah wa biHamdihi
(Glory be to Allah and Praise Him)

Whoever says (the above) a hundred times during the day, his
sins are wiped away, even if they are like the foam of the sea

Sahih al-Bukhari; 7:168, Sahih Muslim; 4:2071

The Burning Sea

scientific miracles of islam's photo.
11 hours ago
The Burning Sea

The sea world is full of secrets, but scientists have discovered the existence of volcanoes that flow from the depths of the seas, they throw molten lava stones that are liquid stones with very high temperature, and these molten substances come out from the sea and raise the temperature of the sea water.

The Quran talked about this phenomenon as God says:

(And by the Burning sea)

[Surat At-Tur, verse: 6]

And the word (Al-Masjoor) means the burning and flammable, scientists say that this phenomenon (the phenomenon of the burning sea) exists in all the seas of the world..
Photo: The Burning Sea 

The sea world is full of secrets, but scientists have discovered the existence of volcanoes that flow from the depths of the seas, they throw molten lava stones that are liquid stones with very high temperature, and these molten substances come out from the sea and raise the temperature of the sea water.

The Quran talked about this phenomenon as God says:

 (And by the Burning sea)

[Surat At-Tur, verse: 6]

 And the word (Al-Masjoor) means the burning and flammable, scientists say that this phenomenon (the phenomenon of the burning sea) exists in all the seas of the world..

Reading The Prophet’s Biography Led Me to Islam

You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free's photo.

10 hours ago

Reading The Prophet’s Biography Led Me to Islam
Yusuf Derbeshyre's Journey to Islam

Before I was Muslim I was what you could classify as a “typical British lad”.

I used to go out drinking on a Saturday evening, and all that kind of thing.

Then about five years ago, I was going on holiday to Greece.

When you go to an airport, you've got loads of books packed in your backpack for you to read from, and then you go sitting by the side of the swimming pool with a large bear, sun-bathing and reading a book, and you would never have too many books!

I thought I would go to WHSmith and pick up a good book I could read, and I couldn't find anything. I got my rucksack on my back, and as I turned around to leave, I knocked the bookshelf and all the books fell off.

Not wanting to be a bit awkward, so I picked everything up, and the books were all one book, and it was by a western author, called Barnaby Rogerson, and he wrote a book called “The Prophet Muhammad: A Biography”. I read the first page and it looked interesting. I read the second page. Took it to the counter, I bought it and took it on holiday with me.

So I read the book, and I thought “Yeah I want to learn more.” So I came back, and I started to go to the local mosque, and I spoke to them and I said I wanted to learn more. And the Imam, who took my shahadah, said “Well to tell you the truth, the best way to understand Islam is to become a Muslim.”

I didn’t think twice about it. I just took my shahadah there and then.

I Related to Hamza, The Prophet's Uncle

As I was walking across, it was like I was walking through tranquility. I felt so emotional and tears were just streaming down my face

As a revert Muslim, you find that you sort of adhere yourself to somebody from the Sahabah (The Prophet’s companions). You know you could relate to them, because they were all revert Muslims too. And my relation was Hamza, because of the way that he lived his life before; he was leading a life of hard drinking and hard living, he enjoyed his life to the full. He still enjoyed his life to the full after he became a Muslim. I related a lot to him.

So when I went on Hajj, I wanted to go to the battle scene of Uhud to see where he died. So I went to the cemetery, then got off the bus. As I was walking across, it was like I was walking through tranquility. I felt so emotional, and tears were just streaming down my face, and I couldn’t stop them, and I didn’t know why.

So I kept going, and as I got off this sandy patch unto the little paved area, it all went, and I thought that was strange. I went to the cemetery. I made my duaa to the martyrs and Hamza. And made my way back to the bus when I said “Come on it’s time to go”, and as I walked across that patch of ground it happened again, just crying. Someone asked me “What’s the matter?” and I told him, to the man who was there next to me because he was translating for me. He said “When our Prophet found out what happened to his uncle he cried, and just wept and wept.” And I said “Maybe he just left something there for somebody who wanted to find it,” and I felt it here, in my chest, for Hamza and it hit me fully.

So when I got home I said- and my wife was pregnant at the time- “If we have a son I want to call him Hamza,” and we had a little girl. So before I went to see my mum, I went on to the internet to see if there are any female relations of Hamza to give her a second name, and I couldn’t find anything. My wife said “Ask your mum”. So I asked my mom and my mum went away. A couple of days later, she said she went through the internet and found three names for us. The one we liked most was Safiyya. So we thought “OK then, we will give her the name Safiyya”.

Few months after we had done that, I was feeling really depressed and frustrated. I got a book and I just opened it up to read and see what there is in there. I was reading about the aftermath of Uhud. It just opened there, and it was talking about them going wrapping the Muslim Martyrs up and burying them.

Then the book started talking about Hamza’s sister, coming with two pieces of cloth. And Hamza’s sister was called Safiyya!

Photo: Reading The Prophet’s Biography Led Me to Islam<br />Yusuf Derbeshyre's Journey to Islam<br /><br />Before I was Muslim I was what you could classify as a “typical British lad”.<br /><br />I used to go out drinking on a Saturday evening, and all that kind of thing.<br /><br />Then about five years ago, I was going on holiday to Greece.<br /><br />When you go to an airport, you've got loads of books packed in your backpack for you to read from, and then you go sitting by the side of the swimming pool with a large bear, sun-bathing and reading a book, and you would never have too many books!<br /><br />I thought I would go to WHSmith and pick up a good book I could read, and I couldn't find anything. I got my rucksack on my back, and as I turned around to leave, I knocked the bookshelf and all the books fell off.<br /><br />Not wanting to be a bit awkward, so I picked everything up, and the books were all one book, and it was by a western author, called Barnaby Rogerson, and he wrote a book called “The Prophet Muhammad: A Biography”. I read the first page and it looked interesting. I read the second page. Took it to the counter, I bought it and took it on holiday with me.<br /><br />So I read the book, and I thought “Yeah I want to learn more.” So I came back, and I started to go to the local mosque, and I spoke to them and I said I wanted to learn more. And the Imam, who took my shahadah, said “Well to tell you the truth, the best way to understand Islam is to become a Muslim.”<br /><br />I didn’t think twice about it. I just took my shahadah there and then.<br /><br />I Related to Hamza, The Prophet's Uncle<br /><br />As I was walking across, it was like I was walking through tranquility. I felt so emotional and tears were just streaming down my face<br /><br />As a revert Muslim, you find that you sort of adhere yourself to somebody from the Sahabah (The Prophet’s companions). You know you could relate to them, because they were all revert Muslims too. And my relation was Hamza, because of the way that he lived his life before; he was leading a life of hard drinking and hard living, he enjoyed his life to the full. He still enjoyed his life to the full after he became a Muslim. I related a lot to him.<br /><br />So when I went on Hajj, I wanted to go to the battle scene of Uhud to see where he died. So I went to the cemetery, then got off the bus. As I was walking across, it was like I was walking through tranquility. I felt so emotional, and tears were just streaming down my face, and I couldn’t stop them, and I didn’t know why.<br /><br />So I kept going, and as I got off this sandy patch unto the little paved area, it all went, and I thought that was strange. I went to the cemetery. I made my duaa to the martyrs and Hamza. And made my way back to the bus when I said “Come on it’s time to go”, and as I walked across that patch of ground it happened again, just crying. Someone asked me “What’s the matter?” and I told him, to the man who was there next to me because he was translating for me. He said “When our Prophet found out what happened to his uncle he cried, and just wept and wept.” And I said “Maybe he just left something there for somebody who wanted to find it,” and I felt it here, in my chest, for Hamza and it hit me fully.<br /><br />So when I got home I said- and my wife was pregnant at the time- “If we have a son I want to call him Hamza,” and we had a little girl. So before I went to see my mum, I went on to the internet to see if there are any female relations of Hamza to give her a second name, and I couldn’t find anything. My wife said “Ask your mum”. So I asked my mom and my mum went away. A couple of days later, she said she went through the internet and found three names for us. The one we liked most was Safiyya. So we thought “OK then, we will give her the name Safiyya”.<br /><br />Few months after we had done that, I was feeling really depressed and frustrated. I got a book and I just opened it up to read and see what there is in there. I was reading about the aftermath of Uhud. It just opened there, and it was talking about them going wrapping the Muslim Martyrs up and burying them.<br /><br />Then the book started talking about Hamza’s sister, coming with two pieces of cloth. And Hamza’s sister was called Safiyya!


You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free's photo.
10 hours ago
"He (Jehoram) was 32 years old when he became king, and he ruled for 8 years in Jerusalem. No one was sorry to see him die. He was buried in the City of David but not in the tombs of the kings." [2 Chronicles 21:20]

"The people of Jerusalem made Jehoram's YOUNGEST son Ahaziah king in his place, because the raiders who came to the camp with the Arabs had killed all the older sons. So Jehoram's son Ahaziah became king of Judah. Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to rule, and he ruled for one year in Jerusalem."
[2 Chronicles 22:1-2]

◕ Now let's wait a minute and reason this !!

● Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king
● he ruled for 8 years then died .. so he was 32+8= 40 years

● In the same time his YOUNGEST son was 42 years old .. so Ahaziah the YOUNGEST son was 2 years elder than his father.
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the bible

 You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Free's photo.
10 hours ago
Bible Written by The Holy Who? Was The Bible Assembled By Vote?
Educative post for Muslims & Non-Muslims by Sheikh Yusuf Estes


Most modern day Christians claim the assembly of the Holy Bible is in fact, a Perfect Book, written by forty (40) authors, all being inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it has remained unchanged for thousands of years. I know, because when I was still a Christian, I used to believe the same thing.

However, this claim is not really from the Biblical scholars themselves, but rather by various laymen, being uneducated in the actual work of working with ancient documents and it promotes ignorance of the subject. When this is offered as some type of religious authority, it provides a deceptive and misleading presentation that is easily exposed as nonsense and could actually turn the believers of Christianity away from religion altogether.


The scholars of Canon of the Bible are quick to concede that the books we know in today's Bible, both in the Old and in the New Testaments, have undergone very serious changes throughout the centuries. First year students of Biblical manuscripts will immediately acknowledge this is the undeniable case. The Dead Sea scrolls (actually know as Wadi Qumran scrolls) for example, are clear evidence to this fact without doubt. Although hidden from the public for over forty years after discovery, the facts have now come to light. These scrolls were not something recorded before the advent of Christ (peace be upon him). But rather, these are now accurately placed at the very time of the first century of the Christian Era (C.E.). These ancient manuscripts demonstrate a number of very different variations of scripture all being distributed all at the very same time. Some of these scrolls are noted by present day scholars to be even more accurate, more extensive and of much better quality than what we find in our Bibles today.

What is the Real History of this Book? - The Holy Bible?
Has the Bible always been, as claimed by some, the unchangeable, uncompromised - Word for word - Letter for letter - Dot for dot - Word of God, that we know today?


Let's first consider the real history. For centuries there have been translations in and out of many different languages, too many to even number. My own library contains more than a dozen very different translations and I know of many more in the local Christian book store.

While many Christians would like to think the Bible they have on the coffee table, in their bookcase, hall closet (or in the bathroom) is the very same Bible used by the church for two thousand years, this is simply not true.


First and foremost, English must be ruled out as an authentic language for the Bible, as the English language did not even exist until after the Normans invaded the Saxxons in the Christian Era 1066 (C.E.) and that is not even one thousand years ago.


The Protestant Bible with its sixty six (66) books, did not exist until after there were Protestants. That may sound a bit humorus, yet many Christians today rely on the Protestant Bible as though it had come to them directly from the time of Jesus himself (peace be upon him).


Actually, the Catholic Latin Vulgate is the Bible translated by Jerome in the Latin language. It dates back to the fourth century (C.E.) and is currently located in the Vatican in Rome. Irregardless of its value in antiquity, the evident mistakes and deviations from the older manuscripts make it more of a museum spectacle than a serious reference.


The Catholic Bible has been comprised of seventy three (73) books for many centuries, athough from time to time, the Book of Revelations has come under question and been removed by one council or another and then replace by other councils at later dates.


Most Protestant Christians seem to think their Bible of sixty six (66) existed for thousands of years. This is incorrect. This particular version cannot exit prior to the advent of Bishop Martin Luther and his followers, all within the last five hundred (500) years or so.


The word 'canon' refers to specific writings that are accepted by the Church as being from the 'Devine' source (God). However, as to which books or writings are acceptable as canonical and which are not acceptable has been the subject of debates amongst the Judeo-Christian leaders for the last two millenium. As already mentioned, the Catholic Church has maintained over seventy (73) books in their version, while the Protestant verison limits the number to sixty six (66) and even then the Protestants did not agree on which books should be part and parcel o the Bible up until 1647, at the Assembly of Westminster.


A few of the New Testament Books now accepted (but earlier rejected) include: Hewbrews, James, 1st Peter, 2nd Peter, 2 John, 3rd John, Jude and the book of Revelations.


At one time in earlier manuscripts we find as part of the New Testament canon (at that time) the inclusion of: Shepher of Hermas, Epistle of Barnabas, 1st Clement, 2nd Clement, Epistle to Laodiceans (by Paul) and the Apostolic Constitions.


There are more than a dozen Books of the Old Testament accepted by some Jews and for the most part by Greek and Roman Catholic Churches, yet rejected by the Protestants. These include: Baruch, Tobit, Judith, Book of Wisdom, Song of Three Children, History of Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, Ecclesiasticus, 1st Esdras, 2nd Esdras, 1st Maccabees, 2nd Maccabees, 3rd Maccabees, 4th Maccabees, 5th Maccabees.


Only the first five (5) books, called the Pentateuch, were accepted by all Jewish and all Christians as being canonical or Devine. These are the famous first books of the Old Testament: Genesis; Exodus, Leviticus; Numbers and Deuteronomy.


While in my father's study, I came across a reference book for the ancient manuscripts of the Bible. In it I found listed the "Lost Books of the Bible". I was fascinated with this and through close examination, I found there were many other Books or manuscripts I had never heard of. The authors or writers of the Bible actually had referred to these works: Book of the Wars of the Lord; Book of Jasher; Book of the Covenant; Book of Nathan (the prophet, son of David); Book of Gad; Book of Samuel; Prophecy of Ahijah; Visions of Iddo; Acts of Uzziah; Acts of Solomon (son of David); Three Thousand (3,000) Proverbs of Solomon; A Thousand and Five (1,005) Songs of Solomon; Chronicles of Kings of Judah; Chronicles of Kings of Israel; Book of Jehu and the book of Enoch (the first person to write scripture of God, according to Islamic traditions).


The 'Canonized' Version of the Bible did not exist until after the Council of Bishops and even then is was still being debated for many centuries afterward. The books to be contained in the Holy Word of God, were actually just chosen by the popular vote, much the same way we would vote on any public law today. Which brings to mind a number of complications as to these really having any real Divine authority. Which bishop was against or for certain books that did not make it into the final edition (and why?). What was the reason some endorsed while others declined on various books?


We now come to another very important issue concerning books, actually 'Gospels' (Greek: 'Good News') of the New Testament. Why are we now deprived of the 'Good News' of Thomas? Or Jade? Or Peter? Those were the names of actual Gospels that were left out of the final version of the council choices. Along with others such as: The Gospel of Hebrews; Gospel of the Egyptians; Gospel of Perfection; Gospel of Judas; Gospel of Thaddeus; Gospel of the Infancy; Gospel of the Preaching of Peter; Gospel of the Shepherd of Hermas; The Epislte of Baranabas; Gospel of the Pastor of Hermas; the Revelation of Peter; the Revelation of Paul; the Epistle of Clement; the Epistle of Ignatius; the Gospel of Mary; the Gospel of Nicodemus and the Gospel of Marcion.


Did we somehow miss out on all of this "Good News" (Gospels) by one or two votes? How much did we miss these by? And then, what about: The Acts of Pilate, Acts of Andrew; Acts of Mary; Acts of Paul; Acts of Thecia and even more. Consider what would have happened in the year 365 (C.E.) at the Council of Laodicea, if even one of those Bishops had voted differently, or maybe not even shown up on that particular day. A vote or two cast differently would have produced a very different belief for millions upon millions of Christians in the last 1600 years.

As a matter of fact, why would we be forced to accept the voting of some men back 16 centuries ago?


The Gutenberg priniting press brought about a revolutionary change in reading material that changed the way people read, learned and understood informaiton as never before. It was this invention that produced for the first time, a Bible that could be said to be exactly the same as other Bibles coming from the same printings on this press.

At the same time, we become seriously aware of the fact that prior to this marvelous invention, the Bible was not in one solid form. Rather it was in pieces in manuscript form on scrolls and parchments and could not have been reliabily copied, translated, recopied and transferred from one parchment to the next without at least some mistakes, omissions, alterations or errors.


This begs the question, how easy would it have been to intentionally change, alter, add or omit certain words, verses or even whole chapters by church leaders or scroll keepers in an effort to appease rulers or enforce certain objectives on the believers?

How could we ever know just how much of the Biblical text has been altered, changed, deleted or rewritten by the hand of well meaning (or not-so-well-meaning) monks and scroll keepers over the centuries?

We are all in a serious condition these days. Atheism is on the rise amongst many of our youth. And dependency on drugs, alcoholism, sex, family abuse, adultry, rape, murder, terrorism, wars and suicides are happening everywhere. All the while we have people insisting on reliance to a book, that in all fairness is much more from mankind than it is from Above.

All the faithful would agree, there must be reliance on the the Word of the One God Above for solutions to these problems. But how many will really take a step back to consider what the correct source for God's Word to mankind might really be?