الأحد، 10 يناير 2021

Number of Muslims in Japan Doubles in a Decade | About Islam

Number of Muslims in Japan Doubles in a Decade | About Islam

Find the right spouse - The Muslim Family | Sh. McCarthy | Young Smirks ...

ألانا بلوكلى بإشهار إسلامها تثبت فشل كل محاولات الغرب لتشوية الإسلام

Quran with English Translate العفاسي مع الترجمة بالانجليزية - YouTube

Quran with English Translate العفاسي مع الترجمة بالانجليزية - YouTube

Sleeping on the right side


ISLAM and Science
‎‏ مع ‏‎
Syed Ummul Baneen
‎‏ و‏‏١٦‏ آخرين‏.

Sleeping on the right side
Prophet Mohamed peace be upon him advised us 1400 years ago to start our sleeping mode on the right side, why?.....…
Scientists say that sleeping on the left side is not favored, as the heart would be under the pressure of the right lung, the biggest of the two lungs, and this would affect its contraction especially if the person is old. Also they assure that the full stomach which itself is under the pressure of the heaviest organ in the digestive tract, the liver, which delays its emptying, would also impose a pressure on the heart.Hence they advise people to sleep on the right side especially for patients by any heart disease.
Glory to Allah!!! Who told our prophet this medical advice?

اسهل كيكة بالكريمة ناجحة - موقعي.نت

اسهل كيكة بالكريمة ناجحة - موقعي.نت

بعد إسلامه أراد إخبار العالم كله أن الإعلام يتعمد تشويه الإسلام

Chat Islam Online - Nau?ne ?injenice u Kur´anu: Relativnost vremena

Chat Islam Online - Nau?ne ?injenice u Kur´anu: Relativnost vremena


كعك عنبر محشي بالنوازت مع طريقة تشكيل مبسطة ب200غ لوز فقط

بعد إسلامها إكتشفت أن الله كان يجهزها للإسلام منذ عمر 6 سنوات

ترتيل جميل في سورة المنافقون الركعة الثانية في صلاة العشاء للقارئ بيشةوا...

803 - ما معنى زجرُ الطير؟ - عثمان الخميس

الفاصلة القرآنية

الفاصلة القرآنية: الفاصلة القرآنية  الآن نتوقف وقفة تأمل مع الفاصلة القرآنية، والفاصلة هي رأس الآية القرآنية. فقد ذكر الجاحظ في البيان والتبيين: حدَّثوا أن رجلًا أعرابيًّا في عهد عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه قرأ: ﴿ فَإِنْ زَلَلْتُمْ مِنْ بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَتْكُمُ الْبَيِّنَاتُ فَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ عَزِيزٌ حَكِيمٌ ﴾ [البقرة: 209]، وذكر غفور رحيم بدلًا من عزيز حكيم، فقال الأعرابي: لا يكون، وفي رواية أخرى أنه قال: إن كان هذا كلام الله فلا يقول كذا الحكيم؛ لا يذكر الغفران عند الزلل؛ لأنه إغراء عليه....



Not very long ago, I was preparing myself to be a Christian soldier against Islam, fighting with my words, not by force. the Quran had been known to me as a dangerous book.
but when I read the opening of the Quran, I could not stop the tears. I learned there was much peace that comes from reading this book of God. I compared it to the bible, my questions ever increasing. Why did I worship Jesus all this time when, even in the bible, Jesus clearly instructs the crowds to worship the one true Lord, and to serve him only (Luke 4:8).
Sister Maya Z
Courtesy: Non-muslims who revert to Islam

How to increase your Iman... A few tips:


How to increase your Iman... A few tips:
1. Read Quran.
2. Pray your 5 daily prayers.
3. Pray in the masajid.
4. Make constant dhikr.
5. Keep God fearing friends and those that remind you of Allah (SWT).
5. Repent from your sins.
6. Cover up your awrah.
7. Go to lectures in the masajid.
8. Read ahadith.
9. Give dawah even if it is one ayah.
10. Stay away from haram places.
11. Lower your gaze.
12. Learn the seerah of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and his sahabah.

Chat Islam Online — про іслам

Chat Islam Online — про іслам

International Open University | Accredited Degree Programs

International Open University | Accredited Degree Programs: Accredited Degree Programs

On chat...


On chat...
Boy: Are you Male or Female?
Girl: Yes, indeed I am Female.
Boy: No way. You can not be a Female.
Girl: Why do you have doubts about my being Female???
Boy: Some people pretend to be Female but they are actually Male.
Girl: May be they are, but I am Female.
Boy: How can you prove? I still have doubts.
Girl: Do you have webcam? I will just appear for a second or take my number and call me..
Boy: Ok I am sending invitation / Iwill call you now.
Shaitan: I am successful today in pushing them to sin.
Sisters, Why do you have to prove someone what you are?
Impress Allah with your actions not the entire world. If He is pleased, He will surround you with His pious servants and cause love in their hearts for you. He will bless you with a pious husband too.
Brothers, you may find plenty of girls around who are HOT no doubt. But the Hell Fire is 70 timeshotter than the fire what we see in this world. Be careful and avoid being burnt alive....
٥ مشاركات



1) stay away from anger…
It hurts…Only You!
2) If you are right then there is no need to get angry,
and if you are wrong then you don’t have any right
to get angry.
3) Patience with family is love,
Patience with others is respect.
Patience with self is confidence and Patience with
GOD is faith.
4) Never think hard about the PAST, It brings tears…
Don’t think more about the FUTURE, It brings fears…
Live this moment with a smile,
It brings cheers
5) Every test in our life makes us bitter or better,
Every problem comes to make us or break us,
The choice is ours whether we become victims or
6) Beautiful things are not always good but good
things are always beautiful
7) Do you know why God created gaps between
So that someone who is special to you comes and fills
those gaps by holding your hand forever
8)Happiness keeps you sweet so try n be as happy
from within as possible
9)Allah has send us all in pairs…someone ...somewhere is
made for u…so wait for the right time n right moment..
٥ مشاركات