الأحد، 18 يوليو 2021
WAMY Brazil
WAMY Brazil: WAMY Brazil Assembleia Mundial da Juventude Islâmica no Brasil, em árabe e português
Telegram: Contact @spanish_islam
Telegram: Contact @spanish_islam: 🍃اعلموا بارك الله فيكم بأن نشركم للمواد الدعوية لن يكلفكم جهداً ، كل ماعليكم هو حفظ وتحويل أو نسخ ثم إرسال،ثم لايحصي إلا الله ماتنالونه من الإجور، ذقتم جمال هذا الدين وحلاوته، فساهموا في نشره وأبشروا🌱 https://t.me/spanish_islam
L’Islam, I suoi Pilastri e il suo Credo - Italiano - Muhammad ibn Saleh Al Othaimiin
L’Islam, I suoi Pilastri e il suo Credo - Italiano - Muhammad ibn Saleh Al Othaimiin: In questo breve articolo, tratto dal libro Sharḥ Usul al-Iman (La spiegazione dei principi della fede) scritto dal sapiente Muhammed Ibn Saleh al-’Uthaymin, sono enunciati e spiegati i principi generali dell’Islam che tutti i musulmani hanno il dovere di conosce ed applicare. L’argomento proposto è molto interessante per tutte le persone che non sono musulmane e desiderano conoscere quest’onorabile religione. Tutti i principi esposti nell’articolo sono stati corredati dall’autore con i versetti del Sublime Corano o i detti del Profeta Muhammed (che Dio lo elogi e lo preservi da ogni male) in cui c’è l’evidenza dell’attendibilità di questi concetti.
Free Ebook: A Beginner’s Companion to Arabic Manuscripts | Calling Christians
Free Ebook: A Beginner’s Companion to Arabic Manuscripts | Calling Christians: For students unaccustomed to classical handwriting, the thought of consulting Arabic manuscripts can be daunting. However, anyone in the field of Islamic studies will testify that at times research…
ماذا أعددت ليوم عرفة؟ - طريق الإسلام
ماذا أعددت ليوم عرفة؟ - طريق الإسلام: كيف تستقبل يوم عرفة؟ ذلك اليوم المشهود، ذلك اليوم المبارك الذي أقسم الله به في قوله: {وَشَاهِدٍ وَمَشْهُودٍ}.
Rulings on Congratulating the Christians on their Holidays (PDF) - Belief - Library - Alukah.net
Rulings on Congratulating the Christians on their Holidays (PDF) - Belief - Library - Alukah.net: Downlod File (Right click and select 'Save As' or 'Save Target As')
شبكة الألوكة
شبكة الألوكة:
رجل طلبت زوجته الطلاق؛ لأنها تريد عيشًا أفضل، فطلقها، فتزوجت بعد العدة من شخص سيئ السمعة، وهو بدوره طلقها بعد سنة ونصف، وهي الآن تريد العودة إلى زوجها الأول، ويسأل: ما الرأي؟
(PDF) Age of Consent in Classical Islamic Law | Justin Parrott - Academia.edu
(PDF) Age of Consent in Classical Islamic Law | Justin Parrott - Academia.edu: Age of Consent in Classical Islamic Law
The Parents, Islam & Social Justice - The Religion of Islam
The Parents, Islam & Social Justice - The Religion of Islam: In this video Dr. Uthman Lateef details the gratefulness we should show towards our parents and the ways in which we should show respect for them. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.
Hajj: A Celebration of Peace - The Religion of Islam
Hajj: A Celebration of Peace - The Religion of Islam: A simplified overview of pilgrim’s journey to Hajj. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. It contains a lot of brief, yet informative articles about different aspects of Islam. New articles are added every week. Also, it features Live Help through chat.
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