الاثنين، 17 سبتمبر 2012

6 April 2012 The True Story of Dajjal

(1) The Deen Show

Evolution of Fiqh

Un diálogo teórico entre un musulmán y un cristiano en Internet - Artículos - Español


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عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم الدُّنْيَا سِجْنُ الْمُؤْمِنِ وَجَنَّةُ الْكَافِرِ

صحيح مسلم كِتَاب الزُّهْدِ وَالرَّقَائِقِ

“The world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the unbeliever

Sahih Muslim Book 42 Number 7056


Sahih International Al-Fatir (The Originator) | Faith in Allah الإيمان بالله


‎"Jesus, peace be upon him, was asked:
'Refer us to a deed through which we will enter Paradise on its account.'
He replied: 'Do not speak at all."
The inquirer said: 'We cannot do that!'
Whereupon Jesus said: 'So do not talk except with good.'"

[The sayings of Jesus - by Imam Al-Ghazali ]
Exclusive on You Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Set You Fre


In the time of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh), the population of Makkah was no more than 10,000 Arabs. No Jews, Christians, or Romans lived there. Of all those, only three men besides Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) worshipped Allah alone. Warqa Ibn Nofel, Omro Ibn Nafeel, and Zeyed Ibn Nafeel. All the others were idolaters.

During the 23 years of Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh) rule, there were only three cases of adultery, three divorces, and one robbery.

In one adultery case, a woman from the tribe of Beni Ghamid asked Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) to clear her (carry out the penance)of the sin of adultery. He asked her to come back when the baby was born. After the baby was born, she came back to Mohammad (pbuh) with the same request. He asked her to go and nurse the baby for two years. After two years she came back again with the same request. She insisted that now she should receive the penalty of committing adultery, even though Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) kept puttin
g her off. Finally Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) ordered her desired penalty, according to Islamic law.

Another person Maaz Ibn Malik came to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) and told him that he had committed adultery. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) did not order his punishment right away. He asked him if he was drunk or if he had just kissed the woman. The man replied no to both questions.

Mohammad (pbuh) also confirmed this adultery case from his family and tribe. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) asked if this person was insane. They replied that he was not insane. Maaz Ibn Malik insisted on receiving the penalty for his sin.
Then, Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) passed his judgment according to Islamic law.

A woman from the tribe of Bani Maqzoum was involved in a stealing incident. The woman was very rich and belonged to a very well known family. Her family did not want her to be punished and tried to hide her in several different ways. When this came to Prophet Mohammad's (pbuh) attention he ordered her brought to him. He said that if his daughter Fatimah had stolen, he would have ordered her hand to be cut off, too.

The law of Allah is perfect and the judgment of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) was always just. The Islamic society was very fair and good under his rule.


When Allah commands, there is none to reverse it. Allah is the Master of all planing

– Al Qur’an 13:38/43
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– Dr Joseph Adam Pearson

“People who worry that nuclear weaponry will one day fall in the hands of the Arabs.
They fail to realize that the Islamic bomb has been dropped already, it fell the day MUHAMMAD was born”
– Dr Joseph Adam Pearson
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the truth


◕ The religion of Islam is not named after a person or a people, nor was it decided upon by later generations of man, Christianity was named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, Confucianism after Confucius, Marxism afte
r Karl Marx, Judaism after the tribe of Judah and Hinduism after the Hindus.

◕ The Arabic word "Islam" means Submission (to God), his commandments, laws and the way of life that He prescribed for Humankind in a comprehensive system covering all aspects of human life.

◕ Islam was not a new religion brought by Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) but only the true religion of God re-expressed in its final form.

◕ Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, the first man and the first prophet of God, and it was the religion of all the prophets sent by God to mankind. All of them called the people to submit to the Only true God and his commandments.

◕ Islam is religion of a strict monotheism that declares and proves absolute oneness of God. Islam has not any relation with symbols, objects or formalism; it does not accept a symbol or figure as holy.

◕ Muslims believe in one, unique, incomparable God, in the angels created by Him, in the revealed Scriptures, in the prophets through whom His revelations were made to mankind, in the Day of Judgement and life after death, individual accountability for actions, and in God’s complete authority over human destiny.
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Is Jesus said "Father & I Are One" .......?

Is Jesus said "Father & I Are One" .......?

Jesus said "All my followers to be ONE Just as my Father and I are ONE" (Bible,John 17:11)

Jesus said, "...for the Father
is greater and mightier than I am."
(John 14:28)(AMP)

Jesus said, "....The Father is
"GREATER" than I."
(John 14:28)(NLV)

"For he received honor and glory
from God the Father..."
(2Peter 1:17)(NIV)

"...while Jesus was on earth...
He truly worshiped God,
and God listened to his prayers...
(Hebrews 5:7,8)(CEV)

Jesus Said - "...but the world must learn
that I love the Father
and that I do exactly what my
Father has commanded me."
(John 14:31)(NIV)

"Christ was humble.
He OBEYED God..."
(Philippians 2:8)(CEV)

"Although He was a Son,
He learned OBEDIENCE
from the things which He suffered."
(Hebrews 5:8)(NASB)

".......I OBEY my Father
and remain in his love."
(John 15:10)(NLT)

"Jesus ...had to suffer before he could learn
what it really means to OBEY God...."
(Hebrews 5:8)(CEV)

"Jesus ...... had to suffer before he could "learn"
what it really means to "obey"God...."
(Hebrews 5:8)(CEV)

Jesus said, ".I have obeyed
my Father's commands."
(John 15:10)(NIV)
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divin love


"...Then the world will know that you sent me
and will understand that you love them as much as you love me. "
(Bible,John 17:23)

"Here is my SERVANT whom I have chosen,
the one I love,in whom I delight;
I will put my Spirit on him,and he will proclaim justice to the nation."
(Bible,Matthew 12:18)

"Jesus doesn't hesitate...when he says,
Even I live by placing my trust in God..."
(Bible,Hebrews 2:10-13)
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* Does Jesus have a God Almighty *

* Does Jesus have a God Almighty *

Jesus' Relationship to Almighty God "The Father"

"I and the Father are one heart and mind."
(John 10:30) (MSG)

"Then they will be one with each other,
just as you and I are one. "
(John 17:11) (CEV)

"Christ was humble.
He OBEYED God..."
(Philippians 2:8)(CEV)

" I pray for them...
...Holy Father, protect them
by the power of your name--
the name you gave me--
so that THEY may be ONE
(JUST) as we are ONE."
(John 17:9,11) (NIV)

"...And while Jesus was on earth,
and TEARS to save him.
He truly worshiped God,
and God listened to his prayers.
(Hebrews 5:7)(CEV)

"My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will believe
in me through their message,
that all of them may be ONE,
Father, just as you are in me
and I am in you.
May they also be in us
so that the world may believe
that you have sent me."
(John 17:20,21) (NIV)

"I have given them the glory that you gave me,
that they may be ONE
as we are ONE :
I in them and you in me.
May they be brought to complete unity
to let the world know that you sent me
and have loved them even as you have loved me.
...in order that the love you have for me
may be in them and that I myself may be in them."
(John 17:22,23,26) (NIV)

"Holy Father, guard them as they pursue this life
That you conferred as a gift through me,
So they can be ONE heart and mind
As we are one heart and mind. "
(John 17:11,12) (MSG)

"The goal is for all of them
to become ONE heart and mind--
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be ONE heart and mind with us."
(John 17:21) (MSG)

"The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they'll be as unified and together as we are--
I in them and you in me.
Then they'll be mature in this ONENESS,
And give the godless world evidence
That you've sent me and loved them
In the same way you've loved me."
(John 17:22,23) (MSG)

"then make my joy complete
by being like­minded,
having the same love,
being ONE in spirit and purpose. "
(Philippians 2:2) (NIV)

"Holy Father,
guard them as they pursue this life
That you conferred as a gift through me,
So they can be one heart and mind
As we are one heart and mind..."
(John 17:11,12) (MSG)

"Now make me completely happy!
Live in harmony by showing love for each other.
Be united in what you think,
as if you were only ONE person. "
(Philippians 2:2) (CEV)

"The goal is for all of them
to become ONE heart and mind--
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be ONE heart and mind with us.
Then the world might believe that you,
in fact, sent me.
The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they'll be as unified and together as we are--
I in them and you in me.
Then they'll be mature in this ONE-ness,
And give the godless world evidence
That you've sent me and loved them
In the same way you've loved me."
(John 17:21-23) (MSG)

"Now I am departing the world;
I am leaving them behind
and coming to you. Holy Father,
keep them and care for them--
all those you have given me--
so that They will be united
(John 17:11) (NLT)

"My prayer for all of them is that
THEY will be ONE,
Just as You and I are ONE, Father--
I have given them the glory you gave me,
so that they may be ONE, as we are--
I in them and you in me,
all being perfected into ONE. "
(John 17: 21-23) (NLT)

"...Then the world will know that you sent me
and will understand that you love them
as much as you love me. "
(John 17:23) (NLT)

"After Jesus had finished speaking to his disciples,
he looked up toward heaven and prayed...
Then they will be ONE with each other,
JUST as you and I are one.
I am not praying just for these followers.
I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith
because of what my followers will say about me.
I want all of them to be ONE with each other,
JUST as I am ONE with you
and you are one with me.
I also want them to be "one" WITH us.
I have honored my followers
in the same way that you honored me,
in order that they may be one with each other,
just as we are one.
I am one with them,
and you are one with me,
so that they may become completely ONE.
Then this world's people will know that you sent me.
They will know that you love my followers
as much as you love me. "
(John 17: 1,11,20-23) (CEV)

"I and the Father are ONE heart and mind."
(John 10:30) (MSG)
Photo: * Does Jesus have a God Almighty *

Jesus' Relationship to Almighty God "The Father"

"I and the Father are one heart and mind."
(John 10:30) (MSG)

"Then they will be one with each other,
just as you and I are one. "
(John 17:11) (CEV)

"Christ was humble.
He OBEYED God..."
(Philippians 2:8)(CEV)

" I pray for them...
...Holy Father, protect them
by the power of your name--
the name you gave me--
so that THEY may be ONE
(JUST) as we are ONE."
(John 17:9,11) (NIV)

"...And while Jesus was on earth,
and TEARS to save him.
He truly worshiped God,
and God listened to his prayers.
(Hebrews 5:7)(CEV)

"My prayer is not for them alone.
I pray also for those who will believe
in me through their message,
that all of them may be ONE,
Father, just as you are in me
and I am in you.
May they also be in us
so that the world may believe
that you have sent me."
(John 17:20,21) (NIV)

"I have given them the glory that you gave me,
that they may be ONE
as we are ONE :
I in them and you in me.
May they be brought to complete unity
to let the world know that you sent me
and have loved them even as you have loved me.
...in order that the love you have for me
may be in them and that I myself may be in them."
(John 17:22,23,26) (NIV)

"Holy Father, guard them as they pursue this life
That you conferred as a gift through me,
So they can be ONE heart and mind
As we are one heart and mind. "
(John 17:11,12) (MSG)

"The goal is for all of them
to become ONE heart and mind--
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be ONE heart and mind with us."
(John 17:21) (MSG)

"The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they'll be as unified and together as we are--
I in them and you in me.
Then they'll be mature in this ONENESS,
And give the godless world evidence
That you've sent me and loved them
In the same way you've loved me."
(John 17:22,23) (MSG)

"then make my joy complete
by being like­minded,
having the same love,
being ONE in spirit and purpose. "
(Philippians 2:2) (NIV)

"Holy Father,
guard them as they pursue this life
That you conferred as a gift through me,
So they can be one heart and mind
As we are one heart and mind..."
(John 17:11,12) (MSG)

"Now make me completely happy!
Live in harmony by showing love for each other.
Be united in what you think,
as if you were only ONE person. "
(Philippians 2:2) (CEV)

"The goal is for all of them
to become ONE heart and mind--
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be ONE heart and mind with us.
Then the world might believe that you,
in fact, sent me.
The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they'll be as unified and together as we are--
I in them and you in me.
Then they'll be mature in this ONE-ness,
And give the godless world evidence
That you've sent me and loved them
In the same way you've loved me."
(John 17:21-23) (MSG)

"Now I am departing the world;
I am leaving them behind
and coming to you. Holy Father,
keep them and care for them--
all those you have given me--
so that They will be united
(John 17:11) (NLT)

"My prayer for all of them is that
THEY will be ONE,
Just as You and I are ONE, Father--
I have given them the glory you gave me,
so that they may be ONE, as we are--
I in them and you in me,
all being perfected into ONE. "
(John 17: 21-23) (NLT)

"...Then the world will know that you sent me
and will understand that you love them
as much as you love me. "
(John 17:23) (NLT)

"After Jesus had finished speaking to his disciples,
he looked up toward heaven and prayed...
Then they will be ONE with each other,
JUST as you and I are one.
I am not praying just for these followers.
I am also praying for everyone else who will have faith
because of what my followers will say about me.
I want all of them to be ONE with each other,
JUST as I am ONE with you
and you are one with me.
I also want them to be "one" WITH us.
I have honored my followers
in the same way that you honored me,
in order that they may be one with each other,
just as we are one.
I am one with them,
and you are one with me,
so that they may become completely ONE.
Then this world's people will know that you sent me.
They will know that you love my followers
as much as you love me. "
(John 17: 1,11,20-23) (CEV)

"I and the Father are ONE heart and mind."
(John 10:30) (MSG)
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God is ONE & ONLY !

God is ONE & ONLY !

Hear, O Israel: The LORD thy God is one LORD
[Bible,Deuteronomy 6:4]

"In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Say (O Muhammad) He is God the One God, the Everlasting Refuge, who has not begotten, nor has been begotten, and equal to Him is not anyone." [Quran Chapter 112]
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hadith of fasting

قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: «إن الأعمال ترفع يوم الاثنين و الخميس، فأحب أن يرفع عملي و أنا صائم ».
صححه الألباني

The Prophet (peace be on him) mentioned that: «The deeds of the worshippers are presented before Allah on Monday and Thursday, I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting.» [Reported as Saheeh by Albani]
Photo: قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم: «إن الأعمال ترفع يوم الاثنين و الخميس، فأحب أن يرفع عملي و أنا صائم ».
صححه الألباني

The Prophet (peace be on him) mentioned that: «The deeds of the worshippers are presented before Allah on Monday and Thursday, I like my deeds to be presented while I am fasting.» [Reported as Saheeh by Albani]

* Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) Name in the Hindu Scriptures *

* Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) Name in the Hindu Scriptures *

A Brief Introduction To Hindu Scriptures

The Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Brahmanas Granth are the four sacred books in Hindu religion. The last one is a commentary on the Vedas, 
but it is considered as a revealed book. These books are in Sanskrit, the sacred language of the Hindus. The Vedas are divided into four books: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sam Veda and Atharva Veda. Of these, the first three books are considered the more ancient books, and the Rig Veda is the oldest of them. The Rig Veda was compiled in three long and different periods. Opinions greatly differ as to the date of compilation or revelation of the four Vedas. Swami Daya Nand, founder of the Arya Samaj, holds the opinion that the Vedas were revealed 1.3 billion years ago, while others (Hindu scholars and orientalists) hold the opinion that they are not more than four thousand years old. Analysis of the Vedas reveal differences in the accounts of the places where these books were revealed and the Rishis (Prophets) to whom these scriptures were given. Nevertheless, the Vedas are the most authentic scriptures of the Hindus.

The Upanishads are considered next to the Vedas in order of superiority and authenticity. However, some Pandits consider the Upanishads to be superior to the Vedas primarily from the internal evidence found in the Upanishads. Next in authenticity to the Upanishads are the Puranas. The Puranas are the most widely read of all Hindu Scriptures, as these are easily available (the Vedas are difficult to find). The compiler of the Puranas is Maha Rishi Vyasa, and he arranged the Puranas in eighteen volumes. These books contain the history of the creation of the universe, the history of the early Aryan people, and life stories of the divines and deities of the Hindus. The Puranas were either revealed simultaneously with the Vedas or some time before. The sanctity and reverence of the Puranas is admitted and recognized in all the authentic books of the Hindus.

For a long time, the Hindu Scriptures were primarily in the hands of Pandits and a small group of men who had learned Sanskrit (The majority of the Hindu population knew Hindi and could comprehend only a smattering of Sanskrit words). Sir William Jones, who was a Judge and founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal, learned Sanskrit in the last decade of the Eighteenth century. He was instrumental in generating interest in Sanskrit and Hindu Scriptures in Europe, and it was due to his efforts that the Hindu scriptures were translated into English.

In 1935, Dr. Pran Nath published an article in the Times of India that showed that the Rig Veda contains events of the Babylonian and Egyptian kings and their wars. Further, he showed that one-fifth of the Rig Veda is derived from the Babylonian Scriptures. From a Muslim perspective, it is likely that the Hindus were given a revealed book or books that contained description and struggles of Allah’s Prophets sent previously to other peoples. It is also possible that commentaries written about them were incorporated later and became a part of the revealed books.

There are a number of examples of these in Hindu scriptures. The Atharva Veda is also known as ‘Brahma Veda’ or in its meaning as the Devine Knowledge. An Analysis of the Vedas reveal that ‘Brahma’ is actually Abraham, where the initial letter A in Abraham is moved to the end making it Brahma. This analysis is accurate when one writes the two words in Arabic script, a language close to that spoken by Prophet Abraham. Similarly, Abraham’s first wife Sarah is mentioned in the Vedas as Saraswati, and Prophet Nuh (Noah of The Flood) is mentioned as Manuh or Manu. Some Pundits consider Atharva Veda as the Book of Abraham. Prophets Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac) are named Atharva and Angira, respectively, in the Vedas.

Background To Prophecies

It is well known that the Hindus love hero worship, and it is reasonable to assume that over a long period of time the high regard and reverence for some Prophets led to some of them considered as god or God. Further, it is likely that the Book of Abraham and those of other Prophets contained prophecies about the Last Prophet, Muhammad (s). Muslim historians of India hold the opinion that the graves of Prophets Sheesh and Ayyub (Job) are in Ayodhya, in the province of Uttar Pradesh, India. In ancient times, Ayodhya was known as Khosla according to Shatpath Brahmanas.

Some Pundits have now begun to reject the Puranas simply because they find in them many prophecies and vivid signs of the truth of Prophet Muhammad. A case has been made that the present Puranas are not the same collection that Vedas refer to and the real books were lost. Nevertheless, this contention is not correct. It is impossible that all the Puranas which were so widely read and keenly studied, could have fallen in oblivion and totally wiped out, whereas the Vedas, which only a few could read and understand, remained intact until now.

Another argument against the prophecies is that these were added to the Puranas at a later date. Nevertheless, this argument is also without a basis. Such a well-known book, in vast circulation and read at appointed times in prayers, cannot be easily tampered with. Moreover, all the Pandits and the learned divines of the Hindus could not have conspired and secretly added these prophecies to the Puranas. The most strange thing is that the corruption is made in favor of the Prophet and against their own religion.

All major books of the Hindus prophesy about Prophet Mohammad. In addition to many of his qualities, his life events, Abraham, Ka'bah, Bakkah (Makkah) and Arabia, the prophecies mention his name as Mahamad, Mamah, and Ahmad. The name Mahamad appears in the Puranas, Mamah in Kuntap Sukt (in Atharva Veda) and Ahmad in Sama Veda. Many different classifications as to the degree of importance of the Vedas have been made. For example, in Shatpath it is stated that Sama Veda is the essence of all the Vedas. At another place in Taitttriya Brahmana, it is stated that “This world was created from Brahma, the Vaishas were created from the mantras of the Rig Veda, the Kashtriyas were created from Yajur Veda and Brahmans were created from Sama Veda.”

Prophecy In The Puranas

The compiler of the Puranas, Mahrishi Vyasa, is highly honored among the Hindus as a great rishi and learned person. He was a pious and God fearing man. He also wrote the Gita and the Maha Bharat. Among the eighteen volumes of the Puranas is one by the title ‘Bhavishya Puran,’ literally meaning future events. The Hindus regard it as the Word of God. The prophecy containing Prophet Muhammad by name is found in Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3, Verse 5.

Before the English translation is presented, a note on the word Malechha that appears in the first part of verse 5 is in order. The word Malechha means a man belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language. This word is now used to degrade people meaning unclean or even worse. Its usage varies and depends on who is using it and for whom. Sir William Jones had great difficulty in recruiting a Pundit to teach him Sanskrit because he was considered unclean (Malechha). It was only after the direct intervention of Maharaja (King) Shiv Chandra that Pundit Ram Lochna agreed to teach him Sanskrit.

It is not known when this word began to be used in the derogatory sense, whether before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s), after the conversion of Hindu King Chakrawati Farmas (of Malabar, located on the southwest coast of India) to Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet, soon after the arrival of Muslims in India (711 CE) or sometime later. Mahrishi Vyasa, the compiler of the Puranas, has defined a wise Malechha as “a man of good actions, sharp intellect, spiritual eminence, and showing reverence to the deity (God).

Many Sanskrit words have borrowed from Arabic and Hebrew with a slight change as was shown in the examples of Brahma, Saraswati and Manu, and as indicated in Table 2 below. It appears that this word is derived from the Hebrew word Ma-Hekha (), which means thy brethren (e.g., And he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. Genesis 16:12; i.e., Ismaelites are the brethren of the Israelites). In the context of Biblical scriptures this word meant a descendant of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael), and it is well known that Muhammad (s) is a descendant of Prophet Ismail through his second son Kedar. Those who can read Arabic Script can easily see that a mistake in separating Ma from Hekha will produce a single word ‘Malhekha,’ and when adapted in another tongue like Sanskrit might sound like Malechha.

“A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Mahadev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee.' 'O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents (idol worshipers, pagans).' ‘O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.'

“The Malechhas have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in that country. Before also there appeared a misguided fiend whom I had killed [note: e.g., Abraha Al-Ashram, the Abyssinian viceroy of Yemen, who attacked Mecca]; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mahamad (Mohammad), who has been given by me the epithet of Brahma is busy in bringing the Pishachas to the right path. O Raja! You need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, "O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of ‘Ashwar Parmatma (God, Supreme Spirit), I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat-eaters. My follower will be a man circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing call for prayer and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. Because of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmans (Muslims). I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nation."

More Prophecies In Hindu Scriptures

The Vedas contain many prophecies about Prophet Muhammad. Some European and Hindu translators of the Vedas have removed the name referring to the Prophet, while others have tried to explain away the mantras (verses) on his life events, Ka’bah, Makkah, Medinah, Arabia, and other events using the terminology of the Hindus, such as purification rituals, and lands and rivers in India. Some mantras containing prophecies are inter-mixed with explanatory phrases, and it may be that these were commentaries and explanatory notes on the prophecies, which later became a part of the prophecy.

Several prophecies are found in Atharva Veda: (1) XX: 21, Mantras 6, 7, and 9, (2) XX: 137, Mantras 7 through 9, and (3) X: 2, Mantras 26, 27, 29, 30, and 32. Similarly, in Rig Veda, additional prophecies are found in: (1) VII: 96, Mantras 13 through 16, and (2) I: 53, Mantras 6 and 9. Finally, a prophecy is found in Sama Veda III: 10, Mantra 1. These are a sample of many prophecies. The serious reader may want to refer to scholarly work of Dr. A.H. Vidyarthi, entitled “Mohammad in World Scriptures,” 1990. This book explains the Hindu terminology used in the Mantras and the meaning and usage of certain words and phrases from within the Vedas and other Hindu Scriptures.

A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad...

The translation of Verses 5-27 (Sanskrit text of the Puranas, Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3) is presented below picture of its original text in the Hindu Scripture.
Photo: * Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) Name in the Hindu Scriptures *

A Brief Introduction To Hindu Scriptures

The Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas, and Brahmanas Granth are the four sacred books in Hindu religion. The last one is a commentary on the Vedas, but it is considered as a revealed book. These books are in Sanskrit, the sacred language of the Hindus. The Vedas are divided into four books: Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sam Veda and Atharva Veda. Of these, the first three books are considered the more ancient books, and the Rig Veda is the oldest of them. The Rig Veda was compiled in three long and different periods. Opinions greatly differ as to the date of compilation or revelation of the four Vedas. Swami Daya Nand, founder of the Arya Samaj, holds the opinion that the Vedas were revealed 1.3 billion years ago, while others (Hindu scholars and orientalists) hold the opinion that they are not more than four thousand years old. Analysis of the Vedas reveal differences in the accounts of the places where these books were revealed and the Rishis (Prophets) to whom these scriptures were given. Nevertheless, the Vedas are the most authentic scriptures of the Hindus.

The Upanishads are considered next to the Vedas in order of superiority and authenticity. However, some Pandits consider the Upanishads to be superior to the Vedas primarily from the internal evidence found in the Upanishads. Next in authenticity to the Upanishads are the Puranas. The Puranas are the most widely read of all Hindu Scriptures, as these are easily available (the Vedas are difficult to find). The compiler of the Puranas is Maha Rishi Vyasa, and he arranged the Puranas in eighteen volumes. These books contain the history of the creation of the universe, the history of the early Aryan people, and life stories of the divines and deities of the Hindus. The Puranas were either revealed simultaneously with the Vedas or some time before. The sanctity and reverence of the Puranas is admitted and recognized in all the authentic books of the Hindus.

For a long time, the Hindu Scriptures were primarily in the hands of Pandits and a small group of men who had learned Sanskrit (The majority of the Hindu population knew Hindi and could comprehend only a smattering of Sanskrit words). Sir William Jones, who was a Judge and founded the Asiatic Society of Bengal, learned Sanskrit in the last decade of the Eighteenth century. He was instrumental in generating interest in Sanskrit and Hindu Scriptures in Europe, and it was due to his efforts that the Hindu scriptures were translated into English.

In 1935, Dr. Pran Nath published an article in the Times of India that showed that the Rig Veda contains events of the Babylonian and Egyptian kings and their wars. Further, he showed that one-fifth of the Rig Veda is derived from the Babylonian Scriptures. From a Muslim perspective, it is likely that the Hindus were given a revealed book or books that contained description and struggles of Allah’s Prophets sent previously to other peoples. It is also possible that commentaries written about them were incorporated later and became a part of the revealed books.

There are a number of examples of these in Hindu scriptures. The Atharva Veda is also known as ‘Brahma Veda’ or in its meaning as the Devine Knowledge. An Analysis of the Vedas reveal that ‘Brahma’ is actually Abraham, where the initial letter A in Abraham is moved to the end making it Brahma. This analysis is accurate when one writes the two words in Arabic script, a language close to that spoken by Prophet Abraham. Similarly, Abraham’s first wife Sarah is mentioned in the Vedas as Saraswati, and Prophet Nuh (Noah of The Flood) is mentioned as Manuh or Manu. Some Pundits consider Atharva Veda as the Book of Abraham. Prophets Ismail (Ishmael) and Ishaq (Isaac) are named Atharva and Angira, respectively, in the Vedas.

Background To Prophecies

It is well known that the Hindus love hero worship, and it is reasonable to assume that over a long period of time the high regard and reverence for some Prophets led to some of them considered as god or God. Further, it is likely that the Book of Abraham and those of other Prophets contained prophecies about the Last Prophet, Muhammad (s). Muslim historians of India hold the opinion that the graves of Prophets Sheesh and Ayyub (Job) are in Ayodhya, in the province of Uttar Pradesh, India. In ancient times, Ayodhya was known as Khosla according to Shatpath Brahmanas.

Some Pundits have now begun to reject the Puranas simply because they find in them many prophecies and vivid signs of the truth of Prophet Muhammad. A case has been made that the present Puranas are not the same collection that Vedas refer to and the real books were lost. Nevertheless, this contention is not correct. It is impossible that all the Puranas which were so widely read and keenly studied, could have fallen in oblivion and totally wiped out, whereas the Vedas, which only a few could read and understand, remained intact until now.

Another argument against the prophecies is that these were added to the Puranas at a later date. Nevertheless, this argument is also without a basis. Such a well-known book, in vast circulation and read at appointed times in prayers, cannot be easily tampered with. Moreover, all the Pandits and the learned divines of the Hindus could not have conspired and secretly added these prophecies to the Puranas. The most strange thing is that the corruption is made in favor of the Prophet and against their own religion.

All major books of the Hindus prophesy about Prophet Mohammad. In addition to many of his qualities, his life events, Abraham, Ka'bah, Bakkah (Makkah) and Arabia, the prophecies mention his name as Mahamad, Mamah, and Ahmad. The name Mahamad appears in the Puranas, Mamah in Kuntap Sukt (in Atharva Veda) and Ahmad in Sama Veda. Many different classifications as to the degree of importance of the Vedas have been made. For example, in Shatpath it is stated that Sama Veda is the essence of all the Vedas. At another place in Taitttriya Brahmana, it is stated that “This world was created from Brahma, the Vaishas were created from the mantras of the Rig Veda, the Kashtriyas were created from Yajur Veda and Brahmans were created from Sama Veda.”

Prophecy In The Puranas

The compiler of the Puranas, Mahrishi Vyasa, is highly honored among the Hindus as a great rishi and learned person. He was a pious and God fearing man. He also wrote the Gita and the Maha Bharat. Among the eighteen volumes of the Puranas is one by the title ‘Bhavishya Puran,’ literally meaning future events. The Hindus regard it as the Word of God. The prophecy containing Prophet Muhammad by name is found in Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3, Verse 5.

Before the English translation is presented, a note on the word Malechha that appears in the first part of verse 5 is in order. The word Malechha means a man belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language. This word is now used to degrade people meaning unclean or even worse. Its usage varies and depends on who is using it and for whom. Sir William Jones had great difficulty in recruiting a Pundit to teach him Sanskrit because he was considered unclean (Malechha). It was only after the direct intervention of Maharaja (King) Shiv Chandra that Pundit Ram Lochna agreed to teach him Sanskrit.

It is not known when this word began to be used in the derogatory sense, whether before the advent of Prophet Muhammad (s), after the conversion of Hindu King Chakrawati Farmas (of Malabar, located on the southwest coast of India) to Islam during the lifetime of the Prophet, soon after the arrival of Muslims in India (711 CE) or sometime later. Mahrishi Vyasa, the compiler of the Puranas, has defined a wise Malechha as “a man of good actions, sharp intellect, spiritual eminence, and showing reverence to the deity (God).

Many Sanskrit words have borrowed from Arabic and Hebrew with a slight change as was shown in the examples of Brahma, Saraswati and Manu, and as indicated in Table 2 below. It appears that this word is derived from the Hebrew word Ma-Hekha (), which means thy brethren (e.g., And he (Ishmael) shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren. Genesis 16:12; i.e., Ismaelites are the brethren of the Israelites). In the context of Biblical scriptures this word meant a descendant of Prophet Ismail (Ishmael), and it is well known that Muhammad (s) is a descendant of Prophet Ismail through his second son Kedar. Those who can read Arabic Script can easily see that a mistake in separating Ma from Hekha will produce a single word ‘Malhekha,’ and when adapted in another tongue like Sanskrit might sound like Malechha.

“A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad. Raja (Bhoj) after giving this Mahadev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the 'Panchgavya' and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins) offered him the presents of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said, 'I make obeisance to thee.' 'O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents (idol worshipers, pagans).' ‘O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet.'

“The Malechhas have spoiled the well-known land of the Arabs. Arya Dharma is not to be found in that country. Before also there appeared a misguided fiend whom I had killed [note: e.g., Abraha Al-Ashram, the Abyssinian viceroy of Yemen, who attacked Mecca]; he has now again appeared being sent by a powerful enemy. To show these enemies the right path and to give them guidance the well-known Mahamad (Mohammad), who has been given by me the epithet of Brahma is busy in bringing the Pishachas to the right path. O Raja! You need not go to the land of the foolish Pishachas, you will be purified through my kindness even where you are. At night, he of the angelic disposition, the shrewd man, in the guise of a Pishacha said to Raja Bhoj, "O Raja! Your Arya Dharma has been made to prevail over all religions, but according to the commandments of ‘Ashwar Parmatma (God, Supreme Spirit), I shall enforce the strong creed of the meat-eaters. My follower will be a man circumcised, without a tail (on his head), keeping beard, creating a revolution, announcing call for prayer and will be eating all lawful things. He will eat all sorts of animals except swine. They will not seek purification from the holy shrubs, but will be purified through warfare. Because of their fighting the irreligious nations, they will be known as Musalmans (Muslims). I shall be the originator of this religion of the meat-eating nation."

More Prophecies In Hindu Scriptures

The Vedas contain many prophecies about Prophet Muhammad. Some European and Hindu translators of the Vedas have removed the name referring to the Prophet, while others have tried to explain away the mantras (verses) on his life events, Ka’bah, Makkah, Medinah, Arabia, and other events using the terminology of the Hindus, such as purification rituals, and lands and rivers in India. Some mantras containing prophecies are inter-mixed with explanatory phrases, and it may be that these were commentaries and explanatory notes on the prophecies, which later became a part of the prophecy.

Several prophecies are found in Atharva Veda: (1) XX: 21, Mantras 6, 7, and 9, (2) XX: 137, Mantras 7 through 9, and (3) X: 2, Mantras 26, 27, 29, 30, and 32. Similarly, in Rig Veda, additional prophecies are found in: (1) VII: 96, Mantras 13 through 16, and (2) I: 53, Mantras 6 and 9. Finally, a prophecy is found in Sama Veda III: 10, Mantra 1. These are a sample of many prophecies. The serious reader may want to refer to scholarly work of Dr. A.H. Vidyarthi, entitled “Mohammad in World Scriptures,” 1990. This book explains the Hindu terminology used in the Mantras and the meaning and usage of certain words and phrases from within the Vedas and other Hindu Scriptures.

A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Mahamad...

The translation of Verses 5-27 (Sanskrit text of the Puranas, Prati Sarg Parv III: 3, 3) is presented below picture of its original text in the Hindu Scripture.
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