الاثنين، 9 أبريل 2018

What They Said about Muhammad (part 3 of 3) - The Religion of Islam

Was sie  über Muhammad sagten (2 von 3) - Die Religion des Islam

“I was only sent to perfect moral character” - The Religion of Islam

Alhamdulillah! A Christian Woman accepts ‘Islam’ -As her way of life. | ...


நாற்பது நபிமொழிகளின் விளக்கவுரை - ஹதீஸ் 4 - பகுதி 1 - 4 - தமிழ் - Ahma Ebn Mohammad

The fastest growing religion in the world is ... - CNN

Moderate Drinking Linked to Declined Brain Health | About Islam

NAK visit JKT

நாற்பது நபிமொழிகளின் விளக்கவுரை - ஹதீஸ் 3 பகுதி 1 - 3 - தமிழ் - Ahma Ebn Mohammad

What is Ruqya and how to perform it?

La famille en islam (partie 2 de 3): Le mariage - La religion de l'Islam

Ruling on Sheesha and Cigarettes.

best people

ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏شخص واحد‏، و‏‏نص‏‏‏


لا يتوفر نص بديل تلقائي.

ஜித்தா மாநகரில் 13

ஜித்தா மாநகரில் 13-வது இஸ்லாமிய சிறப்பு மாநாடு - அழைப்பிதழ்


Narrated Ma'qil (ra): I heard the Prophet (pbuh) saying, "Any man whom Allaah has given the authority of ruling some people and he does not look after them in an honest manner, will never smell the fragrance of Paradise."
Saheeh Al Bukhaari - Vol 9, Hadith 7150

Surah Al Hujarat,ch-49,Ayat no-6

Lets know our GOD.
O you who believe ! If a rebellious evil person comes to you with news verify it, lest you harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful to what you have done.
Surah Al Hujarat,ch-49,Ayat no-6


Some people

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Wise Words (Quotation & Inspirations)
Some people are only friends of your wealth or position. They disappear with its disappearance.
[Quotation, Source: Mufti Ismail Menk]

If you have time to sit around and complain about something,

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Wise Words (Quotation & Inspirations)
If you have time to sit around and complain about something, then you have the time to get up and do something.

Every saint

‏‎The Daily Reminder‎‏ مع ‏‎Hafiz Muhammad Zaman‎‏ و‏‏43‏ آخرين‏.
Every saint has a past - #Humility
Every sinner has a future - #Hope

Quello che dissero di Muhammad (3 di 3)(Tutte le parti) - La religione dell'Islam

Inside A Muslim Fraternity: No Alcohol, But Plenty Of Community Service

لقاء الجمعة مع الشيخ صالح المغامسي - الحلقه كامله

Description of God from the Quran - The Religion of Islam

البكاء من خشية الله - الشيخ صالح المغامسي - YouTube

Vous êtes tous dans l’égarement, sauf ceux que Je guide(partie 2 de 2) : Tout le pouvoir et toute la puissance proviennent de Dieu - La religion de l'Islam

Todos estão perdidos a não ser aqueles que Eu guiar (Todas as partes) - A religião do Islã

هذا الذي ينبغي أن يكون عليه المؤمن عند حضور الموت - الشيخ صالح المغامسي

Der Quran über den Ursprung des Universums

أبو حمزة
Der Quran über den Ursprung des Universums
„Sehen denn diejenigen, die verleugnen, nicht, dass die Himmel und die Erde eine zusammenhängende Masse waren? Da haben Wir sie getrennt…“ (Quran 21:30)
Es ist mittlerweile wissenschaftlich erwiesen, dass das Universum ursprünglich eine Einheit war, die zerteilt wurde durch den sog. „Urknall“ (Big Bang). Durch diese Trennung sind dann alle Galaxien, Sterne und Planeten entstanden. Für diese erstaunliche Entdeckung gab es 1978 sogar den Nobel-Preis.
Wie konnte der Prophet Muhammad (Friede sei auf ihm) davon vor 1400 Jahren gewusst haben?

Children are on the fitra.

Nouman Ali Khan
Children are on the fitra. That means they are not responsible before Allah for any wrong they do. Why would you want to teach children to fear Allah before they are required to? Childhood is the time to expose them to the immense love, mercy, compassion and the gifts of Allah. Make things age appropriate.

quran 3-102

Each deed is like a seed.

Darussalam Publishers & Distributors
Wise Words (Quotation & Inspirations)
Each deed is like a seed. Choose them wisely, as each will grow either thorns or flowers.

mircle birth of jesus