الأحد، 6 ديسمبر 2020

[VoB2020] Sebuah Surat Seperti Sebuah Kota – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

[VoB2020] Sebuah Surat Seperti Sebuah Kota – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia

أصابع الهلابينو بالجبن الشيدر | مجلة الجميلة

أصابع الهلابينو بالجبن الشيدر | مجلة الجميلة

سلمة بن الأكوع - راغب السرجاني - طريق الإسلام

سلمة بن الأكوع - راغب السرجاني - طريق الإسلام: سلمة بن الأكوع، وهو ممن بايع تحت الشجرة, وكان لقربه من الرسولﷺ أكبر الأثر في تربيته, فما أهم ملامح شخصيته؟ وما أشهر مواقفه مع النبي والتابعين؟ ومقولته الشهيرة: «أنا ابن الأكوع.. واليوم يوم الرضع».

5 Reasons Why Jesus isn't the Son of God - The Religion of Islam

5 Reasons Why Jesus isn't the Son of God - The Religion of Islam

The Return of Jesus (part 1 of 5) - The Religion of Islam

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طريقة عمل وصفة لبيني - موقعي.نت

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Always Giving Your Best - IOU Blog

Always Giving Your Best - IOU Blog

526 - أقسام المرتدين - عثمان الخميس

سورة النبأ | المصحف المعلم - الشيخ عبدالباسط عبدالصمد | جودة عالية HD

Islamic Audio Books for Children - Dar-us-Salam Publications

Islamic Audio Books for Children - Dar-us-Salam Publications

خطوة مهمة جدا قبل اتخاذ القرار

Swedish Court Overturns Hijab Ban | About Islam

Swedish Court Overturns Hijab Ban | About Islam

تحريم التبرج والسفور

تحريم التبرج والسفور: الحمد لله رب العالمين، وأصلي وأسلم على خير خلقه أجمعين، نبينا محمد وعلى آله وأصحابه ومن اتبع

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534 - ما معنى العزيز؟ - عثمان الخميس

Do you believe in the True God?


❤Do you believe in the True God? ❤
You, Yes you
Which God do you believe in ?
Do you believe in Jesus, or trinity, or do u believe in ram or krishna or budda
or do you believe in Allah ?
🤔How do you know that the god you worship is the true God, The Creator, The most powerful.
🌺Let me make it easy for you.
We have a litmus test of 4 conditions, where if all the 4 conditions are true, then the god you worship is the true god.🌺
💎Let us analyze each verse of the chapter 112 of the Quran💎
🌻1. “He is Allah, the One”
Is the God that you worship One?
Does your God have no partners, whatsoever?
🌻2. “God is Eternal”
the word used here is As-samad, which means Eternal, self-sufficient
Is your God Eternal? Can Never Die?
Is your God self-sufficient? That he needs help of no one.
🌻3. “He neither begets nor is born”
God neither gave birth to anyone nor did anyone give birth to him.
Does your God fulfill this condition.?
🌻4. “There is no one like/comparable to him”
Is there no one like your God in terms of power, or physical character?
These are very powerful 4 conditions that determine whether your God is True, Most Powerful, Self-Sufficient, Immortal, Uncomparable or not.
🤔Does the God you follow fulfill all of these 4 conditions?
💕It is Only Allah, that fulfills each of these conditions perfectly.💕
Get to know more about Allah and his prophets and his messengers and the religion they followed here at 🌹Ask A Muslim.🌹
ربما تحتوي الصورة على: ‏‏‏‏سحاب‏ و‏سماء‏‏‏، ‏نص مفاده '‏‎AsK MusLIm Is Your God, the True God? Does Your God Fulfill These Conditions? Ask Muslim Mu QAMuslim www.AskAMuslim.com‎‏'‏‏
أنت و٨٥ شخصًا آخر
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١٠ مشاركات

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