الجمعة، 18 سبتمبر 2020
100preuves irréfutables, Mouhammad est le prophète de Dieu - Français - Rachid Maach
I was just reciting al-kahaf and half
I was just reciting al-kahaf and half way through a thought struck me and I figured I share with all of you. There was a time in my youth when I loved to recite by myself walking around NYC for hours not knowing the meanings of what I’m singing to God. Some might find offense to the use of the word singing but it is just that in a sense, the heart of the servant melodiously connecting with the Master in loving devotion.
This was one of the first Surahs I memorized given its relationship to Friday.
Years later I recite it and it’s not just a devotional enchanting immersion into divine melody but the slave actually conversing with His master and the Master conversing back with the slave in His own words. The Quran echoes the yearnings of our hearts to Allah as we recite it and Allah sends the echo back with His loving endless wisdom through the same words. It is just that. An unfiltered, direct, and intimately personal conversation with Him.
I think to myself that of all the gifts He gave me in this life, this is His greatest. A chance for my tongue, heart, mind and soul to engage Him all at once using His own perfect words. I want that for everyone. Because I know the indescribable joy it is deep inside.
Arabic is just one step. There are lots of others. All of the steps are labor but for those who have this yearning it is a labor of love. Every time you find difficulty in this quest you will remind yourself what you are scaling this mountain for. Study Arabic. Memorize Quran. Study the interpretation and meaning of His letters to you. Do this out of love. And He will intervene at every stumble and pick you up.
I don’t wish to advertise my own upcoming Arabic class. If you can take it well and good. If you can’t, find someone or some resource, tell Allah you’re doing this for that priceless conversation and watch Him open the doors of opportunity and ability you never imagined.