الجمعة، 3 ديسمبر 2021
[VoB2021] The Hardest Challenge – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia
[VoB2021] The Hardest Challenge – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Min mitslihi Kata inilah yang unik dari tantangan sebelumnya. Allah menegaskan: buatlah surah yang paling mirip dari Al-Qur’an. “Katakan kalian memang kaum yang paling berkualifikasi. A…
[VoB2021] Perumpamaan bagi Quraisy – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia
[VoB2021] Perumpamaan bagi Quraisy – Nouman Ali Khan Indonesia: Allah membuat Fir’aun sebagai perumpaman untuk generasi yang akhir yaitu di masa Rasulullah ﷺ. Bagaimana mungkin Fir’aun dijadikan perumpamaan untuk Quraisy? Apa yang Allah katakan sebenarnya…
Thematic Study of Sura Luqman | Class #3 | Advise of Luqman (Conclusion) - YouTube
Thematic Study of Sura Luqman | Class #3 | Advise of Luqman (Conclusion) - YouTube: Originally born in Zimbabwe, Mark (@Think Revert) had a regular Christian upbringing but could never quite get his head around the idea of worshipping a hum...
Filled with the Holy Spirit or Possessed by it? - YouTube
Filled with the Holy Spirit or Possessed by it? - YouTube: When the fitna of the Dajjal begins is unknown, but the weaknesses that he will prey upon are ever-present. In this Khutbah Dr. Omar Suleiman will cover 5 wa...
Virtual Reality & the Fitna of Dajjal | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman - YouTube
Virtual Reality & the Fitna of Dajjal | Khutbah by Dr. Omar Suleiman - YouTube: When the fitna of the Dajjal begins is unknown, but the weaknesses that he will prey upon are ever-present. In this Khutbah Dr. Omar Suleiman will cover 5 wa...
Hitting Women: 4:34 & Beyond - YouTube
Hitting Women: 4:34 & Beyond - YouTube: يمكنك الاستمتاع بالفيديوهات والموسيقى التي تحبها وتحميل المحتوى الأصلي ومشاركته بكامله مع أصدقائك وأفراد عائلتك والعالم أجمع على YouTube.
Irish Revert: "Was I A Good Enough Muslim To Meet These People?" | New Muslim Retreat Ireland 🇮🇪 - YouTube
Irish Revert: "Was I A Good Enough Muslim To Meet These People?" | New Muslim Retreat Ireland 🇮🇪 - YouTube: Donall is a New Muslim who took his shahada during the lockdown last year. We caught with him in Dublin during iERA's New Muslim Retreat, where it was the fi...
The Christmas day holiday is all about celebrating the birthday of Jesus, so because it was the day that Jesus was born, Christians around the world celebrate the day.This in itself proves that Jesus is not God, after all, how can God have a birthday?If God has a birthday, it means he was born, and Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. As we all know, God is NOT begotten, He was never born, He is eternal, He always was/is, and has always existed. Being born is something associated with humans, who aren't eternal, which is why we're eventually born and come into existence.
So the fact that Jesus was given birth to, proves he isn't and cannot be God, can anyone honestly say that God was born on such and such day? That doesn't make any sense, and is an obvious contradiction of God's attributeof being eternal.
Then we get to the Easter holiday, Easter is about marking the day Jesus rose from the dead, and this also proves Jesus was not God.If Jesus raised from the dead, it means he was initially dead, that he died.Yet as weall know, God doesn't die, He is eternal, and He always exists.If He died, then He isn't eternal, and cannot be God.Part of God's attributes is that He never dies, dying is something associated with thecreation, and not the Creator.
So Christmas says that Jesus was born, and Easter says Jesus rose from the dead, both together conclusively prove that JESUS WAS NOT GOD, because GOD IS NOT BEGOTTEN, NOR DOES HE DIE, it's as simple as that.
If God was born, then it means He isn't eternal, if He died, then again it means He is not eternal as both dying and being born are attributes of the creation.
Farakh Shaheen
City Bradford
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yushaevans / Streamlabs
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