الاثنين، 20 نوفمبر 2017

He Died For Our Sins - Was Jesus Really Crucified? | iERA - Conveying The Call

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وَإِذَا أَذَقْنَا النَّاسَ رَحْمَةً فَرِحُوا بِهَا - مع القرآن - أبو الهيثم محمد درويش

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The Prophetic Post - November 2017 | iERA - Conveying The Call

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GET TO KNOW: Ep. 7 - Surah Al-'Ankabut - Nouman Ali Khan - Quran Weekly

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Bismillah Aku Hijrah (bagian 2) - NAK Indonesia

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Casharkii 3aad ee Kitaabka Xisnul Muslimka Sh.Dirir

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افتراءات المنصر رشيد حمامي حول قصة قتل الخضر للغلام

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Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence.I feel that some drops of urine come out. I asked about prayer and I was told to do wudoo’ at the time of each prayer and then pray as much as I want, then when the time for the next prayer comes, I should do wudoo’ again. My question is: is it permissible for me to do wudoo’ before the time for prayer begins, for example so that I can pray in congregation in the mosque. When I am away from home, is it permissible for me to pray with wudoo’ for the prayers whose time comes. If that is not permissible, what should I do to purify my underwear so that I can do wudoo’ and pray in them? Is it permissible for me to offer a lengthy prayer with one wudoo’, such as ‘Isha’ prayer then Taraaweeh? May Allaah reward you with all good. | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

Purification and prayer for one who has urinary incontinence.I feel that some drops of urine come out. I asked about prayer and I was told to do wudoo’ at the time of each prayer and then pray as much as I want, then when the time for the next prayer comes, I should do wudoo’ again. My question is: is it permissible for me to do wudoo’ before the time for prayer begins, for example so that I can pray in congregation in the mosque. When I am away from home, is it permissible for me to pray with wudoo’ for the prayers whose time comes. If that is not permissible, what should I do to purify my underwear so that I can do wudoo’ and pray in them? Is it permissible for me to offer a lengthy prayer with one wudoo’, such as ‘Isha’ prayer then Taraaweeh? May Allaah reward you with all good. | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM
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Authentic Supplications For Morning And Evening | ASSIM AL-HAKEEM

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গান-বাজনা ও হারাম জিনিসের আয়োজন ব্যতীত মীলাদুন্নবী উদযাপন - বাংলা

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Provisiones para el más allá 02 - Español - Ibn Qaim Al-Jawziah

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The Difference Between Jews and Zionists

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At-Tawakkul Reliance on Allah – II

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6 Articles of Faith! Paul vs Christians | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park - YouTube

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6 Articles of Faith! Paul vs Christians | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park

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In Depth

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Click here to support The Daily Reminder Network organized by TDR Network

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