الأربعاء، 5 سبتمبر 2018
Book of Renting Land - Muwatta Malik - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)
Book of Renting Land - Muwatta Malik - Sunnah.com - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم): Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (saws) in English and Arabic
د کتاب التوحید درسي سلسلة (45) - پښتو - عبد الرحیم سلطان
د کتاب التوحید درسي سلسلة (45) - پښتو - عبد الرحیم سلطان: د کتاب التوحید په دې درسي سلسله کې د مخکې باب فوائد بيانيږې
Ҳиҷоби зани мусалмон - Тоҷикӣ - Эшони Нуриддинҷон
Ҳиҷоби зани мусалмон - Тоҷикӣ - Эшони Нуриддинҷон: Эшони Нуриддин дар ин навор дар бораи ҳиҷоб ва бояд ҳиҷоб чигуна бошад ва ҳукми он дар ислом чист, ва баъзе оятҳову ҳадисҳое зикр мекунад ки Худованд тамоми занони мусалмонро амр ба ҳичоб карда аст.
ఖుర్ఆన్ తెలుగు భావానువాదం - తెలుగు
ఖుర్ఆన్ తెలుగు భావానువాదం - తెలుగు: అరబీ భాష నుండి తిన్నగా తెలుగులో ప్రచురించబడిన ఉత్తమ ఖుర్ఆన్ భావానువాదాలలో ఇదొకటి. డాక్టర్ అబ్దుల్ రహీమ్ మౌలానా దీనిని అనువదించారు. ఉత్తమ క్యాలిటీ MP3 ఆడియో.
ఇస్లాం ఎందుకు ? - తెలుగు
ఇస్లాం ఎందుకు ? - తెలుగు: ఈ వ్యాసంలో ఎందుకు ఇస్లాం స్వీకరించాలి అనే ముఖ్యాంశం గురించి ప్రామాణిక సాక్ష్యాధారలతో చక్కగా వివరించారు. దీని ద్వారా నిష్పక్షపాతంగా చదివే పాఠకులకు చాలా సులభంగా అసలు ఇస్లాం అంటే ఏమిటి అనే సత్యం తెలిసి పోతుంది. ఇది ఇస్లామిక్ పాంప్లెట్స్ అనే సంస్థ ఇంగ్లీషులో తయారు చేసిన ఒక కరపత్రం యొక్క తెలుగు అనువాదం.
Ҳиҷоб чӣ бадӣ дорад? - Тоҷикӣ - Таҳияи Суҳроби Ваҳҳоб
Ҳиҷоб чӣ бадӣ дорад? - Тоҷикӣ - Таҳияи Суҳроби Ваҳҳоб: Ҳиҷобам барои он аст, то ҷаҳониён бидонанд, ки ман иффати худро ҳифз намуда, аз гуфтаҳои Холиқи худ пайравӣ дорам.
Is it better for a pregnant woman to fast or not to fast? - islamqa.info
Is it better for a pregnant woman to fast or not to fast? - islamqa.info: Is it better Islamically for a pregnant Muslim woman to fast or not fast in the month of Ramadan.
ความลับเบื้องหลังการโจมตีอิสลามและท่านศาสนทูต - อาหรับ - อาดิล บิน อะลี อัช-ชิดดีย์
ความลับเบื้องหลังการโจมตีอิสลามและท่านศาสนทูต - อาหรับ - อาดิล บิน อะลี อัช-ชิดดีย์: ความลับเบื้องหลังการโจมตีอิสลามและท่านศาสนทูต หนังสือที่อธิบายความเลวร้ายเบื้องหลังการโจมตีอิสลามและท่านศาสนทูตมุหัมมัด จากบรรดาผู้ไม่ประสงค์ดี ในหนังสือได้ยกตัวอย่างคำพูดบางอย่างที่เป็นคำใส่ไคล้โจมตี รวมทั้งได้พูดถึงกระแสโจมตีอิสลามที่กำลังระบาด สรุปด้วยหน้าที่ของมุสลิมทุกคนต่อกรณีดังกล่าว และได้เปิดเผยให้เห็นชัดเจนว่าสุดท้ายแล้วเบื้องหลังของกระแสพวกนี้ล้วนมาจากยิวและพรรคพวกของมัน
การตั้งเจตนาถือศีลอดหกวันเชาวาล พร้อมกับชดที่ค้างจากเราะมะฎอนด้วยเนียตเดียว - ไทย - มุหัมมัด ศอลิหฺ อัล-มุนัจญิด
การตั้งเจตนาถือศีลอดหกวันเชาวาล พร้อมกับชดที่ค้างจากเราะมะฎอนด้วยเนียตเดียว - ไทย - มุหัมมัด ศอลิหฺ อัล-มุนัจญิด: ถาม : ฉันสามารถที่จะถือศีลอดหกวันในเดือนเชาวาลด้วยการตั้งเจตนา(เนียต)พร้อมๆ กับเนียตถือศีลอดชดใช้ของเดือนเราะมะฎอนที่ค้างอยู่ด้วยสาเหตุของการมาประจำเดือนได้หรือไม่ ? (www.islamqa.com คำถามหมายเลข 39328)
ئهذكاری بهیانیان و ئێواران - كوردی سۆرانی - پشتیوان سابیر عهزیز
ئهذكاری بهیانیان و ئێواران - كوردی سۆرانی - پشتیوان سابیر عهزیز: لای كهس شاراوه نیه كه ئهذكاری بهیانیان و ئێواران گرنكی ههیه له ڕۆژانهی مرۆڤی موسڵمان، وه لهوانه پاڕاستنی له شهیتانهكانی مرۆڤ و جنۆكه.
斋戒的优越 - 中文 - 伊斯兰之家中文小组
斋戒的优越 - 中文 - 伊斯兰之家中文小组: 据艾布·胡莱赖( 求真主喜悦他)传述 ,真主的使者说:“斋戒是一面盾牌, ,斋戒的人,不许说丑话,不许做愚事,若有人想和他打架或吵骂时,他就连说两遍‘我是斋戒的人’以掌握我生命的真主起誓 ! 斋戒之人口中的气味, ,在真主看来 ,胜似麝香。【真主说】 : 他为我节食绝欲 ,斋戒是属于我的,我要藉斋戒回报斋戒者 一件善行,十倍回赐。
美国妇产科医生 奥莉富雅皈依伊斯兰的故事 - 中文 - 奈秘鲁·本·阿里·艾勒阿沃堆
美国妇产科医生 奥莉富雅皈依伊斯兰的故事 - 中文 - 奈秘鲁·本·阿里·艾勒阿沃堆: 讲述这个美国妇产医生通过一些在一千多年前伊斯兰教导我们的生活方式,而加入伊斯兰。
Qëndrimet e profetit Muhamed gjatë thirrjes - Shqip - Seid b. Ali b. Vehf El Kahtani
Qëndrimet e profetit Muhamed gjatë thirrjes - Shqip - Seid b. Ali b. Vehf El Kahtani: Libri që keni para duarsh është një shkresë përmbledhëse rreth qëndrimeve të Profetit Muhamed ﷺ gjatë thirrjes në rrugën e Allahut ose në davet.
Kushtet e fesë në pak fjalë - Shqip - Abdullah b. Muhamed Et Tajjar
Kushtet e fesë në pak fjalë - Shqip - Abdullah b. Muhamed Et Tajjar: Ky është një libër i dobishëm për muslimanët në përgjithësi. Autori në këtë libër ka sqaruar shtyllat e Islamit dhe ato të imanit, duke sqaruar dhe kushtet që kanë të bëjnë me to dhe po ashtu ka sjellë argumente fetare dhe logjike lidhur me to.
Seeking The Guide: Understanding Allah's Name Al-Hadi | About Islam
Seeking The Guide: Understanding Allah's Name Al-Hadi | About Islam: I found myself to be very lost. And this was alarming because I used to be a person who had direction. I needed the Guide to show me the way, Allah, Al-Hadi
I Became Spiritually Educated - Yusuf Islam | About Islam
I Became Spiritually Educated - Yusuf Islam | About Islam: Yusuf Islam aka Cat Stevens stopped singing to learn about Islam. After the Bosnian genocide and 9/11, he picked up his guitar again to try and bring peace.
Why Was Madinah Chosen for Hijrah?
Why Was Madinah Chosen for Hijrah?: I would like to know why Madinah was chosen to be the place of Hijrah. Why not any other place?
Report: 'Christianity is Literally Dying'; Islam to Become Biggest Faith | CBN News
Report: 'Christianity is Literally Dying'; Islam to Become Biggest Faith | CBN News: In less than 20 years the number of Muslim births will exceed Christians births, and could make Islam the world's largest religion by the end of the century, according to a new report.
🌸Muslims, like Christians believe that Jesus performed miracles. These miracles were performed by the will and permission of God, Who has power and control over all things.
“Then will God say: ‘O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favor to you and to your mother. Behold! I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit (the angel Gabriel) so that you did speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. And behold: you make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and you breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by My leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers by My leave. And behold! You bring forth the dead by My leave. And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to you) when you did show them the Clear Signs, and the unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing but evident magic.’” (Quran 5:110)
God sent all prophets with miracles specific to the nation to whom they were sent to prove the veracity of their message. These miracles were not performed of their own accord; rather, they were only manifest in their hands by God's will. The miracles performed by Jesus were no different. The Jews were well advanced in the field of medicine, and the miracles which Jesus brought were of this nature, proving the truth of His message and in order to convince the Jews.
Thinking of joining Islam? Get in touch now
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Thinking of joining Islam? Get in touch now
Live Chat (1/1): www.islam-port.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/islamport
WhatsApp: 002-010-999-548-40
Instagram: islam_port
Model Village Of Madinah At The Time Of The Prophet (SAW) | About Islam
Model Village Of Madinah At The Time Of The Prophet (SAW) | About Islam: Have you ever wondered what Madinah looked like at the time of the Prophet (SAW)? Take a look at this model village of Madinah.
DO THE DEAD SEE THE ANGELS AND THE JINN? - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.
HOW WILL THE SINFUL MUSLIM TAKE HIS BOOK OF DEEDS ON THE DAY OF RESURRECTION? - ISLAMIC PREACHER: www.islamicpreacher.org has been launched with a noble intention to aware the people across the World about the teachings of Islam.
can a non muslim (woman)pray for you ex:
My question is can a non muslim (woman)pray for you ex:you go to her she tells you everything about your life eg:she told me “i can see your father has left your family and is with the second wife and the wife controls your dad” and funny enough what she says is true.when you go to her she prays with you while holding your hand is this shirk?
My question is can a non muslim (woman)pray for you ex:you go to her she tells you everything about your life eg:she told me “i can see your father has left your family and is with the second wife and the wife controls your dad” and funny enough what she says is true.when you go to her she prays with you while holding your hand is this shirk?
This is shirk and she is a sorcerer, a fortune teller.
One must not visit them as listening to them for fun renders the prayers of 40 days as unaccepted, while believing them takes you out of the fold of Islam!
This is shirk and she is a sorcerer, a fortune teller.
One must not visit them as listening to them for fun renders the prayers of 40 days as unaccepted, while believing them takes you out of the fold of Islam!
ninety-nine names,
The Messenger of Allah (peace & blessings be upon him) said, “Allah has ninety-nine names, whoever preserves them will enter Paradise.” Muslim 2677
** According to An-Nawawi, to preserve them means, to memorize them, call Allah by them, understand them and act by them. And Allah knows best.
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