الخميس، 27 أكتوبر 2016


Ten Commandments in the Quran (part 1 of 3): A Quick Introduction - The Religion of Islam

Mankind's Greatest Need: Tawhid by Karim Abuzaid

Welcome to Alafasy TV

Why Me?! (When Life Becomes Hard) ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Reminder ┇ by Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani ┇ TDR ┇

Going Through Tough Times? - Watch This! ᴴᴰ ┇ by Ustadh Nouman Ali Khan ┇ The Daily Reminder ┇

The Light ᴴᴰ ┇ #Noor ┇ by Little Sister Laam ┇ TDR Production ┇

Sunnah Of Smiling ᴴᴰ ┇ #SunnahRevival ┇ by Sheikh Muiz Bukhary ┇ TDR Production ┇

Why Me?! (When Life Becomes Hard) ᴴᴰ ┇ Powerful Reminder ┇ by Ustadh Gabriel Al Romaani ┇ TDR ┇

سورة الفتح لعام 1431 هـ - Surat " Al Fath "

Muhammad (pbuh) in the Various World Religious Scriptures | Dr Zakir Naik | Full Lecture

Phenomena of the Doomsday - IOU Blog

Qur’an Reveals Lost Knowledge About Prophet Abraham.

Sincerity Vs showing off or ( Riya`a)

Backbiting & Slander (an Islamic perspective) by Imam Karim AbuZaid

I Have Only Been Sent to Perfect Good Manners by Imam Karim AbuZaid

مشاري العفاسي - تلاوة تقشعر لها الأبدان - أواخر سورة هود 1426هـ #تلاوات_مختارة

*FULL* A Balanced Approach To Religion ~ NEW Nouman Ali Khan!!

key of jannah

Lets know our GOD.
What brought you into the hell. They said, we used not to offer prayer [Salat] .And we used not to feed the needy ones.
Surah Muddassir,Ch-74,Ayat no- 42,44

What did the Prophet {sallallahu Alaihi wasallam} use to do in his house?"

Lets know our GOD.
Al-Aswad [Radhiyallahu anhu] narrted that he asked `Aisha [RadhiyAlluhu Anha] "What did the Prophet {sallallahu Alaihi wasallam} use to do in his house?" She replied, "He used to keep himself busy serving his family and when it was the time for prayer he would go for it."
Sahih Al bukhari,volume-1,book-11,call to prayers[Adhan] ,hadith no-644

Great recitation by Sheikh Mansur As-Salimi (English Subs)

Beautiful Islamic Call To Prayer

مناظرة بين ملحد والقران تنتهي بإسلام جيفري لانج | مترجم

Fire Ants Are Being Laced with Homosexual Chemtrails to Bite Christians And Convert Them To Homosexuality

The Story of Fiqh - Part 2 - Moutasem al-Hameedy

I’m Not Religious, But I am Sending my Son to an Islamic School

للشيخ المغامسي وإدريس ابكر

Science Islam - Proof From Truth

Abdurraheem Green - Mastery Class

لااله الا الله

ماذا بعد أن أقسم الله بنفسه ؟

يونس الشبيبي
وعزتي وجلالي لاغفرن لهم ماداموا يستغفرون )
ماذا بعد أن أقسم الله بنفسه ؟
استغفروه فإنه غفور رحيم.

متى تنفتح الابواب

False Messiah المسيح الدجال | Daily Hadith Online