Sollte er den 15. Scha’ban fasten, selbst wenn der Hadith schwach (da’if) ist? - Deutsch - Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid: Frage: Ist es zulässig, selbst nachdem man herausgefunden hat, dass der Hadith schwach ist, diesem zu folgen indem man rechtschaffene Taten begeht? Ein Hadith besagt: „Wenn die Hälfte von Scha’ban vergangen ist, verbringt diese Nacht im Gebet und fastet an diesem Tag.“ Dieses Fasten wird als eine freiwillige Hingabe zu Allah betrachtet, wie das Verbringen der Nacht im Gebet (Qiyamul Lail).
السبت، 11 أغسطس 2018
Die Tugend der Wahrhaftigkeit - Deutsch - Ben Adam
Die Tugend der Wahrhaftigkeit - Deutsch - Ben Adam: Wahrhaftigkeit im Islam, der Befehl dazu und die Stellung derjenigen, die sie praktizieren. Falschheit ist das Gegenteil von Wahrhaftigkeit; und eine Warnung vor Unaufrichtigkeit, Lügen, Betrug und Heuchelei.
Zorn – Handhabung im Islam - Deutsch - Aischa Satasi
Zorn – Handhabung im Islam - Deutsch - Aischa Satasi: 1- Zornausbrüche sind nicht von den Lehren des Islam. Zorn muss auf annehmbare Weise gehandhabt werden. 2- Wie man sich verhält, wenn man zornig ist mit Beispielen aus dem Qur´an und den Überlieferungen des Propheten Muhammad.
LESÕES NAS VIRTUDES E DIREITOS DE COMPANHEIROS DE PROFETA (QUE ALLAH ESTEJA SATISFEITO COM ELES) - Português: Trata-se de um livro Interressante e importante relacionado com os companheiros do Nabi(que a paz esteja sobre Ele)
JESUS CRISTO - A VERSÃO ALQORÂNICA - Português - Aminuddin muhammad
JESUS CRISTO - A VERSÃO ALQORÂNICA - Português - Aminuddin muhammad: Neste artigo o Sheik falou de Jesus(que a paz esteja com Ele)no ponto de vista Isslámico,e disse ainda que Ele foi um profeta enviado por Deus para fazer chegar a sua mensagem aos demais.
A Viagem Noturna e a Ascensão - Português - Aisha sitássi
A Viagem Noturna e a Ascensão - Português - Aisha sitássi: 1-O começo da viagem e alguns detalhes sobre o início da vida do profeta Muhammad, que a misericórdia e as bênçãos de Deus estejam sobre ele. 2-O profeta Muhammad alcança a Masjid al-Aqsa e encontra alguns dos profetas anteriores de Deus. 3-A viagem do profeta Muhammad através dos céus. 4-O profeta Muhammad encontra o profeta Abraão e testemunha a região onde os anjos estão mais densamente devotados à adoração 5- Na presença de Seu Senhor, Muhammad recebe o mandamento de estabelecer as cinco orações diárias. 6- O grande milagre e honra se torna uma chance para os descrentes atacarem o Islã e também um teste de fé para os muçulmanos.
Bạn Biết Gì Về Mười Ngày Đầu Tháng Zul Hijjah ? - Việt Nam - Abu Hisaan Ibnu Ysa
Bạn Biết Gì Về Mười Ngày Đầu Tháng Zul Hijjah ? - Việt Nam - Abu Hisaan Ibnu Ysa: Bạn Biết Gì Về Mười Ngày Đầu Tháng Zul Hijjah ?: Đây là bài Khutbah thứ sáu ngày 4/Zul Hijjah/1436 H nhằm ngày 18/09/2015, bài Khutbah nói về giá trị của mười ngày đầu tháng Zul Hijjah (tức tháng 12 theo lịch Islam), về giá trị ngày A’rafah và sơ lược về việc giết tế Isma-i’l - cầu xin bình an và phúc lành cho Người -
1. Tắm rửa sạch sẽ trước khi đến nơi Salah Eid.
2. Mặc trang phục đẹp nhất và sử dụng đầu thơm.
3. Ăn sáng trước khi đến nơi Salah đối với Eid Al-Fitr còn Eid Al-ADHA thì ăn sau khi Salah Eid.
4. Takbir đối với Eid Al-Fitr thì thời gian Takbir bắt đầu vào ban đêm Eid cho đến khi Imam vào nơi đọc thuyết giảng.
5. Salah Eid ở Musalla (nơi tập trung để Salah Eid) để có sức chứa lớn hơn.
6. Chúc mừng, hỏi thăm, thăm viếng, kết nối tình thân tộc.
7. Đi đến nơi Salah Eid và về sau khi Salah Eid bằng hai con đường khác nhau.
2. Mặc trang phục đẹp nhất và sử dụng đầu thơm.
3. Ăn sáng trước khi đến nơi Salah đối với Eid Al-Fitr còn Eid Al-ADHA thì ăn sau khi Salah Eid.
4. Takbir đối với Eid Al-Fitr thì thời gian Takbir bắt đầu vào ban đêm Eid cho đến khi Imam vào nơi đọc thuyết giảng.
5. Salah Eid ở Musalla (nơi tập trung để Salah Eid) để có sức chứa lớn hơn.
6. Chúc mừng, hỏi thăm, thăm viếng, kết nối tình thân tộc.
7. Đi đến nơi Salah Eid và về sau khi Salah Eid bằng hai con đường khác nhau.
नमाज़ियों के लिए तीस शुभसूचनायें क़ुरआन व हदीस के प्रकाश में - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान ज़ियाउल्लाह
नमाज़ियों के लिए तीस शुभसूचनायें क़ुरआन व हदीस के प्रकाश में - हिन्दी - अताउर्रहमान ज़ियाउल्लाह: ला इलाहा इल्लल्लाह व मुहम्मदुर्रसूलुल्लाह की गवाही के बाद जो सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कर्तव्य एक मुसलमान पर लागू होता है वह पाँच समय की नमाज़ों की पाबंदी है, नमाज़ - कुफ्र व शिर्क और मुसलमान व्यक्ति के बीच अंतर है, नमाज़ - इस्लाम और नास्तिकता के बीच फर्क़ है, नमाज़ ही के बारे में परलोक के दिन सबसे पहले प्रश्न किया जायेगा, नमाज़ ही नबी सल्लल्लाहु अलैहि व सल्लम के जीवन के अंतिम क्षणों की वसीयत है, इसके अतिरिक्त यह इसकी पाबंदी करनेवालों के लिए अपने अंदर बहुत सारी विशेषताएं, शुभसूचनाएं और बशारतें रखती है, जो एक मुसलमान को इस पर कार्यबद्ध रहने की प्रेरणा देती हैं। इस लेख में नमाज़ की विशेषताओं से संबंधित कुछ महान शुभसूचनायें, बशारतें प्रस्तुत की गई हैं।
इस्लाम और विज्ञान - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक
इस्लाम और विज्ञान - हिन्दी - ज़ाकिर नायिक
٩:٠٠ م - ١١ أغسطس ٢٠١٨
Human Rights in Islam - English - Jamaal Zarabozo
Human Rights in Islam - English - Jamaal Zarabozo: Human Rights in Islam: A book by Sheikh Jamal Zarabozo - may allah bless him - in which he tackled the issue of Islam and human rights in the shadow of Islam.
The Return of Jesus - English - Jeremy Bolter
The Return of Jesus - English - Jeremy Bolter: Similarities and differences about the second coming of Jesus between Christians and Muslims. The Messiah at the end of times according to Judaism. The prophecies and portents in Islam of the descent of Jesus in the Quran and the prophetic narrations. The context of Jesus’ second coming, the trials and tribulations before it, the rise of the Mahdi and the advent of Maseeh ad-Dajjal (the False Messiah), and Jesus’ role killing him. After the False Messiah; the annulment of the false religions of the people of the book, the establishment of God’s nation under Jesus, and the invasion of the Gog and Magog. The end of Gog and Magog, followed by peace and plenty, a world without war, the universality of God’s True Religion, and the death of Jesus.
Who Is Right? - English
Who Is Right? - English: In this book the author confirms that all people claim they follow the right religion but who is really right? He assumes we are all wrong and tries to start neutrally to the answer at the end of the book.
Que disent- ils sur l’islam? - Français - Muhammad Abdullah Amin
Que disent- ils sur l’islam? - Français - Muhammad Abdullah Amin: Voici un petit recueil regroupant les témoignages et les impressions sur l’Islam de personnes de différents horizons et de toutes les époques : homme d’État ou simple citoyen, célébrité ou parfait inconnu, musulman ou non, chacun exprimant à sa façon la grandeur et la beauté de l’Islam et de ses préceptes. Au lecteur de se faire sa propre opinion… Puisse Dieu nous guider vers la lumière de la vérité.
Isis: UN study finds foreign fighters in Syria ‘lack basic understanding of Islam’ – The Deen Show
Isis: UN study finds foreign fighters in Syria ‘lack basic understanding of Islam’ – The Deen Show: Isis: UN study finds foreign fighters in Syria 'lack basic understanding of Islam'
La importancia de la Mezquita - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia
La importancia de la Mezquita - Español - Muhammad Isa Garcia: Jutbah sobre la importancia de la mezquita en la vida del musulmán y la necesidad de darles vida acorde a como era la primer mezquita construida por el Profeta Muhammad.
МУХТАСАРЕ АЗ МАНОСИК ВА РОҲНАМОИИ ҲАҶ - Тоҷикӣ - Исҳоқ ибни Абдуллоҳ Аддабири Ал-Авазӣ
МУХТАСАРЕ АЗ МАНОСИК ВА РОҲНАМОИИ ҲАҶ - Тоҷикӣ - Исҳоқ ибни Абдуллоҳ Аддабири Ал-Авазӣ: Бародарон ва ҳоҷиёни муҳтарам! аз ин ки зиёрати хонаи Худо ва ҳаҷҷи Байтуллоҳи-л-ҳаром яке аз аркон ва бунёни асоси Ислом ба шумор меравад, пас, бояд мутобиқи суннат ва гуфтори Расули акрам-саллаллоҳу алайҳи васаллам- бошад чунонки он ҳазрат худ фармуданд: «خذوا عني مناسككم، فإني لا أدري لعلي لا أحج بعد حجتي هذه». [مسلم].
«Аз ман маносик ва роҳнамои ҳаҷҷи худро биёмўзед. (Ба ривояти Муслим). Ин хадис асли азим ва бузурге дар маносик ва роҳнамои ҳаҷ аст. Пас ин мухтасари маносики ҳаҷро ба бародарони форсизабони ҷаҳон тақдим медорем ва аз Худованди азза ва ҷалл хосторем онро холисан барои ризову хушнўдии худ қарор дода, моро аҷр ва подоши нек дар дунё ва охират ато фармояд.
«Аз ман маносик ва роҳнамои ҳаҷҷи худро биёмўзед. (Ба ривояти Муслим). Ин хадис асли азим ва бузурге дар маносик ва роҳнамои ҳаҷ аст. Пас ин мухтасари маносики ҳаҷро ба бародарони форсизабони ҷаҳон тақдим медорем ва аз Худованди азза ва ҷалл хосторем онро холисан барои ризову хушнўдии худ қарор дода, моро аҷр ва подоши нек дар дунё ва охират ато фармояд.
(Al Qur'an, 05: 32)
The Deen Show
"whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely."
(Al Qur'an, 05: 32)
Hurry Up!!! Do not miss this Opportunity.
The Deen Show
Hurry Up!!! Do not miss this Opportunity.
Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported Allah's Messenger (Peace be upon Him) as saying:
"He who observed the fast of Ramadan and then followed it with six (fasts) of Shawwal. it would be as if he fasted perpetually."
(Saheeh Al Muslim, Book #006, Hadith #2614)
For detail about this Hadith read this link (
Floating in the space
ISLAM and Science مع Shahrukh Khan.
At the beginning of the twenty century, the scientists claimed that words of Qur'an are not accurate from the scientific point of view because Allah Almighty described all things in the space that they are floating; also those scientists claimed that the word floating is not accurate because all planets and galaxies are rotating not floating.
Floating in the space
Let us read this article to discover that all meanings of Quran are accurate and also to glorify Allah Almighty the creator of everything …
At the beginning of the twenty century, the scientists claimed that words of Qur'an are not accurate from the scientific point of view because Allah Almighty described all things in the space that they are floating; also those scientists claimed that the word floating is not accurate because all planets and galaxies are rotating not floating.
But after many years of researches, the astronomers discovered what is called the cosmic building which concludes that the entire universe is like a perfect building.
The scientists discovered that universe is full of material and empty space is not existed, so all planets are floating in universe but in low density, in fact this reality is discovered few years ago.
Recent scientists confirm that empty space is not existed but every part of universe is full of material and substance, so all planets and galaxies are floating in material.
Here we have to read what astronomers in NASA say about that: In space, astronauts do not walk on the floor like people on Earth do. They float around inside their spacecraft. That is because of microgravity. Microgravity is when things seem to be weightless. "Micro-" means "very small." Microgravity is when the pull of gravity is not very strong. In microgravity, it is easy to move heavy objects. Astronauts can even move things that weigh hundreds of pounds with just the tips of their fingers.
Therefore, NASA used to send their Astronauts for training three weeks of swimming under water as a preparation fortheir space trip.
Muslims holly book of Quran used a scientific word more than 1400 years ago when Allah Almighty described the movement of all planets, galaxies and every moving object in the space as they are "floating".
Here we have to read and contemplate in the holy verse as Allah Almighty says:
"And He it is who has created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon, each in an orbit floating." (Sûrat Al-Anbiyâ’-verse33).
Walking in Space,
When I look at the elderly
قناة الهدى مع Mariam Illang.
When I look at the elderly I wonder how we always wish each other a long life with a good health..while it seems that long life does not combine with the good health… Just look at any elderly one to know how it is so hard to do anything without a help..Subhan Allah Who says ;
َّثُم جَعَلَ مِنْ بَعْدِ قُوَّةٍ ضَعْفًا وَشَيْبَ
then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair.
then after strength gave (you) weakness and grey hair.
So seize these two advantages ; youth and health before it's too late.
Hadith Software Sahih Bukhari Muslim Riyad Us Saleheen - Free downloads and reviews - CNET
Hadith Software Sahih Bukhari Muslim Riyad Us Saleheen - Free downloads and reviews - CNET hadith software sahih bukhari muslim riyad us saleheen free download - Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sahih Al-Bukhari - Sahih Muslim Hadith Books Translated In English Pro Version, and many more programs
is supporters in kerala: 'Speeches of Islamic preacher Zakir Naik have no terror content' | Kochi News - Times of India
is supporters in kerala: 'Speeches of Islamic preacher Zakir Naik have no terror content' | Kochi News - Times of India: KOZHIKODE: The allegation that Islamic preacher Zakir Naik played a major role in radicalizing Kerala youth who have joined the Islamic State seems to.
جليات الجبار |
جليات الجبار | جليات الجبار - شرح الكلمة - قاموس الكتاب المقدس | دائرة المعارف الكتابية المسيحية - معجم الكلمات العسرة في الإنجيل - كنيسة أنبا تكلا - إسكندرية - مصر
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