الأربعاء، 23 مارس 2016

L’extraordinaire Coran (Toutes les parties) - La religion de l'Islam

《古兰经》,反犹主义者?(2/2):遵守盟约 - 文章

Ich möchte ein Muslim werden, aber... Mythen über das Konvertieren zum Islam (teil 3 von 3)(Alle Teile) - Die Religion des Islam

The Benefits of Converting to Islam (All parts) - The Religion of Islam

Антисемитичен ли Коран? Часть 1: Семиты, избранный народ - Религия Ислам

Антисемитичен ли Коран? Часть 2: Соблюдение договора - Религия Ислам

Lessons from the Story of the Cave (part 1 of 2): And God will make your affair easy - The Religion of Islam

The Amazing Quran (part 5 of 9) - The Religion of Islam

The Amazing Quran (part 4 of 9) - The Religion of Islam

The Amazing Quran (part 2 of 9) - The Religion of Islam

Ce que dit l’islam au sujet des enfants (partie 5 de 5): La garde des enfants et l’équité - La religion de l'Islam

Ce que dit l’islam au sujet des enfants (partie 4 de 5): Soin, amour et éducation - La religion de l'Islam

Ce que dit l’islam au sujet des enfants (partie 3 de 5): Accueillir le nouveau-né - La religion de l'Islam

Principles of Self-Development in Islam

De la nécéssité de suivre les hadiths authentiques - Français - Mohammed Nasserdine al Albani

les invocations quotidiennes du muslman - Français - Ghazy Daghistany

The Cohesive Nature of the Family - English

The ways of Allah with His creation - Muhammad Salih Al-Munajjid

Sûrat Qaf (The Letter Qaf) - Al-Mus'haf Al-Murattal - Mishary Rashed Alafasy

who is allah?

AbduAllaah Alaatar

erfection. Allaah is One and Unique. He has no son, no partner, nor equal. He is the sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe. Every creature bears witness to His Oneness, Divinity, and Ruboobiyyah, and to the uniqueness of His attributes and names.


AbduAllaah Alaatar
Usamah bin Zaid (May Allah be pleased with them) narrated: The daughter
of the Prophet (PBUH) sent for him as her child was dying, but the
Prophet (PBUH) returned the messenger and sent her good wishes saying,
"Whatever Allah takes away or gives, belongs to Him, and everything with
Him has a limited fixed term (in this world), and so she should be
patient and anticipate Allah's reward.'' She again sent for him adjuring
him for the sake of Allah to come. The Messenger of Allah, accompanied
with Sa`d bin `Ubadah, Mu`adh bin Jabal, Ubayy bin Ka`b, Zaid bin Thabit
and some other men went to see her. The child was lifted up to the
Messenger of Allah while his breath was disturbed in his chest. On
seeing that, the eyes of the Prophet (PBUH) streamed with tears. Sa`d
said, "O Messenger of Allah! What is this?'' He replied, "It is
compassion which Allah has placed in the hearts of His slaves, Allah is
Compassionate only to those among His slaves who are compassionate (to
others)".Another version says: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah
shows compassion only to those among His slaves who are
compassionate".[Al-Bukhari and Muslim].

How to apply the name of Allah in our day to day life - English

The Common Origin of Humanity

AbduAllaah Alaatar
The Common Origin of Humanity
“O mankind! Be conscious of your Lord, who has created you from
one soul (Adam), and out of it created its mate (Eve), and out of the two
spread many men and women. And remain conscious of God, in whose name you
demand [your rights] from one another, and of these ties of kinship. Verily,
God is ever watchful over you!” (Quran 4:1)
God addresses entire humanity and asks them to be
conscious of Him, to be aware of His presence. God reminds people of a
forgotten reality: their earthly origins. All human beings have One God, their
Creator, one father – Adam – and one mother, Eve. The plight of modernity
could begin to heal if human beings remember their origins.
Human beings did not appear on this earth by their own
will. Rather, someone else willed that human beings inhabit earth. Someone
else willed their existence and prepared the earth and sun in perfect balance
to make life possible. If people were to recall this simple fact, they would proceed
in the right direction. The One who willed human existence has perfect
knowledge of humanity and their strengths and their weaknesses. If humans
recognized this, they would obey the One they owe their existence to.
Just like human beings have come into existence by the
will of the One, human beings also trace back to the same parents. If people
were to realize this, racism, ethnic superiority, and exploitation would end. Siblings
would stop fighting and taking each other’s life. Siblings would realize their
common Creator and be conscious of Him, and give their “kin” their due rights.
Human beings would not divide themselves into casts and classes. Human beings
would not let race, skin color, or national origin determine superiority.
If human beings were to realize that another soul was
created from the original single soul to be its mate and to spread both men and
women throughout the world, they would respect women more. Women would not
have to go through centuries of oppression, and their humanity would not have
been denied for centuries. Unfortunately, when human beings tried to correct
one wrong, they fell into another one. They forgot that a soul was created for
a soul, that a woman makes a man complete. Men and women are not engaged in an
eternal battle of genders; rather, they have been created to complement and
complete each other.
God lays out the social fabric of human society, which lies
in the family. God could have created multiple families instead of Adam and
Eve in the beginning, but He chose to create Adam and Eve, and spread humanity
from their seed. Islamic ethics considers the family to be the natural basis
and cornerstone of a moral society. A family consists of a human couple and
their (legal) children where both the man and woman have each essential roles
to play in keeping the family happy and intact.
In the latter portion of the verse is a reminder to be
conscious of God, to do what is right and to stay away from wrongdoing in whose
Name people take oaths, swear allegiances, and ask favors.
Lastly, the verse ends with a reminder that God is ever
watchful over everything, big or small; nothing escapes His knowledge and sight.
The knowledge that God is watching helps one be conscious of Him

Worldly lusts become little as the Faith grows bigger.

Wise Words (Quotation & Inspirations)
Worldly lusts become little as the Faith grows bigger.
